His words sang through her heart, yet part of her remained stubbornly angry. "But you could have told—"
He stopped her with a kiss that stole her breath and left her dizzy.
"That," she said when she could, "is not playing fair."
"Eat." He smiled and handed her a sticky, fruit-filled bun.
She did, but only because she knew he wouldn't let her out of bed until she did. Under normal circumstances that might not have been a bad thing, but she wasn't here to enjoy herself—not right away, anyway.
She had work to do first. She drained the remains of her coffee, and he took it from her, placing it back on the tray.
"Why will it be bad?" she asked.
"We think there's a gang of vampires behind the kidnappings. They killed their first victim by draining her blood—but not before they'd brutalized her."