In the distant era, far a way from existing human race, an invisible mountain existed. Only those potential Vantai human vessels able to see the mountain. It has a blue thin smokes and lighting always strikes that serve as a barrier and shield that stand as potection from the ordinary human sight.
One sunny day, Shinu lives on the forest mountain with his family, his father, Kataku called him loudly, "Hey, Shinu, please give me a hand with this chicken. It is your special day now!". " Dad, how many chickens are you planning to cooked today?". "Ohhh, ahahaha laughing loudly, just 21, ahahahaha..."Wait what???!!! 21? we are only five here in the house, do you have lots of guests later?" His dad's face became serious and told Shinu about their family's sacred role and ask his son, "Shinu, hand me over the knife and get our clean white antique bowl." "Ahhh, okay dad."
His dad killed the chickens and collected the bloods from the twenty- one chickens on the antique bowl those chickens have black feathers with red legs and the bowl changed its color into a shinning blue aura and curves a symbolical design.
"Shinu, this antique bowl was passed by our ancestors through generation to generation. Long time ago, our ancestor, Abi, was a legendary vantai vessel holder. He held a dozen of Vantai coming from different land of this country to fight Digyum Vantai holders, those who made crimes, stealing, killing, corruptions, illegal transactions and any bad deeds were done by Digyum Vantais. Abi held a dozen of Zilou Vantais, those types of Vantais were protector of good people and fight Digyums. This kind of Vantais are good, they keep on maintaining the balance of the pilllar of the world.
Shinu asked, "What are Vantais dad?" "The Vantais are the spirit who find worthy human as a vessel and successor of their power. The human will become the master of the Vantai and follow all his will in exchange they must feed the vantai with human blood and crimes. Digyum Vantais, choose human with bad characteristics and Zilous choose a human vessel with a clean heart, willing to help and fight Digyums.
"Do zilou feed from human blood dad?" "No, there sacred body fueled by the aura released by the nature. Now that you are in the right age, we are going to have a ritual to open the center point of your true power as a vessel holder and that will enable you to see the sacred mountain where all the powerful vantais were sealed by Abi.
"Why you didn't do this dad? Why me, instead of you?", Son, Abi passed a message to us, as his line of family that the next holder of Legendary Vantais will be in the next 21st generation of our clan the eldest of the family, and that is you. He sealed all the Vantais in the mountain in exchange of his life, but before he sealed them all. The digyums, where so clever that in a flash of sealing they were able to left some of their hairs that transform into less powerful vantais that causes small crimes in the country up until now".
"Ordinary people were thinking that every crime is ordinary, but it is not, digyums command their vessel to commite crimes and the same time their hungry is addressed. Abi said that in the next 21st generation, he must open the mountain as the hair of Digyums will be powerful because of the crimes they made".
"How about the Zilou Vantais dad? Where are they?" " They were included during the sealing ritual as the vantais serves as the holy chain that froze the Digyums from moving amd using their sacred aura and power.
Opening the seal, and possessing Vantais is not easy. I am going to train you as based from Abi's Legendary Method of training to be worthy of holding a dozen of vantais. The aura of vantais alone can easily tear you body apart, but the vantais right now only cause us our hair in the body to stand, they are still weak as of now but the moment will come that they will obtain the power."
Kataku perfomed the rituals and the aura point of Shinu shines like a star and he push it hard that his son feels so much pain. Slowly, the aura circulates through his body to different organs. His senses improved a 100x times that he can hear voices from a far distance place and he is able to see the small vantais in the sorroundings. After the ritual a mark was seen on his back shoulder at the right side. A mark that alows the Ziloubto acknowledge Abis successor to save the world.
"Son, vantais are everywhere, digtums have black aura that covers their body and zilous have blue auras that is very cool when you are near to them." It is time son for your training, pack your things and let us say goobye to your mother and siblings."
Shinu and Kataku packed their things and left a goodbye message to their family. "Kataku, please take care of Shinu and you two must return safe."
"Do not worry dear, the legendary Kataku will protect your son, hahahahahaha. Do not be afraid dear, as long as you and our child do not go out the barrier, you are very safe here. Take care and I love you." their child said, papa and big brother please take care".
When they got out from their house Shinu noticed the mountain not far away. Dad, did I opened my aura? "Yes, son because you already see the sacred mountain". "Is that the place where we are going to train?" His dad replied, "exactly, so that your body will get used to the high pressure and gravity caused by the aura of legendary vantais that were sealed in the mountain".
"Son, expect that while we are on our way, lots of small vantais will stop us, do not let your guard down, use your improved senses to respond, do not worry, since your body is covered with a blue aura that circulates you body, it easily repond and command your body what to do. That cool aura is like a burning hell whene Digyum feel and touch it. "Yes dad", and they travelled going to the sacred mountain.