Chereads / Into an Otome Game / Chapter 3 - The Game [3]

Chapter 3 - The Game [3]

Dizian was quietly leaning into a corner near the school entrance, obviously waiting for someone. He found himself being stared by girls which made him uncomfortable and frown. Having such a face only bring him trouble.

Almost all of the person he had encountered says one thing; he has such a very handsome face. Dizian has a thick silky hair, a tall well formed nose, an almond shape eyes paired with mantle green orbs , and lips that sit perfectly into his face. Moreover, he had very thick and long eyelashes and a beauty mark below his left eye.

Well, at least that's how people had described him. He knew people tend to exaggerate too much.

'Do they all just focus on the looks?'

Suddenly, a girl approached him handing a box of chocolate. Ah that's right, it was Valentines day today, he doesn't really pay attention to this kind of occasion. Unfortunately, dizian was not a fan of chocolates or any sweets except lollipops and sour or spicy sweet candies.

He sighed walking away, totally ignoring the poor girl who had already stiffened at where she's at.

Dizian then felt an arm wrapped around his neck. He glance at his right to see Anthony and Eva.

"Man, you should really to stop being a snob."

"Seriously, you're hurting the girl's feelings."

Here we go again with the lectures of the couple. Dizian rolled his eyes before putting on his earphones in, blasting the music loudly.

Valentines, chocolates, Love; dizian does not care for any those things, all he wanted was to get through school nice and quiet without hindrance.


He was satisfied seeing people happy with their partner. He does not wish for it it, well, he does too sometimes but he couldn't just see himself being with anybody or is it that he was not imagining enough.


Dizian got back into his senses when someone shook his arm from the side. It was Arlo, the childhood friend of the body he's possessing. Seems like he must have spaced out in between their conversation.

Arlo was your typical calm and sweet guy. Worried was shown in his eyes while looking at him.

"Sorry, I spaced out a bit. What were you saying again?" Dizian casually smiles and patted Arlo's hand which made him let go.

It almost slip into Dizian's mind that he now had a female body which was much physically weaker than his previous one. Arlo's grip wasn't that strong yet he could feel his arm hurting slightly or it could be that he was still not used on this body that was why he easily feel pain.

"Ah right, as I was saying, Elaina and Josefina are in class 3-D while we are in class 3-A. Tomorrow is also our entrance ceremony—"

Caressing his numb arm all dizian could do was hum and nod as an answer as he half away listen to this blue haired man.

'Psst.' Agapius who was laying on dizian's lap repeatedly tap his stomach.

Looking down at Agapius dizian gave him a questioning look. All of a sudden, a voice spoke to him through his mind. Ah this must be telepathy, how cool! He thought holding a straight face outside.

'Dizian, shouldn't you be serving snacks to the your guest?'


Now that he had mentioned it, he did thought that he forgot something and that is serving snacks to guest. His life as dizian was not full of guests that was probably why he had forgotten such thing.

With that, dizian aggressively stood up making Agapius fall meowing in pain as he hissed at him. All dizian did was rolled his eyes at this God.

He then turn to Arlo who seem to be taken aback by his sudden action. Giving him a questioning look.

"Umm, would you care for some snacks and drinks?" He then suggested with an awkward smile.

Arlo stared at him for a while before letting out a chuckle. He wondered what's funny? Was his suggestion laughable? What a weird response.

"That's alright, I'm about to head to my part time job anyway." He said standing up "Well then, err, I'll see you tomorrow at school." Arlo then patted Dizian's head before advancing to the front door.

Hmm, not bad. The way Arlo patted his head left an impression to Dizian, his hand was gentle yet firm. Both of them bid farewell to each other as Arlo then went out.

Once again it's just him and that crazy God. He was playing it cool but deep inside he was still screaming and accepting this new change.

As to when he decided to change, he felt his bladder full. He hurriedly went to the bathroom and as he always do in the past he slid down his pants eventually trying to pull out something, but when he was hit by reality he internally cried, a ball of tear then stream through his cheeks. He can't whine about this now, so, he sat on the toilet and let the liquid in his bladder go. Ah, he really turned in a girl.

