so they tell everything about all the supernatural creatures to the step father and one of them they tell is the moon goddess and gavin says that she gives every werewolf a mate but it doesn't always go the way you think It will go he looks at the narah and smiled and said I'm glad it worked great for me i just hope our kids wont be cursed by the moon goddess and gets a love like narah. i feel left out my child and soon to be wife can find the dragons and if anything would happen they could live with the dragons and i wont be able to.
years pass by and narah and gavin are married and are now trying for a family both families are now living together because of werewolf rules but only the stepfather is living with them not anyone else on the human side of the family.after a few years they have a child and every year the day before the child birthday narah would take him to visit the dragons and then on his birthday he spend it with everyone else.
until one day everything came crashing down the vampires decided they wanted to be the only supernatural left in the world but they were gracious enough to allow to have the witches live in the world because they are useful to them but everyone else must die.they forgot about dragons because they never leave the island and so the werewolf and fairies and everyone one else was up for grabs.
he kills everyone and now he is at the mansion where narah lives and the vampires are now killing everyone right in front of them narah transforms into a dragon and her son and her husband get on her back because everyone is dead or betrayed them and betrayed I mean the witch mother betrayed everyone she was the reason they got in the mansion. and both fathers are now dead so trying to find a place to hide she figures they can hide with the dragons but how is she going to get her husband there and she comes up with a solution there is a tiny island on the way to dragon island so she drops him off there and she takes her son to the island and tells them everything so they allow the husband to live with them so one of the elder dragons goes and gets them and now the dragons are so pissed that they go out and take a few of the other races that managed to survive and all are now living on dragon island
after a few more years and the races are now being rebuilt the king dragon and the elder dragon decide to make narah and gavin the next king and queen but now over all the races since they saved them they tend to make it where the dragons rule all the supernatural.