"Snow goddess, I need a new bike. I know you don't really have much power since there is no snow but Adam says you're the most beautiful and that's all that matters to me,"
"Sun King, Tomorrow morning, I would like for our rabbit to get better. He hasn't been eating as well as he should,"
"Death knight. I want everyone in the orphanage to live to about two hundred years before we all die. Nature Goddess, since, we'll all live to about two hundred years old, can you make us all look forever young and cute. I don't want to become all wrinkly and tired,"
"Earth ruler, all I want is Magic and the ability to control mana and I would very much like it before I'm ten or we're going to start having issues,"
"Moon queen…" another began but by then, Maria had heard enough.
Clapping her hands as loudly as she could before she began shouting at the top of her voice, "Up…"