Movement to her left. She jumped sideways, lashing out with her fist. Her hand was caught in a vice, her fingers crushed. Pain shot up her arm, surged like fire through her body. She yelped, dropping to her knees, blinking back tears.
Energy surged again and sparks danced across her fist, momentarily illuminating the gaunt features of the young vampire who held her. Then the energy hit him, and he was flung away, crashing through the darkness.
Footsteps echoed through the blackness, moving away from them. Ethan cursed, and she felt the breeze of him moving, going after the fleeing vampire.
She waited tensely, her breath rapid gasps, and her heart pounding so loudly it seemed to reverberate through the tunnel. A certain lure if there were any more vampires nearby.
After a few minutes Ethan returned, though it was more a wash of concern through the link that warned her than anything she heard or saw.
Are you okay?He touched her face gently.