Chapter 60 - WE ARE VENOM! PART 3

Before Peter can even start to go after Andrea, Venom comes out of nowhere and punches Peter into a wall. He then grabs him by the throat, and lifts him up into the air.

"Let us guess. Jill and Ben told you about our little surprise. Maybe if you hurry, you can watch her splatter all over the the pavement."

At that moment Peter slowly breaks free from Venoms grip and sicks a device on his forehead. The device electrocutes Venom while Peter flips off of him and swings away. Eddie quickly rips off the device and smashes it in his hand, then follows Peter.

After few minutes of swinging, Venom catches up to Spider-Bat, tackling him through a wall and into a building full of people. Peter punches Eddie across the jaw, then forces a separation between the two.

"Everybody get out now! Things are about to get dangerous!"

As Peter and Eddie keep fighting the innocent civilians quickly exit the building, with Peter making sure that everyone gets out of the building safely. Peter attempts to web up Eddie, but catches the web in mid air.

"Let's go for a ride!" Eddie says.

He then swings the web, flinging Peter through another wall and in the middle of the street. As Peter is on the ground, Venom jumps into the air and tries to stomp on his head. Peter quickly moves out of the way, then kicks Eddie in the chin. Spider-Bat kips up to his feet, then lands a tornado kick to the side of his face.

As they continue to fight, a speeding fuel truck comes straight towards them. Peter not only notices that, but a little girl chasing her puppy that's coming straight towards them too. Peter webs Eddie's eyes and quickly grabs the girl and her dog, jumping out of the way, letting the truck hit him as it explodes behind him. Peter lands on the sidewalk, putting the little girl and her puppy down gently.

"Are you two ok?" Peter asks while kneeling down infront of them.

The little girl nods while the puppy bark. Peter then realizes that Venom is slowly getting back up.

"I kneed you both to go back home and stay off the street, ok? And tell everyone you see on your way home to do the same. Can you do that for me?"

The little girl nods but before she leaves, she gives Peter a hug. Peter gives her a hug back, then they run away. Meanwhile Venom steps out of the flames and grabs another passing truck and throws it at Peter. The hero jumps through the front windshield, grabs the driver and the two fly out of the back before it hits the wall. Peter sits the man down safely on a web as he swings away, still trying to make it to Andrea. Venom roars out in anger, following him again.

Meanwhile at the wonder works construction site, a crowd of people are standing by and looking on at the situation. Commissioner Stacy and Detective Bullock and Montoya try to come up with a plan.

"Is there anything we can do?" Montoya asks.

"What if we get the chopper?" Bullock.

"The repellers might get tangled or cut the webs."

"Damnit! this is hopeless." Bullock says.

At that moment, a little boy points up to the sky with a smile.

"Look!" He says.

Everyone looks up and sees Spider-Bat swinging through the night sky. The people of New York start to cheer him on as he rushes towards Andrea, while a disapproving J Jonah Jameson scowls.

"Why are you people cheering!? Can't you see it with your own eyes!? That web headed, pointy eared menace set this all up! He's a menace to the entire city!"

"Shut up, old man!" the little girl tells him.

Jameson starts to get really angry but Vicky Vale tries calm him down.

"Easy boss, remember your blood pressure." She says.

Jameson folds his arms.

"Yeah, yeah." Jonah says under his breath

Peter launches himself upward, landing on the taxi, infront of Andrea.

"It's you. Thank God." Andrea says.

"I'm gonna get you out of this." Peter tells her.

As Peter tries help Andrea out of the Taxi, she sees something coming at them.

"Watch out!" Andrea yells.

Peter turns around as Venom swings in, kicking him straight through the roof of the car while Andrea docks down. Peter almost falls off the Taxi, but hangs on, climbing back up and comes face to face with Eddie again.

"We'll be honest, we didn't think you'd make it in time. But we're so glad you did, Pete."

Andrea hears this and looks back at Spider-Bat.

"Peter?" She asks.

Peter doesn't say anything to Andrea.

"Let her go. This is between you and me."

"Where's the fun in that?" Venom says, webbing Andrea and grabbing her by the throat.

Peter leaps at Venom but Eddie knocks him into the construction site building. He then looks over at Andrea.

"Now you sit tight. We'll come back for you later."

Venom then tosses her a web that starts to slowly give out as Eddie jumps into the construction site building, landing infront of Peter.

"Now you'll get a front row seat to another person you love dieing."

Peter throws down a smoke bomb, completely covering himself. After few seconds, he jumps out of the smoke and throws a punch that is caught by Venom. Eddie grabs him by the arm and tosses him to the side, but Peter cartwheels to land on his feet. Spider-Bat charges at Venom with a roundhouse kick that the symbiote powered villain easily dodges. Peter throws multiple strikes, but none of them land on Eddie. Peter then gets distracted by the sight of Andrea about to fall gets thrown to the ground.

Peter quickly recovers his footing, throwing multiple Batarangs that get easy knocked out of the air by Venom. Eddie then kicks Peter in the chest, punches him in the gut, and repeatedly in the face. He then flip kicks Peter in the face, knocking him to the ground again.

"You know, we were really surprised when we found out you were Spider-Bat, but it all makes sense. Everything about you tells the tale. Your attitude. Your costume. Your tactics. They all scream of outrage. Despair. Vengeance. A terrible wrong was done that set you on this path. We're not so different in that regard."

Peter slowly sits up, putting his hands up in the air.

"Ok... You win." Peter says.

Eddie laughs.

"Of course we win."

"Not you. It. The symbiote's proven its point. I'm nothing without it. Take me back... That's what it wants, right? A reunion with its first love?"

Eddie let's out a nervous chuckle.

"The symbiote has found a better partner in me." Eddie says.

"Me? Not Us?" Peter says.

At that moment the symbiote leaves Eddie's body.

"No! You can't do this! Don't- Don't leave me."

As Eddie passes out, the symbiote crawls towards Peter, covering his body yet again and entering his thoughts. In his mind, the symbiote stands before Peter, angry.

"You tricked us! The emotions, all taste wrong! You never wanted us back at all!"

Peter smirks.

"Well, you know me pretty well, huh?" Peter says.

"Fool. You let us back in. And we will have you!"

The symbiote launches at him, but something protects Peter. The memories of everyone who have loved and helped him be who is shields Peter from the symbiote's control.

"You don't get it, do you. You're a disease. Their the cure."

At that moment, the symbiote melts off Peter and tries to crawl back onto Eddie's body.

"Oh no you don't." Peter says, pulling out a canister from his utility belt.

Peter quickly puts the symbiote inside, trapping it.

"Not so tough without human host, huh?"

Peter then looks over and sees the web that Andrea was holding on to snap, causing her to fall.

"Hang on Andrea!" Peter yells as he dives down for her.

He quickly catches her, shoots out a web and swings with her holding on tight. As Peter and Andrea swing away, the crowd erupts in cheers while Andrea can't help but feel safe, knowing that she's in the arms of Peter Parker and smiles. Peter smiles as the woman he loves rests her head on his chest and swing off into the moonlit night.