Chereads / A Magical Feeling / Chapter 345 - [67.6] A Tiny Little Pup

Chapter 345 - [67.6] A Tiny Little Pup

I smiled softly, "Hey there… Are you okay?"

The child tried to squeeze closer to the wall to be further away from me.

I cooed in a gentle voice, "It's okay… You don't have to be afraid."

I reached out to him and he cried out in a pitiful tone. My hand halted and I slowly brought it back to myself.

It's only natural for him to be scared…

If what was on those papers were about him…

I shook my head.

I don't want to think about it.

"Hey… It's okay." I spoke in a soothing tone, "I'm here to save you…"


"Won't you come out? I can't get those chains off of you unless you come out."


My heart felt like it was being squeezed.

"What's your name?"


I pursed my lips as I watched him.

He still doesn't seem to trust me.

Why are children so difficult?!

Why can't he understand that I am just trying to help!?

I pinched my lips together, but continued to try to lure him out, "My name is #####."


"Ah… I forgot my name can't be said for some reason… Well, you can call me whatever you'd like."


What can I do?

What would make a child trust a stranger after they've been through… This?

What would entice anyone, including a distrusting child?

I bit down on my lip when I suddenly recalled something. I held out my palm with a smile, "Want to see something interesting?"

A dragon materialized on the top of my palm and started dancing around.

I watched as the child's mouth opened in surprise. His dull frightened eyes now had a twinkle of curiosity.

The dragon danced around him, landing beside him where he hesitantly poked it. His eyes widened in surprise at its cold touch while the dragon rubbed against his finger. Then, the dragon crawled up his arm, playfully wrapping around the child's neck.


Hearing the child's soft giggle, I felt a smile slowly crawl across my lips. I called out to him, "If you come out, I can show you even better things."

The child's eyes slowly returned to me. I could see this distrust and fear still present. However…

I watched as he slowly crawled out.

I felt my breath leave my throat.

He was completely filthy and his dark hair in knots as if it had never been brushed. His skin was grey with his bones poking out.

He looks even worse than the villagers when I first saw them. 

I tried to speak to calm him, "Will you tell me your name now?"


"Ah… Well, you can tell me when you're ready." I reached into my bag which startled him. I paused, "I'm just going to get you something to eat… You're hungry, right?"

His eyes anxiously watched my hands.

I slowly reached into the bag, careful not to make any sudden movements.

I pulled out the prepared meat ration and offered it, "Here."

He jumped back, slamming his back into the table.

Suddenly without warning, he ran over to a bucket and leaned forward, vomiting into it. I was so shocked, I dropped the piece of dried meat and ran over to him.

"Are you okay?!"


He let out a panicked cry, jumping to avoid me.

I hesitated, watching him as his chest heaved up in down. His eyes were so wide, that I could see myself reflected in them.

In that reflection… I had no face.

I tried to ignore this fact and focused on the child, "Do you… Not like meat?"


"Would you prefer fruit?" I slowly pulled out an orange and held it out to him, "This is an orange. Have you ever seen one before? You just need to peel it and-"

He suddenly snatched it out of my hands and started to eat the entire thing completely. I almost went to stop him, but then I remembered that it was completely edible.

Since he's this hungry, I shouldn't stop him.

My lips curved into a soft smile as I watched him devour it, "Do you like it?"

He nodded as he ravenously ate it. Once he finished it, he licked his fingers and looked at me for more. I laughed and handed another piece of fruit. While he ate, I silently took notice of how dirty he was.

I wonder…

Can I clean him up without my wand?

I imagined the cleaning magic just as I always had before, but this time I pointed to him instead of using a wand.

A crisp wave of air and water traveled around him, tidying up his once-dirty body. He stopped eating as he stood there in surprise and confusion.

I laughed at his expression, "Now you are all clean… But we may have to cut off your hair. I don't think we can salvage that."

He gulped down the remainder of his fruit and stared at me silently. Seeing him finished, I pointed to the chain, "I'm going to remove that now."

I bent down to his feet, but he jumped back in fear.

I didn't feel insulted and gradually approached his foot again. I unhurriedly reached out for his leg, pausing each time he jumped back. Eventually, he let me wrap my hands around the metal. I used the heat of my hands to burn away the markings, freeing him from the chains. 

The child looked genuinely surprised that I removed them and even checked his ankle to make sure it was really off. I watched him with a chuckle, "Are you ready to leave this nasty place?"

He turned back to me and nodded slowly.

I held out my hand, which he took. As I led him down the hallway, I suddenly remembered the corpses I left lying around.

I glanced down at him with a grin, "Is it okay if I carry you?"

He stared up at me, nodding his head slowly.

  I picked him up, allowing him to lay his face against my chest. With my free hand, I covered his eyes as I walked back upstairs. Holding him tightly to my chest while I carried him out, I was surprised to find I wasn't at all disgusted by carrying a child.


I kind of want to hold him closer.

No! What am I doing!? I can't-

I can't get attached.

This isn't my child. 


My eyes lowered somberly.

I'm in no position to take care of a child.