Chereads / Kings Game / Chapter 42 - Chapter 9 - The Living Storm (3)

Chapter 42 - Chapter 9 - The Living Storm (3)

"The world breaker?" asked Roran.

Nul nodded. "I'm not a fan but I suppose it fits."

"Why is that?"

"My primary talent is in creating and using focus markings, at least that's why Kell keeps me around. I use those skills to...bend reality, so to speak. In a way, I break the world around me to suit my needs."

"So you're a mage," said Roran.

Nul shrugged. "If that's what you want to call me. I've also been called a warlock, spellweaver, and witch."

"What do you call yourself?" asked Roran.

Nul paused. After a moment they said, "I prefer the term etcher."

"Because you etch focus markings onto people?"

Nul nodded.

Roran smiled. "Etcher it is then."

As they settled in, a servant came over to them with fruit and drink. Roran accepted a plate of fruit and a goblet of wine. He didn't like wine but it was more filling than water. Nul settled for a handful of grapes and some water.

Around them, the stands continued to fill up with people. The lower stands below them were being packed in tight, shoulder to shoulder. The balconies on the same level was them were a little more luxurious, with room to sit and servants providing refreshments. Above them were smaller, more private balconies. At the top of the arena stood a canopied platform. Plush cushions and chairs adorned the platform and a table full of food sat along one edge, manned by several servants.

"The King's Landing," said Nul, following Roran's gaze. "That's where they will watch the fight from."

Movement appeared below them and the crowd erupted into cheers. Peering down, Roran made out the figure of a tall man. He wore light armor and had his hair cropped short. His arms were bare, revealing full sleeves of focus markings winding their way from his wrists to his shoulders. A short sword sat loosely on his hip.

"Allen the shieldbreaker," said Nul.

"Why do they call him the shieldbreaker?"

"His focus markings allow him to break through most defenses. He targets people with shields and makes a show of cutting through them or shattering them."

"Oh," said Roran, wondering if his buckler counted as a shield.

More fighters appeared, drawing more cheers from the crowd. Two more men walked out into the arena, one with an axe and the other with a pair of steel gauntlets.

"Kell will have the advantage," said Roran, eyeing up the opponents.

"Yes," said Nul, "she will, but what makes you think so?"

"They're on flat ground and most of her opponents have short weapons. Kell will have better reach and is more agile."

"Wrong," said a familiar voice, "but good guess."

Turning, Roran found Morena leaning on a bench behind him. He hopped over the bench and sat down near Nul and Roran. Roran immediately scooted back, looking for a weapon.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt anyone here," said Morena. "Besides, there isn't enough money in the world to make me take on the world breaker."

"Better me than Kell," said Nul.

"Oh gods, you didn't put her focus markings back on did you?"

Nul grinned and nodded.

Morena rubbed his face. "Great, just what the world needs, another monster. You two should really go fight in the wars already."

"We're doing the world a favor by removing people like you from it," said Nul.

"What did I get wrong?" asked Roran, cutting between them. He didn't like Morena, but he was curious as to what part of his assessment was wrong.

"They won't be fighting on level ground," said Morena. "Kell will still have a reach advantage, but she will have to manage around obstacles and buildings."

Roran frowned and looked at the arena again. It was as flat as the Crucible.

"The focus markings also make a difference," said Nul. "They grant people unique abilities and powers. She will have to adapt to each opponent on the fly."

"Which is why she has her little birdy in the sky, eh?" asked Morena, waggling his eyebrows.

Nul scowled and ignored him, looking back at the arena.

"Good job killing Gress, by the way," said Morena. "You've got a good head on your shoulders. You need to cut the dead weight though."

"The dead weight?" asked Roran.

"Your village people, or kinsmen, or homebodies. Whatever you want to call them. They'll leech off you and hold you back. If you want to be a champion and live a cozy life, you need to cut out the people that aren't useful."

"If I want to be like you, you mean."

Morena shrugged. "I've got a pretty cozy life. As long as I keep my eyes open and avoid little gremlins like your Kell, I can live comfortably. I don't make much money but it keeps a roof over my head and food in my belly. I even have enough for wine and women."

"You torture people for fun and sport," said Roran.

"It's all part of the show, it makes the audience love me."

"You seem to enjoy it."

Morena shrugged. "Enjoying your work isn't a bad thing."

"It is when your work is flaying people alive."

"So kill me," said Morena, shrugging. "If you can."

"I'd be careful if I were you," said Nul. "Roran took Kell head on and walked away alive."

Morena scowled at Nul but fell silent. The crowd was cheering again and he took it as a chance to break away from the conversation. Below them more gladiators were entering the arena. Among them was Kell, her spear bouncing happily against her shoulder as she walked.

Nul pressed two fingers behind their ear and mumbled, "Champion's balcony, lower right seating."

From the arena, Kell looked directly up at them and waved, grinning. Nul smiled and waved back.

"How did you do that?" asked Roran.

"I'm an etcher," said Nul, "Breaking the rules of this world is my specialty."

"Will you show me how to do that?"

"Sure, but not until you leave the Crucible. You're not allowed to have focus markings in there."

"You're going to give me focus markings?" asked Roran.

"Of course, how else would you be able to keep up with Kell. You two are going to be fighting together. That's why we wanted you to watch this match, we want you to know what to expect moving forward."

Morena snorted. "Yeah kid, get a good hard look at the hell you'll be living in from now on."

Roran and Nul ignored him. As Kell took her place along the wall at the edge of the arena, the crowd settled into an excited hum.

Then, from everywhere and nowhere all at once came a booming voice, echoing throughout the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the greatest stage this world has to offer. Welcome to the King's Arena!"