Dizian lifelessly washed his hands then approached the bathtub as he start to run the faucet in a medium temperature water filling it and instantly went to his room shrugging off the worrisome thoughts he's having. He then brought out a towel and a change of clothes.

Looping the towel around his neck he went out, advancing towards Eva's room, bringing out some undergarments she hasn't used yet which was still on a pack. Dizian fell gloomy all of a sudden, just by looking at the undergarments, he could feel something inside of him shattering, what kind of sin did he do to receive this kind of punishment.

After he was done thinking of depressing thoughts he went back to the bathroom, taking off the clothes he had worn into a basket and was struggling at removing the two garments. As to when he successfully unclasped the bra he somewhat felt a sense of relief.

Walking towards the bathtub that was almost full he couldn't help but to be bothered by his breast which was most likely be around 36-38C or something along those numbers for the bra he wore was quite tight, his sister was around 30C-36C, he knows for he sometimes bought them for her.

It was slightly bouncing as he walk which was an uncomfortable feeling. Dizian leaned a bit down to hang the towel in a pole that was in a horizontal line and turning off the faucet, the heavy feeling in his chest was totally new to him. Once again, he cried internally before he went to the shower and turning it on as he starts to scrub and wash his long dark purplish hair then dip himself in to the tub.

Half an hour passed he finally went out of the bathroom, exhausted. He needed to wash this and that which made him of course flustered for one it was not his body that he was washing, two it's a female. Dizian hurriedly went to his room and swiftly changed into new garments and clothes.

After he changed completely, he took the blow dryer and started to dry his long hair. It was a hard work. His hand was starting to go numb for it's taking a while for it to dry.

'I hate this, please just kill me.'

Honestly, he wanted long hair before thinking it was cool but now he knows it's not, it is however, he's not patient enough to dry his hair for More than a minute.

Dizian finally got out of his room after another half an hour, his hair was now in a neat ponytail. He was wearing a gray Shirt, inside it was a black shirt and he wore a darkish gray sweatpants.

Sighing as he locked the door, his heart almost jumped out when he saw an unfamiliar person inside his apartment.

A man was standing there, caressing his chin while looking at the mirror. His hair was oddly similar to Luna, although, his eyes were brown in color while Luna has a golden wheat eyes. The fitted shadow blue turtle neck finely hugged his quite muscular appearance. Suddenly, he looked over to him.

"Ah are you gonna shop? Take me with you!" Somehow, this adult in front of him acted quite childish and his voice was familiar to him.


"Yeah?" The man responded

For a minute he felt a sense of relief after knowing that it was only that Crazy God. He know Agapius can shape shift, however, this kind of a sudden shape shift would give him a heart attack, especially now that he has no clue about things in this world.

He shook his head trying to get the troublesome thought out and decided to advance at the door, but, a sudden realization came in mind that struck him. A crisis that everyone has gone through.

' I have no money.'

Dizian stood at the front door started to feel gloomy as he thought of him being broke. He has no money, well, he does actually but, it was the money from his world. 

Lifting his chin up he turn towards Agapius who was supposed to be behind him but then he saw him on the ground in the divine beast—cat form rather.

"Why'd you turn back?" He asked.

"It's not time yet," Agapius walked towards dizian tapping his legs with his paw when suddenly, a brown heavy bag appeared floating into thin air. "If you're worrying about money, no worries I'll gladly be your sugar daddy."

Dizian's eyes narrow as his nose wrinkled looking at Agapius with a smug expression, and was feeling confident about himself.

"Please don't spout such words, moreover, you're a deity, act like one" Said he while shaking his head as he sigh. "Though, I do need money, give me some."

He then reached out his hand to Agapius who was pouting, cat ears facing sidewards as he agressively turn his head ignoring dizian.

"Hmph, That bag contains money." Agapius pout. 


Dizian clicked his tongue as he yanked the bag that seem to be full of silver coins with an X mark in them.

"How much does each coin cost?" He asked, getting one silver coin examining it. The coin was quite heavy. And out of curiosity he bit it how athlete bite medals. It was real.

Agapius sighed, "The currency here are called Xian, if we convert it into your country's currency then, One silver Xian is Equivalent to A thousand Peso, and One golden coin is a million. That bag consist of 500 silver coins, those are only your reward for now. Now let's go shopping."

