Chereads / Pokémon CRIMSON &VIOLET / Chapter 2 - chapter 1 Embark

Chapter 2 - chapter 1 Embark

Our journey begins in the little town of Embark, where every fifteen years three children from the new generation are chosen to become Pokémon trainers and assist the professor within his research. They are chosen from 10- 13 years of age to assist in the long standing traditions of the past to aid in the progress of Pokémon research and growth both as a trainer and a person. they'll start their journey after receiving a starter Pokémon and a Pokédex from the professor. Let's get started.

Beep beep beep beep Bonk!

Becca: Huh what time is it. It's already that late, aw no I got to hurry. What should I wear for my first day as Pokémon trainer.

Mom: Never mind that if you don't hurry, your going to lose out on picking the starter you want.

Becca: Oh right in that case I'll just go and change later, as I prepare for my journey. Okay Professor Redwood, I'm here.

Professor Redwood : Oh hello, nice to see that you've made it. I'm still waiting for one more person but Daniel here has already picked Gobleaf.

Daniel: I expect great things from you Gobleaf. Don't disappoint me.

Krubble rushed towards Becca.

Becca: Oh hey little guy, I guess you want to go with me.

Cameron: I'm ready to pick my starter.

Bunilit Dashed towards Cameron.

Cameron: Hey Bunilit, it's been a while. I guess you'll be going with me.

Professor Redwood: Okay now I'll give each of you a Pokédex to start your research. Where'd I put them, this time.

Maple: They're on your desk.

Professor Redwood: Thanks Maple. Here you go, one for each of you. Now you just need to set out on your journey. I wish you the best of luck.

Becca: Hi mom I'm home.

Becca's Mom: Oh hello dear I've already packed the stuff you'll need, to start with, it's in your room, also here's some spending money. One more thing could you take your Father's lunch to him.

Becca's family: good bye sis., see you when you become Champion, we'll miss you, be sure to let us know when you get to the next town!

Becca: Good bye! I will! I wonder what I'll catch first. let's see here. How exactly do I get to Saltsy City where Dad is.

Wild Pokémon jumps out of the tall grass


Becca: Wuh? Nows my chance to test my battle knowledge. Krubble go, use bubble. Hey little guy you're coming with me, Go pokeball!

Becca is eagerly waiting to see if it was a successful capture.

bleep, bleep, bleep, ding!

Becca: Oh yah, I finally caught a Pokémon all by myself. Let's check your entry. it says here its name's Kluckluc. Oh right, now let's get Dad his lunch.

Meanwhile at the Research lab

Becca's Dad: While I have free time, I might as well have a little snack. Huh where'd my lunch go. Wait did I leave it on the counter again? Well I guess I'll go see what the vending machine has for me.

Just then he gets a call from the front desk.

Front desk: Your Daughter is here, she says she brought your lunch.

Becca's Dad: Okay, tell her I'll be right out.

Front desk: He said he's on his way now.

Becca pacing back & forth.

Becca's Dad: Hey sweetie, it's nice to know I have such dependable children. Oh right i have something for you to.

He presents her with a camping kit.

Becca's Dad: Here you go, it's for your journey.

Becca: Thanks Dad!

Becca says goodbye & walks out of the building.

Cameron: Hey Becca, you're already here. Well did you catch any Pokémon yet?

Becca: Yeah one.

Cameron: Great, then let's battle!

Go Bunilit!

Becca: Okay I'll choose Krubble. Use Bubble.

Cameron: Dodge it & use ember. sure it won't do much, but if I manage to burn you then I'll be able to do damage without attacking. Okay now use scratch!

Becca: Use bite Krubble.

Cameron was defeated.

Cameron: Nice job Becca, but I'll be the winner next time.

Siren sounds

Cameron: Hey Becca let's go see what's going on over there.

They rush to where the noise is coming from.


Cameron: Who are you guys?

Team ... member: We're the ones who will soon rule this whole area.

Cameron: Hey Becca let's teach these jerks a lesson. Bunilit I'm counting on you.

Becca: Let's go Kluckluc.

Team ... member: Stankun use smoke screen.

When the smoke cleared they were nowhere to be found.

Cameron: Darn it they got away.

Becca: I wonder who they were. I wonder if we'll ever see them again. So what have you been up to lately? Did you catch any Pokémon yet?

Cameron: Sure did, here I'll show you. Go Duscoon.

Becca: Isn't that supposed to be super hard to find in the daytime.

Cameron: Yeah, but I just so happen to have a Mom who knows how to make bait for finding Pokémon. She studies the differences in Pokémon food preferences. I know, she's pretty awesome. Well I'm off to go challenge my first gym.

Becca: Good luck!

Cameron: Thanks. Have you run into Daniel yet.

Becca: No but I'm sure he's doing okay.