What did you have to say about the visit of my father? Lila asked Hala, your father's visit was not because of you, I sent for him.
Since we got married my husband has not talked about my father, this august visit perplexed me a lot. I hope my father is not in the evil league?
According to the law governing the naming of a child we shall have our child named next week, his words were like flashes of light rays in my ears, but my ears were sensitive enough to capture the word "our child". Your mother will be coming tomorrow to play her role for the child.
I never needed anybody's help for you but I must dance to the tune of the almighty.
What is happening to Hala, I guess he slept on the good side of his bed?
The news that neuphorises me most was "your mother is coming tomorrow to play her role for you". Since I got married to this man, I haven't set my eyes on my mother, and I know it's going to be a beautiful reunion between me and my mother.
Before I could say all this, he had sent the kingdom broadcaster to tell the people to come to the Palace with at least a food item for the occasion next week. Failure to bring a food item, the king shall decide what would happen to him or her.
Zia came in to signal me, the baby is crying, oh….my prince, I am so sorry for being away", I apologise to my child.
My mother was ridden by the Palace guard into the Palace by a chariot, her presence spread over me like a perfume fragrance.
Hope you are doing good? Yes, dear, she replied to me, where is my grandson? My mother carried my son and blessed him by the name of almighty.
It was when my mother took over my son's maintenance. I knew I was a novice but she taught me all I needed to know.
I was seated with my mother in my room when Hala came in with his hair well tinted, I was lust in administration, "my days are blessed with this man, almighty, please make him make a good husband and father".
Let's have dinner, he said to us, my mother began fidgeting on hearing this, and she was confused because of the benevolence of the king. "This is another version of the king, mother said silently to herself".
"The Hala I know in the kingdom is not the Hala I am seeing now".
The king was doing this to manipulate Lila's mother cognitively to see him as a saint.
I became terrified at some strange act Hala demonstrated occasionally. My father would say: "if you are looking for an eye of a fish carefully trace it to the head". Hope this man did not want to act funny? I asked myself.
I winked at my mother and we both left for the dinny table to have breakfast, Hala was seated opposite me. My mother was a little bit naive about our cutleries, but Hala summoned patience and schooled her to use them.
Mother, "I am nervous about my husband's hospitality. The last time he acted mr nice guy wasn't entertaining to his visitors". My mother doubted my story because she only saw the sheep in Hala.
She wasn't a novice to Hala's behaviour, he has been the talk of the town since his coronation not for good but pain. I believe the late king Keith will be regretting having an unscrupulous son like him.
It was a happy day for me, the Palace was filled with people of various calibre from the neighbouring kingdoms. "This occasion is a memorable one, our kingdom is blessed with the almighty who visited us as a human, the diviner said". Hala was ripped with smiles, goat begot goat, lion begot lion. "The lion of Zomuda has begotten a mighty lion who is the swordmaster".
Everybody gave a clapping ovation.
The diviner stepped forward to where we were seated and took the child from me saying as everybody went on their knees including the visiting Kings, "oh sword master of Zomuda we blessed the almighty on your behalf to grow in wisdom and strength". He lifted him to the heavens and handed him over to Hala.
"Now you may call him the name you proposed the diviner ordered Hala".
According to the rules of Zomuda, the king shall take the child to the altar and name him there.
Hala led the crowd to the altar, placed him on the mench there and said, "you shall be called Zea which means the mighty one".
Though the name was fine by me he never consulted me before choosing that name. I was furious but I was angry at myself. We returned to the ceremony arena and the party was declared open for dance, drinking and eating.
The kings that attended the naming ceremony gifted him some gold items, popular among them was a golden club for war, including a bow and arrow.
Hala, I called him. Do you mind if we spend the night with you? He paused and gave me a lasting look, have I messed up out of curiosity? I asked myself, He came close, held me by the hand very hard and pulled me to himself. I thought he wanted to strangle me but instead, he whispered to my hearing as he hugged me, "yes you can''.
He gave me a lasting kiss, Zia was emotional seeing us, we had eye contact and she closed her eyes.
There is a transformation with our king, Zia narrated to her colleagues, his love for his wife waxed strong daily, they kissed for the first time in my presence, "my goodness Lisa screamed".
Are you sure it was a genuine love for her? Lisa asked. Our king is unpredictable. He may be on his other side tomorrow, let's not be carried away by his tricks Zia warned her colleagues.
It was a new day. I kissed Hala on his forehead and left, before I could get to my room Lisa was already there waiting for me to bathe me, good morning your majesty we exchanged greetings.
She got me bathed, "please hurry up I ordered Lisa" because I want to take Zea to my mother to bathe because she will be going home soon.
Good morning mother, hope your night was awesome? "Yes my dear she responded", "your grandson is here to have his bath". Though I have mastered all that my mother told me to do.
She bathed Zea, then got herself ready to return home.
She received some essential gifts from my husband and me. She hugged me and left.