The arena square wasn't as crowded as the market area of the district was, and it was mainly because of the lack of common folk, and by common, I meant not carrying weapons or looking as though they were there to participate. I'd thought they'd been a lot of variety before, but there was even more in the square, and I felt a rush of excitement, especially when I saw a few areas where people seemed to be taking part in small events. There was a large group surrounding a pair of people who seemed to be throwing a dagger at each other and seeing who could fail to catch the dagger first. It was very impressive and dangerous since it looked like a real dagger and not some fake prop, it also didn't help that they seemed to be purposefully trying to kill the other, aiming for vital spots like the heart or head.
Next to that seemed to be some sort of strength-based competition. A large half-orc sat at a table and people walked up to challenge him to an arm-wrestling contest. I watched as a burly-looking man sat, and grasped hands with the half-orc. A referee next to the table brought his hand down, and almost instantly the half-orc smashed the man's hand into the table, which would have probably cracked if it had been wood, and thinner.
"Would you like to try?" Julia asked, her eyes roaming across my muscular arms. "You seem strong."
I thought about it for a second the shrugged. I hadn't really tested my strength out yet, and this was a harmless and simple way of doing so. "Sure."
Julia had the carriage stop, and we walked over, the crowd around the table parting as we approached.
"And what have we here, a new challenger?" The referred, a middle-aged man with a long white mustache, asked, his eyes taking in our expensive-looking clothes and the guards around us. He bowed low to Julia before turning to me. "Fine sir, you think you can best the great Ornax?"
I smirked and took a seat across from the half-orc. 'We'll see."
"No magic allowed, and It cost a singl—"
There was the sound of a coin being flung before the referee could finish, and I guessed Julia of one of the servants must have done paid the fee.
"Thank you kindly, you ready, erm?"
"David," I said. "Name's David, and I'm ready, prepare to lose."
The crow chuckled at that, but I didn't react. They'd see soon enough that I wasn't an ordinary challenger.
The referee smiled. "Then lock hands, and on my mark."
I locked hands with the half roc who grinned as he squeezed, though I felt no discomfort, and grinned right back at him, which seemed to surprise him. His grip tightened further as the referee began his count.
"Three, two, one, go!"
Instead of pushing I just kept my hand still and steady as the half-orc attempted to push my hand down, his teeth gritted as his eyes grew more and more confused. I felt him putting more strength into it, but he only managed to budge me by a little, not that he wasn't strong. I was putting effort into keeping my hand up, just not that much.
I waited for a few more seconds, and mutters and whispers sounded from the crowd around me, along with the sound of Julia's voice.
"End this, David, we've more places to see."
I smiled, and with all my strength pushed down. He must not have been expecting it, not that it would have helped. With my increased strength, his hand was smashed against the table. He winced, the crowd cheered.
The free looked defeated as he pulled a large bag from his vest. "Here's your winning?"
"There was a prize for beating him," Erza explained. "It was on the sign."
I must have missed it, but I didn't need the money since I had Julia. "Keep it, I don't need it."
The referee looked shocked but didn't argue, and after a profuse thanks, we left.
"Just as I thought," Julia remarked with a smile. "Very strong."
"As expected," Erza added.
"Can we check out the lone competitions now?" I asked.
"We can," Julia replied. "It's probably nearer the actual arena, come on."
It took us around half an hour to find the sign-up area since none of us were familiar with the area, though Julia had read and heard enough that we knew the general area and after asking around we made it to an open area in the shadow of the arena, which was extremely large. It towered up into the sky and looked large enough to house hundreds of thousands if not over a million. There were long lines leading up to platforms that held multiple desks manned by people, but we ignored them as due to Julia's status as a noble, almost immediately once we entered the area, a well-dressed man, accompanied by a guard approached us, his eyes locked onto the crest the guards around us wore.
He stopped in front of Julia and bowed low. "Welcome Lady Viscott, we weren't expecting you. I am an arena guide, is there anything I may help you with?"
"I wish to know of all the competitions taking place for lone competitors," Julia answered. "My friends here are thinking of participating, but wish to know more first."
"Of course, of course, would you like to talk more inside, we have an excellent lounge area?"
Julia glanced over at me, and I nodded. We were getting quite alot of stares and it was rather loud, not to mention that we weren't going to be standing in line anyways. Julia's status and family made things easier for us.
The guide led us into a nearby building and up a set of stairs into a wide and comfy looking room, that held what looked like two large couches at the center, a drink bar to the right, and rows of food and snacks to the left. We took seats and Julia's servants quickly got to setting up tea service.
"So," I began, turning my attention to the guide. "What sorts of lone competitions are going on?"