Chereads / A Magical Feeling / Chapter 370 - [72.1] A Emergence of Familiar Magic

Chapter 370 - [72.1] A Emergence of Familiar Magic

I woke up, yawning as I carefully moved Lene off of me and placed her in the hammock. I left my room, rubbing my eyes as I yawned nonstop.

Asmonious was already at the table, serving me a plate of hot food, "Good morning, Master. Did you sleep well?"

I sat down and hummed, "As well as I could… And you?"

He grinned at me, "It's always a pleasant sleep when Master is by my side to help me."

I flushed a bit and took a bit of food, "Sweet talking won't work on me."

…It actually works quite well.

I looked around the courtyard and saw Atta doing push-ups while Lovi slept against a tree.

"Where is Rose?"

He answered, "In her room."

"Again?" I let out a sigh, "Has she eaten?"

"Yes. I dropped off her food and she took it."

"Good boy." After finishing my meal, I stood up, "Let me go see if she wants to join us for lessons today."

I left him to go check on Rose, "Good afternoon, Rose. I just wanted to let you know I woke up and am about to start classes. Come join us if you're ready."

I knocked on Rose's door but found she didn't answer.

…I didn't think Rose was such a neet.

She seems to be terrified of everyone except Asmonious and me since we are the only two she lets into the room or even talks to.

I wonder if it's because she can't sense our desires?

I shrugged to myself and went back to the courtyard where Lovi, Atta, and Asmonious were waiting. Lovi saw me alone and scowled, "How come I have to attend classes, but Rose doesn't!? It's not fair! I want another sick day!!!"

I squeezed her cheek as I laughed, "Rose is still adjusting. I didn't force you to take classes for the first few years you were with me."

She frowned at me, "That's because you forgot to."

I cleared my throat, "So let's get started, shall we?"

Lovi grumbled, "Can't I call in sick?"

I chuckled as I rubbed her head, "If you can't write, you can listen."

Lovi let out a sigh as I started my lesson. 

For a few weeks, I tried to get Rose to leave her room, but she kept refusing. Eventually, I knocked on the door holding clean clothes and blankets, "Rose. I'm going to come in… You need to keep your room clean or else it's going to make you sick… Okay?"

I waited for an answer and heard the door slowly open in response. Taking it as approval, I slid it the rest of the way and stepped inside. Rose scrambled to the darkest corner of the room, wearing a blanket over her and only revealing her face. I placed the new clothes and blankets down while I picked up her dirty laundry. I placed it outside of the door but hesitated in the doorway. I turned back and sat down in front of Rose, "Are you scared of us?"

She shook her head slowly.

"Are you sure?"

"Y-You and Moni… I… I don't mind being around… But the others…"

"Were they mean to you?"

She shook her head, "N-No… It's just… Too much…"

"Too much?" I pursed my lips as I thought, "What do you mean?"

"I-" She covered her mouth, "I can't say…"

"You can't?"

I hesitated for a moment, then turned back to her as if I felt something off. I leaned forward, sniffing the air.

Smoke poured out from around her, alerting me that she was a demon. However, I already knew that. 

I peered through the smoke and reached out my hand, "Sorry about this."

I opened her mouth and forced her to stick out her tongue. My eyes widened slightly, "A familiar? You're a familiar?!"

It's the slave contract I read in the library as a child!

Why does Rose have it!?

Her eyes watered, "I-I'm sorry! I wanted to tell you, but I'm forbidden to!"

I let her go laughing, "What? Is that all it is?"

"It's a big deal! The Madame is going to find me because of this! I don't know why I haven't heard her voice in my head, but I know soon she's going to demand I do something! Like use my charm or-or something worse! You and Moni aren't susceptible! But the others are!"

I smirked at her and held out my hand, "Do you trust me?"

She stared at my hand in confusion, "Why?"

"Because I can free you from that contract."

"T-That's impossible!!"

I rolled up my sleeves with a smug grin, "Not for me. So? Do you want me to?"

She nodded quickly, "Yes! Please save me from it!"

"As you wish."

I leaned forward, bringing her forehead to mine. As I closed my eyes and reopened them, I found myself on the mountain. I looked around in surprise, "This is your happy place?! You just got here…"

She rubbed her arm shyly, "I… I didn't have any happier places before this."

"Ah… I see… Well, I'm honored that you feel so safe and happy here." I walked around the area until I finally found the marking carved onto the floor of her room. I bent down and felt it, "I promise to make sure this will always be a place of good memories for you."

I removed my glove and caused my palm to heat up. I put it over the marking, burning it out of existence. Rose winced in pain but didn't cry out. When I finished, I dusted off my hands and turned to her with a smile.

We both opened our eyes simultaneously and pulled our foreheads apart. She jumped up with excitement replacing her shock, "You actually did it!"

"Of course. I've done it before so now it's much easier." I pursed my lips, "Although, I didn't know this magic existed already…"

I was suddenly hugged by Rose, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

I chuckled as I hugged her back, "You really don't need to thank me."

She pulled back, "But I do! I owe you so much! How can I possibly thank you!? Is there anything I can do for you?"

I stood up and gave her a wink, "The only thing I want is for you to live a happy, peaceful life."

I collected her dirty laundry, then left her behind. I called over my shoulder, "Feel free to join us for lessons."

After cleaning the clothes with my magic, I laid them out to air dry. Lene woke up as the sun started to go down and came out, rubbing her eyes. She plopped down on my lap and snuggled up to me, "Lene still sleepy."

I chuckled as I squished her cheek, "Are you hungry, Miss Sleepy?"

"Lene wants candy."

"Only if you eat first."


I glanced at Asmonious who nodded at me in understanding. As he started cooking, Lovi sat down next to me.

"How have you been feeling, Lovi?"

"Like puking…"

Asmonious put down a cup of tea in front of her, "This will help."

She grumbled, raising it to her lips to drink.

Lene handed me a brush, so I started brushing her hair while we waited for food. Atta rushed over to me and sat down, waiting for her hair to be brushed next. I laughed at her, "You're hair is getting really long now… Should we cut it?"

She shook her head quickly then wrote down: 'I want rope hair!'

I furrowed my brow, "Rope hair? What's that?"

Lovi groaned, "Braid. She wants her hair braided."

Ugh… I did that one time since it was the only hairstyle I knew how to do and now she wants it every time.

I let out a sigh, "Alright… Braid it is."