Chereads / That Time I Reincarnated as a Virus / Chapter 15 - Chapter 14 - Scavenging 2

Chapter 15 - Chapter 14 - Scavenging 2

2 weeks later

"Come on now, we can't stay here anymore. We're going to run out of food soon."

Grabbing a bag of the remaining food we had, she wore the bag and rushed to my side.

By now this building was stinky as hell. Like, two dead bodies decomposing in the middle of the building, you'd probably suffocate from how bad it smelled.

I'm pretty sure this is why Yui wanted to leave, before the stench started becoming worse, she was insistent on camping in the building. But now, she wanted out, as fast as possible.

Close to two months had passed since entering this building, it was time to leave. I wonder if the government was still tracking me via the liquid, but they should probably be dealing with the epidemic now.

As I bust open the camouflaged door (no electricity to open the door), I cleared the corners before signalling to Yui to come out.

As she waddled out, she placed her hands over her eyes.

"It's bright"

This was the first time Yui had seen the outside according to her since she was trapped within the cellar since she gained her consciousness.

And now, I need to kill the disease spreader controlling the play or find the vaccine to stop further spread.

As we walk through the corridor, a zombie turns the corner and walks into the corridor. I drag Yui behind a green garbage bin as we duck for cover. Thankfully, the zombie did not notice us but it still walked into the corridor.

Sht, if it comes here, it will notice us.

Slowly, I reached into my sheath and pulled out the cleaver. It was still stained with blolod from the previous encounter.

As it slowly walks past us, I circle behind it swing the cleaver, cutting deep into its flesh. Followed up by a stronger push to decapitate its neck.

After the body fell to the fall, I took my cleaver and sliced the zombie's arm, placing it over my shoulder and drenching it with its blood.

I cut the other hand off and threw it to Yui, she took a step back and squealed.

"What are you doing!"

"Well, we don't know if these zombies can smell us, so i think its better to get rid of our stench."

"But it didn't smell us!" She said, pointing at the dead zombie on the ground. She was trying to find every possible way to not drench herself in the blood of the zombie

"Maybe we were just lucky with the first zombie since we happened to be situated beside a garbage bin, so its better to play it safe.... Now hurry up, the blood is drying up."

With this, she picked up the hand from the ground and grimaced. She placed the arm over her head and squeezed it, keeping her eyes shut.

"I didn't tell you to do it to your hair as well idiot, your even more daring than me." I laughed

After realising, she held the arm tightly and proceeded to charge at me, "Why you!"

I was surprised at how fast she caught up to me. In a few seconds, she overtook me and the next, she slapped me with the decapitated side of the arm,

Damn this place is crowded....

We peaked behind the wall and almost every turn you'd probably meet 1-2 zombies easily.

There was a house around the corner, we should camp there for the night.

I'm still wondering why me and Yui decided it was a good idea to leave the previous area at 6 pm, the sun was close to setting and most of the surroundings were dark.

It's been 2 weeks since the apocalypse, all if not most of the lamps and any sources of light were already off. We were basically close to being blind.

As my eyes begin to adjust to the darkness, I spot a house not to far from here. The windows were broken and the door was wide open. There was a high chance it was already broken into. We needed shelter for the night and that was the only option.

Sneaking through the first few zombies, the last few were relatively close to the front door.

I picked up a pebble and tossed it off to the side, like idiots, they followed.

We sneak in through the front door a quickly but quietly slammed it shut.

"Shiki, there's a second level up here"

"Go up there and clear the rooms, I'm going to check around the first level"

I walk into the kitchen with my butcher knife out in my right hand. It seemed clear so the first thing I checked was the fridge.

Everything inside was spoilt and smelled like shit, rotten from 2 weeks of the fridge not working.

The drawers however, were mostly emptied out. There was one that had a bit of cup noodles so I tucked them into my bag.

Dining room. Empty

Living Room. Empty

Someone's Room 1. Mostly Empty

Someone's Room 2. It did have a bit of stuff.

A gaming laptop , it had a bit of charge left - 20%

The browser saved the most recent searches so I didn't need to have network to go through what the previous owner went through.

Let's see

"" ok...

"Redo of the healer ep 2 (Uncensored) " ok.....


Useless shit

Browser history worth nothing

All some jackass porn, what the fuck did this guy do before the apocalypse

Probably dead, I hope his dead,

I don't even want to touch the shit into his room now, it's probably dirty.

Last Room. Left Relatively Untouched

This was the storage room judging by how much stuff is here.

And there is some pretty useful stuff here.


Items Gained ;.;

Fuel Tank - Small

Utility Knife

3x Glass Cup
