She glanced at her watch. If she went home now, she'd have plenty of time to catch a shower and rest before she had to get ready. She gulped down the last of her coffee and rose.
"Since it's nearly ten and the sun plays havoc with your health, do you want to stay here? The sofa's still in the storeroom if you want to lie down."
"If that is all right by you." He was regarding her warily, as if expecting a violent explosion at any second.
"I have to see McKenzie at five, so I'll come by and pick you up after that." "Fine." He frowned. "Are you okay?"
"Yes." She picked up her keys and headed for the door, then hesitated, looking back. "The last time you were in Aquila, you taught me a very important lesson. Life is for
living. You cannot fear it. You cannot retreat from it. I'm not retreating, Ethan, and I'm sure as hell not giving up. I never will."
She walked out, slamming the door shut behind her.