Chereads / The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel / Ryoto's powers and more vol 2 ch 98-311 (Spoilers)

Ryoto's powers and more vol 2 ch 98-311 (Spoilers)

(A/N Only new powers from chapters 98-311 will be described here.)

Prediction calculation - Ability to calculate the future by using mathematics. The more information the easier to and more accurately the calculations are. 40 minutes per day is a limit and it resets at midnight.

All of Mark Evans's (Mamoru Endou) defensive techniques - Currently Ryoto can use God hand and Majin the Hand.

Zangetsu - Zanpakuto, a sword that is a part of Ryoto. In its normal state it is an ordinary katana but invoking its name transforms it into big blade with a cloth on its grip that can extend to certain extend and Ryoto can manipulate its movement however it's not very durable. In its Bankai state the blade shrinks back to the size of ordinary katana but this time it's entirely black. Ryoto in this state is faster and stronger.

*Getsuga Tenshou - A big blast of energy in the shape of half-moon (Zangetu's ability)

*Bankai (Tensa Zangetsu) - He compress his Reiatsu into a small black blade increasing his strength and speed tremendously.

Bully Maguire suit - Ryoto can summon a black suit that forces him to dance and quote Bully Maguire at random times. It also creates music.

Switcheroo - This is the ability to switch two objects' places. Ryoto can't switcheroo if the two things have too big of a difference in sizes, so he can't switcheroo a small pebble with a boulder. He also can't take out people's organs and switch them with something else. There is there's 50 meter radius for the use of this power but it can be increased with training just like the limit of not being able to switch objects with too much of a difference in size.

Lollipop healer - This ability allows to give lollipops healing properties, but they would only work on illnesses and wouldn't heal any wounds. The only requirement is a need to understand the illness the user wants to cure. The more information I possessed, the more effective the cure would be.

Moving ears - self explanatory.

Shunpo - Fast movement technique.

Kido - Many different destruction and binding spells.

Shunko (fire type) - A techiniqe that combines hand to hand combat and Kido.

Hierro - A Hollow technique to harden users skin.

Hollow mask - A Hollow mask that gives a boost to Reiatsu, speed and strength.

Full Hollowfication - Ryoto turns fully into a Hollow and fights on instincts alone. He can't differentiate allies from enemies in this state.

Gyakku Hansha - A dual type Zanpakuto, One blade looks like an ordinary katana while the other had a reverse edge. 

*Full Counter - Counter both physical and other type of attacks, sending them back to sender.

*Vanishing Counter - Vanishes both physical and other type of attacks.

*Revenge Counter - The more damage Ryoto recive during the battle the more he devesrating the attack becomes.

Observation Haki - Allows Ryoto to sense strength, emotions and intent of an opponent and also feel hidden enemies.

Vector Manipulation - A power to control vectors by using a very precise calculation.

Cat Cat Fruit, Model: Byakko - Ryoto can turn into a big white tiger, Byakko the guardian of the west at will. It's his Beast from. There is also Human-Beast form which is his hybrid form. In both transformation Ryoto posses increased strength and speed. In addition, with some training Ryoto will be able to manipulate wind and electricity.