"Why do you think Mallia Mamet showed up at the police station so late? Could it be related to that person?"
Bronte knew who Steve Harris was talking about, but it couldn't be that serious, could it? After all, it was so late, and that person didn't seem the type to care too much about timing. If they really wanted to strike at Mallia, they would do it in broad daylight too.
"I don't think so, Boss, you shouldn't worry too much. We're almost there; we'll find out what's going on when we arrive!"
Indeed, worrying now was pointless. They could only understand the situation once there. But why did Bronte still talk to him with such respect?
"Why can't you treat me as a friend, like we agreed? We're brothers now, and yet you keep calling me 'Boss' and 'Mister.' Are you planning to keep your distance from me forever?"