After finishing their preparation, both Lan Xiao and Zi Zexian goes toward one of the training field in the peak.
There Lan Meigui can be seen standing up, her eyes closed.
When two of them enter the field, Lan Meigui eye open and look them.
"Are the two of you ready" she asked
"Yes mother"
"I am milady"
Seeing both of them are done with their preparation she nodded and turn her eye toward the open field.
She then extends her arm forward and summon a magnificent flying ship.
While the size itself isn't too big, it does have amazing decoration such as carvings of flowers in the ships, it also have a carving of a mighty looking dragon at the front of the ship.
Lan Xiao and Zi Zexian can't help but admire the magnificent ship for a sec, he then asks his mother a question
"Mother, why don't we just fly or teleport towards the empire?"
While riding the ship would be an interesting experience for him, won't it be faster to either just fly or teleport?
"While usually I would just fly or teleport toward there, unfortunately my elder sister want me to visit the empire while showing my arrival publicly"
"What does she mean by that" Lan Xiao asked.
"It means my sister want me to appear there grandly as a show of force, to remind people's that while Lan empire itself isn't necessarily overly powerful, it still have me as it's backing"
"But don't people's already know that the Lan empire is under mother protection"
"Yes they do, but it has been more than couple of thousands of years since the last time I visit there, some people might be thinking that I have abandoned or forgot the empire"
After that Lan Meigui explanation all three of them board the ship.
It would take around three day for them to arrive at Lan empire, while the ship can go faster, his mother said that there is no need to hurry, so the ship is moving at cruise speed
On the second day of the journey, Lan Xiao want to ask his mother some stuff so he goes toward bow of the ship where his mother is currently meditating.
"Sorry for bothering your meditation mother, but I want to ask you some stuff"
Lan Meigui who was just meditating open her eye and nodded
"No need to apologize, what is it?"
Although Lan Xiao was interruption her meditation she still answers him without any feeling of displeased.
"Well I mostly want to ask about aunt Lan Xue and the current Lan Empire royalty"
Lan Meigui hum in understanding after hearing his question.
She then stood up and summon two chair so they can sit down and talk
"Thank you mother"
Lan Meigui then begin her explanation
"Regarding you aunt, my elder sister Lan Xue, she was originally and still is a kind woman, although she is more reclusive now. After the what happened to the empire back then, being the oldest last living member of the royalty she would be crowned as the empress, and she did. While I was away looking for power to revenge our family, my sister took it upon herself to rebuild the empire, and she did great job at it, she ruled the empire for a thousand year, however my sister isn't interested in ruling for a long period of time so before she retired, she handed the throne to our uncle family who is a duke at the empire"
"Huh she just handed the throne?"
Lan Meigui nodded
"Yes, my sister isn't interested in running the empire for long period of time, she only ruled it to stabilize the empire after the attack, and after It recovers, she chooses to retire and hand down the throne, she is however still considered the regent of the empire and can still make important decisions if she wishes to"
"Currently my sister mostly spend her time cultivating at her personal resident at the imperial palace"
"What is aunt Lan Xue cultivation base at?"
"Sister Xue'er is currently only at 8th step of Profound Celestial Immortal"
Hearing this his mother said "only at 8th step of Profound Celestial Immortal" Lan Xiao sweat dropped.
After all it's true that compared to his mother and sister Ge'er, aunt Xue cultivation base seems low, but he reminds himself that both his mother and elder sisters are talented beyond heavens, reaching that level of cultivation base while under a million year old can already be considered a very talented person.
There are many cultivators out there that is older than a million years old that have lower cultivation base compared to Lan Xue.
Lan Meigui then continue her explanation
"For the current ruling monarch, they are all comes from my uncle descendants since my sister has handed the throne to him and his family, while my uncle is still alive, he isn't the emperor anymore, his current great grandson is"
Hearing can't help but think if his arrival going to cause a problem
"Mother will my arrival cause problems for them since I am your child"
Lan Meigui shakes her head
"There shouldn't be any problems, they already know that neither my nor my sister is interested in reclaiming the throne, unless you want to be the new emperor?"
Lan Xiao quickly shakes his head deny it
"No no, I have no interest in becoming an emperor, plus it'll drastically lower my time for cultivating because I have to manage the empire"
"That's true"
Lan Xiao then thanks his mother for her time
"Thank you for your time mother, sorry for interrupting your meditation"
Lan Meigui shakes her head
"No such this, you are my son, plus these people's are your relatives so it is good to have some knowledge about them"
After that Lan Xiao return to his room and spend the rest of the way meditating
Meanwhile at Lan Empire, Lan Xue residence
The room where Lan Xue usually spends her time meditating is very quite, with the exceptions of the sound of a person breathing calmly.
Suddenly the person Lan Xue open her eyes, revealing a beautiful set of blue eyes that can rival Lan Meigui
The girl smile
She sense that her sister have almost arrive
"It's been a while sister"