Chereads / Eternal love. (Volume 1) / Chapter 1 - Prólogo: La biblioteca.

Eternal love. (Volume 1)

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Chapter 1 - Prólogo: La biblioteca.

My name is Yamazaki Kimura I am currently studying 5th year in Tokyo primary school.

Right now, it is lunch time. Holding a lunch box in mu right hand, I made a crooss- shaped sign with my left hand to pray to God while looking at the word "Library" written on the door in from of me.

I opened the door with great encouragement. "¡Bam!" Taking a big step, I entered the library. No matter what difficulties are waiting beyong this point there is no turning back.

Doing things my way, I directed my gaze towards the recepction desk with all my power so to speak.

—Hey? He's not here... That's weired. Well things are us usual.

suddenly, a voice came from behind me. Apparently my assumpitions were not far-reaching enough to predict the current situation, and all my my hair instantly stood on end.

Okay, calm down! If I get nervous, he will think I'm up to something.

—Yamazaki, it's good to see you again. From what I see, you bring your lunch. You know its's not allowed to eat here in the library, right?

I thought that I had managed to escape from it, but I see that I have not.

She is the librarian in charge of the library and with everything that has to do here, normally she is good person, but she has her character, she ia very strict even with me and I do not do anything to annoy her... Although you may be upset because this is when I eat, when exam time is approaching.

With composure and trying to stay calm until the end, I comb my hair while saying this. However, my legs are shaking like those of a newborn deer. But well let's skip that part, yes?

"Hello, Miss Librarian." — I said with a trembling voice.

"I know you can't eat here, but I have good reason for doing so."

"I'm listening, I want to know what that reason you are talking about is, go ahead."

—Hey! Yes I go.

—As you know, this school year is almost over and the exams come with that, so I come to study at lunchtime since it's the only time I can study by myself.

—With what is that... Okay, you can study here and eat anymay, because it's exam time.

—Thank you, Miss. In case you need me, I'II be there.

With my finger, she pointed to where I should be, the reading area, and where she should be, the reception

desk. By the way, the reason I am heading towards the reading space is simple.

A large spacious desk is located in this area, and the sunligt shining through the window feels warm and pleasant. I sat there because it is the best area to study and also so I can rest a little, I opened the lunch box that I brought...

"Eh?" —

I looked askance and I could see in the distance that Fujimoto and Kazumi were heading towards me but it seems that they are arguing about something, also why are they at the entrance of the library? It seems that they do not want to enter.

If he were in that conversation, he might have the same face aa Fujimoto with fear.


If possible, I wouldn't want to come to this place so often Kaneko.

"Why do you say that Fujimoto?" Are you afraid of the librarian, I said mockingly.

—A bit so to speak.... Also, there is nothing particularly special for me to come to this place, but if you allow me to say something, the I would say that it is a good place to go to eat and drink.

"You know you can't do that right?" It is a library.

"If i know, you don't have to remind me, Kaneko."

—Well, Fujimoto, it's time to go there, besides, Kimura is watching us.

—Ok that's fine.


"What happened Kazumi?" What are you doing around here?

"We came to chat with you, right?" Fujimoto.


—Let's see, tell me what you did now.

"Why do you think we did something?"

—Because you only come when you need help with something that is very important, I also noticied it by the reactions on your face, something else I have to say.

—Well, you know us very well Yamazaki, that's why we are very good friends, right? Kaneko.

—Eh yes, yes, if as they say to see tell me what happens.

—Your Dile Kaneko.

"Don't tell him your Fujimoto is your turn".

"Say you both, I need to study".

"You want to go out with us after school".

"Oh, that was just that clear".

"Yes, you were thinking, was something wrong?"

—The truth is if they came looking for me, but I see that I was wrong so I'm sorry, something else they want.

"If you don't mind, we'II sit down with you for lunch."

—Yes that's fine.

"By the way, Kimura why are you studying if the exams haven't started yet."

"That's why I want ton prepare

well for them and you should do the same".

—This one looks at how beautiful the Fujimoto sky is.


play dumb, Kazumi, I've just like you Fujimoto.

—Quiet Yamazaki, we'll study.

"Well now that I've answered all your questions I'll eat a little while I study."


—You can eat here in the library….

—Yes because?

"It's a library and you can't eat here as far as I know or I've been wrong all my life."

—You are not wrong. But since I come to study I don't have time to have luch elsewhere because after the bell rings for break I will come to study here.

—I see so in a few words he gave you permission.

—Yes something like that.

"Well then, let's have lunch!" For starters, a bite of the sausage! MMM delicious! While he had lunch he studied at the same time so as not to waste time.

—Fuu… I finished eating —

After lunch and finishing studying for a while. Lean my upper body onto the desk.

"What are you doing Yamazaki?"

"Hey, I'm rested before going to class again." In addition, taking a nap is essential for the proper development of the mind and body.

—I didn't know, it makes me a curious fact.

—Now we go to the classrom, let me rest for 5 minutes.

The sun is shining and it feels so good. It's really turning me on.

Poka Poka — Poka Poka — Poka Poka (Onomatopeya para sentirse cálido)

—Don't get up Kimura I just want to ask you something.

"I didn't mean to lift my head, but thank you for saying it and tell me what you want to ask me."

"You"ll be here in the library all week studying."


"Even though I have things to do at lunchtime, I wanted to know if you'll be here in case I come to study with you."

"Oh yes, of course I'll be here."

"Will you come like Fujimoto?"

