Chereads / Left in the wild / Chapter 3 - The return Of the son

Chapter 3 - The return Of the son

After their sentimental moments, Michael told Jared of the return of his son. Jared was very happy because he will be able to see more of Michaels smile instead of a gloomy face. So, Jared asked for three days leave off work which was granted.

It is a day to 'the day' Khalid arrives, Michael was too elated so he sent Jared to take care and handle the store while he prepares the house. Half way through the day, Jared went home to pick up his phone since he had no means of communicating with anyone. As he was about to leave the house he saw a beautiful white car park in front of the house so he decided to stay inside the house in case of any occurrence.

Looking through the window, he saw a very beautifully handsome man come out of the car in a corporate attire, looking at the suit it's Armani which is worth a lot. Jared was surprised when the rich stranger reached the front door and rung the door bell. Immediately, Jared opened the door and stared at the man's facial beauty in awe.


*Jared's P. O. V**

I was looking at the stranger like I've seen a ghost, he looked like a Greek god, I wouldn't even dare compare myself to this man. Then the stranger snapped his fingers which brought me out of my thought.

"Who are you and why are you here?" the stranger said looking at me like I came to steal.

"The real question is who are you? I said pointing to him. Then he gave me a confused look. The next question he asked took me by serious surprise.

"What are you doing in my father's house?

I was dumbfounded and for some seconds I couldn't speak at all.

" Are you Michael's son? I asked

"Yes and who are you?

" Aren't you suppose to come tomorrow? I said freaking out because all our preparation for his arrival is not complete.

"Yes but I decided to come by earlier. Now answer my question WHO. ARE. YOU?

" Oh, sorry, I'm Jared Khan, your father helped me when I had nothing on the streets" Immediately I finished my sentence, we saw Michael's car park behind Khalid's car.

Coming out of the car, Michael looked surprised to see a rich man's car in front of his house so he packed what he bought and came into his house, he was taken by surprise when he saw he's son at the front door, he couldn't believe his eyes he cleaned his eyes and blinked again and again. After being sure he wasn't day dreaming, immediately he dropped he's bags of groceries and gave his son a tight hug and kisses round his face he couldn't contain his joy so he started crying. As he was ushering his son into the house, he saw me and asked what I was doing in the house

" I came to grab my phone then your son arrived so I couldn't leave because I didn't know him so now that I've confirmed I'm leaving "

"Leaving to where? he asked

"The store" I replied shortly

"Oh thank you" he said leaving me to go to Mikey's.


** Michael's P. O. V**

After many long years, I'm seeing my son, it was too much joy to handle. immediately we got into the house, he settled down in the room I prepared for him. After some minutes, he came down to the living room and sat beside me so I decided to know what happened all these years and how he got his money

"Its a long story, I don't think you will be able to sit for long.

"Don't worry about how long the story is, I will listen to it" Then he started

At first, it wasn't easy, I rented a small apartment and started job hunting, then I met an old friend of mine who owns a small business, he got me a job at his modelling agency as an IT and as I continued my work I kept on hoping for the better then one day I got a call from this big shot company that deals with technologies, I didn't want to betray my friend who helped me to get a living so I asked for a few days to think and they said only a short period of time before they find someone else, so I told them I'll get back to them the next day, Immediately, I went to my friends office and told him everything he didn't feel bad like I thought instead he encouraged my to accept the job offer and not worry about him and his company. He's really a good person. The next day I called back and accepted the job offer and all these occurrences happened for three years. I got the job as a secretary to the C. E. O, honestly it wasn't as easy as I thought but the C. E. O liked me very much so when the corrupt manager who stole from him got himself fired the next year, the C. E. O put me in the manager's position that is where I've been since the two years ago" he completed his story

" So, for the past six years, you didn't think it was right to put a call through to your old man?" I said trying to pull his legs

" Sorry dad, I seriously have no excuse for doing so. I hope you forgive me". He said in a low tone.

" A father cannot stay angry at his son forever " I replied putting a bright smile on my face

" So who is the boy that lives with you"

"He's someone that needs help, comfort, support and a family. Please don't treat him like a maid or something else. Treat him like a brother, over the time he's been staying with me I've started to see him as my second son". I said with a pleading face towards my son

" He's name is Jared. How old is he and what job is he engaged in?"

I keep quiet because it isn't an easy thing to say.