Deep at the bottom of the abyss, red flames followed by the smell of burning flesh spread in all directions. There are pools of hot lava billowing out one after another, occasionally bubbling gas from this stream.

Blood and sweat were already mixed, flowing from her temples, with black hair covering part of his face.

The woman stood on trembling legs as if she might fall at any moment. Her hands tightly gripped the chains imprisoning his two hands, and the chains emitted a hissing sound and the smell of burnt leather. The woman could certainly feel that her skin was being burned from holding onto the chain, but she had to hold on to it.

This woman tried to hold onto the chain, and she didn't fall. Because right under her feet, a steaming hot lava stream awaited him. If she fell, this torture would be even more painful!

The woman's eyes were sharp and cold like a thousand-year-old knife, but it was obvious that the gaze was empty.

"Have you thought about giving up?"

Suddenly a soft voice came from all corners of the soul purification abyss. This voice was uncertain, whether a woman or a man, but it was very authoritative.

"Hehehe", Fayanna Li chuckled, her voice low as a gentle breeze. There was a faint sneer in his tone. "It's come this far, should I give up? Just a step away, right?"

The voice that came was only silence, and he took a deep breath.

"So stubborn, don't you know that this last soul purification is more torturous than the ninety-nine soul purifications you've been through? If you fail to serve this sentence, the execution will be your soul annihilated."

"So what? I have prepared myself for quite a long time for this final law." Said Fayanna Li

"Then what? I have prepared myself for quite a long time for this final law." Fayanna Li said coldly, and she only had her twins as the last treasure. She had lost her twins once, but this time she had a chance, a chance to see her twins again.

Can she just let it all go?

The voice was no longer heard. The sky suddenly turned into a roll of dark clouds that thickly covered the entire world—followed by the ground slowly shaking from being slow to strong and very strong.

Fayanna Li, who sensed the change, her lips mumbled in a low voice,

"Twins Niangqin, be patient and wait for Niangqin to come see you. Hmm?"

After the faint sound slowly sounded, suddenly a thunderbolt so powerful that the mountains shook, with a sound so strong that it could make people deaf.

When the lightning hit him, Fayanna Li's previously open eyes closed. As a genius immortal cultivator, Fayanna Li had learned many cultivation skills of immortality techniques since she was young.

Coupled with the memories she had for three lifetimes, she became an ambitious person.

She has no particular interest in what is called wealth or power. For her, it is all mortal. What he wanted to do was find the secret behind rebirth.

They think of her as a silly person because he is obsessed with things that are not clear. But she stuck to her principles, and she wanted to see her babies again, to see her twins.

While travelling worldwide in search of the secret of rebirth and collecting lots of good stuff for her future baby, Fayanna Li is confident that she will succeed.

Even now, when the pain that came as if thousands of dull blades had instantly cut her flesh into a thousand pieces was mixed with the intense burning feeling that burst into her brain shattering.

In the darkness of the eyes that had long lost the ability to see, Fayanna Li felt extremely tormented with anxiety. She kept telling herself,

Just a little more. Just a little more

If you can endure a little longer

You will meet him

Darkness is slowly causing his body to become extremely cold, and the painful feeling is slowly being replaced by emptiness.

The last second before Fayanna Li breathed her last, a golden white light appeared from above the sky, brightly penetrating the abyss and ending on Fayanna Li's body.

Gradually, the body gave off a faint glow, and finally, the body became transparent and blended with the air. Split into a beautiful light that spreads across the continent


It was already scorching heat in the room, suppressed high by the existing air conditioner. A beautiful spiral staircase wrapped in a red carpet adorns the sparkling granite floor.

Dozens of chandeliers made of crystal beautifully adorn the ceiling while emitting a glimmer of his golden white light that fell reflected on the granite floor like a charming shallow pool of water.

The carpets were full of footsteps on them, looking very serene. The beautiful music that was there completely stopped in the long and lonely corridors of the hotel.

It was hushed, in contrast to the bustle of the several floors below. You can see the light of the lamp illuminating along the corridor leading to a luxurious hotel room.

Including one of the best VIP rooms in the city, it is a direct image of who is currently using it.

The interior of the bedroom is huge and luxurious. The glitter of the expensive items in it is consumed by the darkness of the night. But something was certain, and the room wasn't empty.

There was a sickening sight, where the beautiful room was completely messed up with a cloth that had long been torn into pieces. Very scattered, thrown in every corner of the bedroom space.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable, Fayanna Li furrowed her brows in both displeasure and anger!

Fayanna Li tried hard to open her eyes but felt that they were no longer hers! Trying hard, and when the Phoenix's black eyes managed to open, the

Darkness of

Her first Sight was pitch black.

Fayanna Li realized that there was something very wrong with her current condition. Starting from her hand, which had lost its strength, her weak eyes seemed to close in the next second without being able to open them again.

The experiences of many years of her life made Fayanna Li aware of the dangers that lurked her. And now, the danger is upon him, pressing and groping!!!

Fayanna Li was truly furious in her heart, and she was trying to struggle to break free. But Fayanna Li found that her body was very weak, weak as if she had no bones!!!

All these symptoms! Making Fayanna Li grit her teeth!

Who gave her the Aphrodisiac!


Fayanna Li felt that the living being above her right now was male. Whether it's a human or a mad monster seeking death, Fayanna Li only knows that this male is inquisitive about his body!!!

"Huh, are you awake?"

Suddenly a man's voice was quiet hoarse, magnetic, and full of lust. There was a hint of ridicule in his voice. Making Fayanna Li, who had fallen into a rage, want to instantly burn this damn manly soul.

"Heh, what a really nice body," the man said with a small chuckle. He was holding onto something soft and finding that the body underneath had stiffened.

Her brows furrowed slightly, although it was very dark, the man realized that the woman below him didn't want this to continue.

But who dares to confuse herself? After all, this bottom has been very uncomfortable for a long time!

Let go of this woman and torture himself? Pretty stupid for him to do that! Torturing himself!

On the other hand, Fayanna Li was surprised by her hearing. Her brain stopped thinking, and her eyes widened in disbelief.

How could this happen!?

This man is looking for her to the abyss of soul purification!?

Hah!!? Is that possible!!!?

There was no need to think more, and her brain had overworked. Her eyes became very dark and dark. With the man on top of it, the loot is relentless!

In the morning, Fayanna Li woke up from her sleep by relying on her biological clock. Moving her body, suddenly felt,


After feeling that Fayanna Li's pain was lessening, Fayanna Li was finally able to observe her surroundings.

Fayanna Li "…" Dazed for a moment like a fool.

Not a dream!

Wait, this place is not a soul purgatory! But rooms with modern decor!?

Hah!? Modern!?

Room decorations that seem a little luxurious but straightforward! No confusing additional ornaments. Fayanna Li immediately found out,

This is a hotel!!? Ah — Should be a five-star hotel —

Eh!? That's not what matters.

Looking around, Fayanna Li Felt very familiar. Flipping through his thoughts, the memories that had been deeply entrenched were slowly engraved vividly back.

Fayanna Li: "!!!"

I made it back to my first life!!?