The footsteps stopped. An eerie silence followed.
Confused, Shirley opened her eyes and looked up. Pain shot through her head at that smallest of movements. She blinked back tears, unable to believe what she saw.
The zombie lay on the concrete ten feet away, its neck twisted at an odd angle.What on earth ... ?
"Shirley?" The soft question flowed out of the night.
Ethan.Her heart leaped, rushing heat through her body. She turned carefully, searching for him. Nothing but shadows filled the night.
"Are you all right?" Again his whisper cut through the night.
"Yes." Why didn't he show himself? Was it McKenzie 's nearby presence that stopped
him? Fear pounded through her heart, and she reached out to the link, only to be stopped by a wall of pain.
"Take care then, little one." His voice was distant.