—Yes, of course. I need to improve my grades at any rate.

—I understand. Well now of we go to the classroom.


Así pasaron los días hasta llegar hoy que es viernes se pasó rápido la semana, ahora me dirijo nuevamente a la biblioteca a estudiar.

Como sabía desde un principio Kazumi y Fujimoto no vendrán a estudiar, aunque también puede ser que estuvieran ocupados con algo importante.

Solo recuerdo que esos dos me dijeron ayer que me tenían que contar algo hoy y que vendrían a la biblioteca a contarme esa cosa importante.

Bueno pues parece que tendré que esperar por mientras, me pondré a estudiar porque ya escuché rumores que para este lunes avisan ya las fechas de los exámenes.

Mientras estaba leyendo un libro escuché una voz suave…

—Hola Yamazaki.

—Hola señorita.

—Por lo que veo si estuviste viniendo toda la semana a la biblioteca para estudiar se nota que te estás esforzando para que saques buenas calificaciones.

—Si así es estoy dando lo mejor de mí.

—Qué bueno me alegra que seas un niño responsable por sus cosas, no es muy común encontrar alguien así a tu edad.

—¿Quizás soy diferente a los demás en forma de pensar?

—Aunque no lo creas te he observado y si eres diferente, pero para bien.

Todo sonrojado le contesto "Gracias supongo"

—Hey Kimuraaa.

Cuando vi a Kazumi entrar a la biblioteca con Fujimoto parecían de un buen humor lo cual quizás me sorprendió de ellos dos ya que normalmente esos pares se la pasan peleando casi todos los días por las bromas que le hace Fujimoto a ella.

—Hola Kazumi. ¿Porque estás de buen humor?

—¡Qué bueno que todos estemos aquí! Tengo que contarles algo que me acaba de pasar esta semana.

—Cuenta Kaneko ahora tengo curiosidad por saber.

—Si a eso voy Fujimoto no te impacientes.

—Lo que tengo que decirles es que me acabo de meter al equipo de natación de la escuela, Bueno, aunque tengo que pelear por un lugar para estar en el equipo, pero yo estoy emocionada porque sé que lo lograré.

—Aunque aún no estes en el equipo te deseo suerte Kaneko ya verás que lo lograras.

—Gracias Fujimoto.

—Pues me tomaste por sorpresa Kazumi pero te deseo suerte para que te quedes en el equipo y sabes que siempre contarás con nosotros. Nunca lo olvides.

—Lo sé Kimura siempre lo tengo presente y gracias por eso.

Es la primera vez que veo realmente emocionada a Kazumi con algo espero que logre sus sueños....

—Por lo que veo aun sigues estudiando Kimura.

—Si, aunque ustedes deberían hacer lo mismo en vez de cuando ¿no creen?

—Si eso ya lo sabemos y ya lo haremos pronto, confía en nosotros Yamazaki.

—Pero Kimura yo no sé porque estudias tanto, hasta me atrevería decir que eres un "genio extraordinario"

—Porque sin importar que me digan así, no me asegura que sea verdad por eso debo esforzarme para ser un "genio extraordinario" así como dices tú.

—Vaya Kimura con todo eso que dijiste tengo que esforzarme al máximo por lograr lo que quiero y que me reconozcan.

—Si lo quieres ver así está bien de alguna forma esa fue mi forma de decirlo.

—Si lo sé y lo capte muy bien, créeme.

—Fujimoto vamos a sentarnos y a terminar la tarea que nos hace falta.

—De acuerdo Kaneko.

—Mientras ustedes hacen las tareas que les faltan yo me pondré a estudiar un poco.

—Si está bien.

Mientras seguía estudiando entre ratos volteaba a ver a mis amigos y me decía a mí mismo "Que hice para tener a unos amigos tan extraordinariamente"

Espero que siempre siga contando con su amistad siempre….

—Murmuraste algo Kimura…...

—No, no me hagas caso….

—Siempre contarás con nuestra amistad.

—Ehhh si me escuchaste Kazumi.

—No como crees ¡jajaja!

—¡Ya estoy en casa!

—Bienvenido hijo a casa, vete a cambiar de ropa mientras yo veo que hare de cenar.

—Si está bien ahora vuelvo para ayudarte.

—Si está bien.

—Ya vine mamá ¿en qué te ayudo?

—Tranquilo ya lo hago yo sola, solo te pido que me pases el libro de cocina que está en el estante de los libros en la sala.

—De acuerdo ahora te lo traigo.

—Veamos en dónde está ese libro de cocina….

Tras ver determinadamente todos los libros que tenemos por fin logré encontrar el libro que me pidió mi mamá.

—Aquí está el libro mamá.

—Gracias hijo. Ve a descansar ya te aviso cuando esté la cena.

—¿Segura que no quieres que te ayude?

—Sí segura.

—De acuerdo estaré en la sala por si me necesitas.

—Veamos qué receta hago hoy….


En eso se cayó del libro una foto...

—Y esta foto…...Ah ya recordé, que viejos recuerdos le daré esta foto a kimura más adelante a ver si recuerda algo de ese día. Por mientras la dejaré en el gabinete de madera.

—Kimura ven a cenar.

—Ahora voy.

Con solo oler se nota que está deliciosa la cena ¿que habrá preparado? Cuando llegué a la mesa para cenar me di cuenta que preparó tempura, udon, takoyaki.

—Que delicioso se ve todo mamá.

—Entonces come.

—Si, buen provecho.