On our way Loren carried some spell books and some old books with him and he was looking through the books which he has with him. I took my drawing book because i felt so bored by seeing two busy men. " Ouch ! "
" What happened ? " asked Jonas.
" Imagin what happens when the car got in to a gutter when you are drawing.
" It will be a beautiful drawing" said Loren.
I said " Ohh is it "..... Its getting dark and I asked to Jonas when will we reach there and he said " Morning ". I asked
" Which place are we going ? " Loren said " You maybe not familiar with that place but you heard about it, Albania.
" We are not going to Sebastian's place, right.
" Offcourse we are " said Loren.
I asked " Why ?"
Loren said " We are not going to Sebastian's grave to pray for his peace as I said I need some things from there.
I started to sleep by comforting my head with my bag. Suddenly Jonas stopped the car with a sudden break, I woke up and looked and I said " I should have showed it to you ".
" What ? " asked Loren.
I took the drawing from my bag and showed it to both, it was a group of wolves staring with their glowing eyes and I said
" Dont look at me like I called them ".
Jonas said " stay in the car, I'll manage it ".
He got out of the car and closed his eyes and opened it and it was blue in colour. The wolves walked back and I saw the shadows of the wolfs standing up like humans with their blue glowing eyes in the dark, he smiled at them.
"Wake up ! " I opened my eyes and we were in a busy little town. "It's the place "said Loren.
I just arranged my hair to a smooth way and
Me and Jonas started walking behind Loren, he took a small box from his bag and picked up the sand from that place and stored it in the box, we heard a voice asking
Who are you ??