In a blink of an eye Agapius again shifted into the man which he thought will be what Luna's father would look like.

"I thought you said it's—"

"Let's go!"

Dizian was interrupted as Agapius yanked his arm as they head out, a black car was waiting outside. It might've been Agapius's doing, he was a God after all.

He was about to go in when Agapius just stood there. He was only staring at the car without opening it, Agapius was on the other side which was where the driver seat at.

'Don't tell me...'

"You can't drive, can you?"

Dizian could hear Agapius's nervous giggle and saw him scratching the back of his neck then smiled awkwardly at him.

He was not surprised at all anymore. Dizian suggested them to switch place, eventually him being the driver, even though he was not the type of person to drive. Honestly, he does not have a driver's license, although, Eva did convinced him to practice with her when their father gifted her a car at their 18th birthday, he too of course got a gift which was the motorcycle that he had asked for, but he hadn't got the chance to use it

Once both of them got settled inside the car they then had put on their seatbelts, dizian then started the engine, pulling back as he turn the steering wheel counter clockwise, looking back to see if there's an obstacle or another vehicle behind them. As the car successfully turn they started to depart.

"Dizian." Agapius called out.

"What?" Answered dizian bluntly focusing on the road.

"Well," Agapius hesitated as he fiddles with his thumb,"The mall is on the opposite direction."

Silence fell. Agapius shut his eyes as he bit his lips tightening his grip onto the seatbelt wrap around his chest. He felt like he had said something that would bring him trouble, fortunately dizian was quiet and turned the car around.

Agapius sighed thinking he was not mad at all, chuckling at himself. But oh he was absolutely wrong, for dizian was internally cursing him with a straight face. He should've told him earlier, at this point he was sure this God is just making fun of him.


Agapius groaned, "Dizian, this are heavy—" he complained while carrying alot of paper bags.

"You're the guy, you should carry your daughter's bags." Dizian emphasize as he hand him another set of paper bag, he was honestly enjoying this.

After they arrived the the mall, of course they instantly went to boutiques and bought necessities such as clothes and Snacks as well as Mana Crystals and Books.

While walking finding more things that might caught his interest, he and Agapius started a conversation while he was reading a book of magic.

"There are types of magic you can find in this world, basic, bloodline and Born Magic."

"You just can't really think of a cool name huh?"

"Shut it, I suck at naming things alright."

"Yeah and this world shows, seriously this mall is named S mall. It's literally just Small with space between S and Mall."

"Anyway," Agapius ignored Dizian's statement changing the topic. "The basic magic are the one that can be easily taught to people such as Telepathy, teleportation, stealth and many more."

"I see, then what do you mean by bloodline and Born Magic? To me they're just the same." He asked closing the book and putting it back into the only paper bag he's holding.

Agapius laugh, "Hahaha, I know you would say that. See, Bloodline is kind of like a inherited Magic that goes generation to generation and this one is rare for not many people has a bloodline magic, most of the families who had them are either from the same clan. Bloodline magic consists of like foresight, shape shifting and more."

"Like incest? Why would you—"

"To make it more accurate and pure."


"Moving on! Born Magic isn't like bloodline magic, obviously born Magic is something you would aquire or something that it would be bestowed to you after you're born. It's natural that the child would not have the same magic as the parents, since it is not a hereditary magic. Born Magic, can of course also be taught but it's much harder than the basics for you needed to merge the aura onto the energy core that is in your body. These magics are, Fire, Water, Ice, Light, Darkness, and many more."

"You keep saying more, tsk."

"I don't wanna talk too long."

Agapius suddenly stopped, his eyes wondering around without turning his neck, this made dizian to paused walking as well, he was a little far away to Agapius but he approached him.

"Why'd you stopped? Let's go I'm hungry." Unfortunately, there was no response, Agapius was in a daze, he repeatedly wave his hand in front of him but it was no use.

Dizian almost had a heart attack when Agapius's eyes looked at him. What is he doing even?

Unexpectedly Agapius leaned towards dizian's ear that made him flinch. Once he was close to his ear he had whispered something that made his eyes widen and frown.

"Someone's following us."