Chereads / A Magical Feeling / Chapter 286 - [56.8] An Owl's Determination and a Father's Sacrifice

Chapter 286 - [56.8] An Owl's Determination and a Father's Sacrifice

…Five years later…

Caldwell stood off to the side watching as a small little boy with feminine features chased around a butterfly in the garden. Sy laughed, clapping happily, "You almost got it! Keep trying!"

Cyrus pinched together his eyebrows, making his chubby cheeks even chubbier. A breeze traveled around them as the grass grew more vibrant. Hundreds of butterflies appeared in the sky, blocking out the sky.

Cyrus cried out in surprise, falling to his butt. He burst out into tears and the butterflies began to change into snakes.

Sy called out, "Caldwell! It's happening again!"

Caldwell's eyes turned to a vibrant yellow as he transformed into a giant owl. He swooped down, covering Cyrus up with his wings until the boy calmed down.

Sy would fall prey to the illusion that he came close to losing his mnd. Only Caldwell seemed to be immune as he knew how to handle an illusion before it took root. However, Cyrus's power was growing day by day, his illusions far more powerful than any ancestor before him.

It was only a matter of time before Caldwell couldn't protect him from his own illusions.

After Cyrus calmed down and the illusions disappeared, Caldwell returned to his twin form. He booped Cyrus's nose, "Aren't you hungry? What would you like Uncle to make?"

Cyrus rubbed his eyes, "Steak and carrots…"

"Heh. Coming up."

Sy picked up his son and smiled, "Would you like to eat in the garden?"

Cyrus nodded his chubby head quickly, his long blonde hair shimmering in the sun.

The three set up a picnic and started eating. Before they could finish, a servant appeared at the gate. "Duke Albert requests Sy to attend his dinner."

Syr and Caldwell's face darkened.

Sy stood up, "Very well."

Caldwell held his hand, "Brother… Don't go."

Sy smiled helplessly, "It's the only way to keep my son."

Caldwell watched him leave feeling his heart ripping apart.

He's failing again.

Cyrus was confused and looked at him for an explanation, "Why do you look so sad when daddy goes to dinner?"

Caldwell sighed and rubbed his head, "Uncle just gets lonely."

His eyes drifted to the gate where uneasiness made him unable to eat another bite.

After putting Cyrus to bed, Sy stumbled through the gate. He could barely hold himself up as sweat littered his skin. Caldwell was already there to catch him. He held him with worried eyes and brought him to bed, "Sy… Please stop going to those meetings with Albert…. Please… Think of your son."

Sy weakly put on a smile, "Caldwell."

Caldwell tucked him in gently, "Why? Why won't you just leave? Why are you doing this?"

He laughed weakly, "Caldwell… We can't leave if we want to live…" His eyes started fluttering shut as he drifted off into sleep, "I found… I found their secret… Under the willow…."

Caldwell leaned forward to put his ear by Sy's mouth, "What was that?"

Sy whispered in a faltering tone, "This family is dangerous… She controls them…"

"She?" Caldwell pulled back, "Who is she?"

However, Sy was already asleep. His breathing was so light, it was almost impossible to see. He slept for two full days, sweating profusely, in and out of consciousness. Caldwell tried his best to nurse him back to health, but it was a losing battle.

Caldwell froze in his steps as he entered the room to find Sy leaning out of the window, propped up by his arm. He let out a sigh, completely unaware of Caldwell's presence. His eyes were staring intently at the garden he had created for his wife, upheld for his son, and now Caldwell was in charge of keeping because he no longer could.

He had aged quickly in a matter of a few years.

His child was now old enough to create memories.

However, the stress of living not knowing what the future held for him and his son was eating away at his soul. His once-spirited eyes were dulled and worn, his lips no longer curled into a warm smile.

The obstacles he faced in his life were large in number, but after his wife died, his life started going downward fast. He held on for the sake of his son, yet his days were limited which was shown through the wrinkles on his face.

Seeing his forlorn look, Caldwell's heart clenched. He reached out to his brother in a panic before pulling his hand back. He took a deep breath, "Sy."

His eyes slowly turned to face Caldwell and a rare smile surfaced, "Caldwell. How is my son?"

"He's good. I got him to fall asleep."

Caldwell quickly walked to Sy and brought him to his bed. Feeling the warm body in his hands, Caldwell breathed a sigh of relief.

He was still there.

A breath escaped his lips, "Sy. You need to rest."

Sy calmly pushed away his hands and motioned to the window, "Look how beautiful the sunset is."

Caldwell turned to look, "You know I hate windows."

He laughed, "I know. But just look."

Caldwell shrugged and peered out of the window, "It's beautiful, I guess."

Without looking back to the bed, Sy spoke, "Caldwell. Promise me you'll forgive yourself."

Caldwell flinched in shock and turned to face Sy, "W-What are you talking about?"

He was met by a warm smile, "You will always be my brother… But I'm not blind. I know you've been following me all this time because of that incident that brought us together."

Caldwell quickly averted his eyes to hide his shame.

"You were a child back then."

He countered, "I was still strong enough."

Sy let out a sigh and laid down on the bed, placing the covers over him. He continued to smile, "I know. That's why I trust you'll protect Cyrus when I'm gone."

Caldwell's heart raced and he quickly returned back to the bed, "Why are you talking so ominously?! Where would you possibly go?"

Sy stared at the ceiling with a calm smile. His eyes reflected the peace he held inside, "It's a relief I made it this far. Every time I see that little grin on his face, I feel as though this is all worth it… Did you see his face when he saw the seedling sprouting? He looked so happy… He resembles Celane more and more with every passing day."

Caldwell felt something amiss and reached out to hold his brother's hand, "Sy… Stop talking like this. You're scaring me."

He continued, "I wish I were brave enough to have run away the moment he was born… Why did I consider it a miracle I got to survive until now?"


"-Promise me you'll protect him." Sy turned to face him with tired eyes, "Promise me."

His grip tightened, "I… I promise."

Sy smiled weakly, "Not as a butler. As a friend… As family."

Caldwell bit down on his lip, "I. I will be."

Sy looked up at his face feeling a bit regretful. He whispered in a soft voice, "Caldwell… I'm sorry…"

Caldwell fought back the tears, "For… For what?"

Sy's eyes started to dull, "I shouldn't have dragged you with me…. I should have… I should have let you…"

His voice trailed off into silence.

Never to be heard of again.

It didn't take long for the family to try to remove Caldwell in the same way they had Sy. Luckily, Caldwell was a demon so he was immune to such plots. But when he tried to escape with Cyrus, he was attacked by holy magic and nearly died. He could only hide and recover, then return back to his nephew.

However, the risks were too great.

The only way he could protect Cyrus was to hide his identity and return in a form the family wouldn't feel threatened by.

Thus, a snowy owl suddenly flew into a child's window, breaking its wing. The kind-hearted boy who showed signs of mistreatment nursed that owl back to health.

Then, when he was better, the owl and the golden-haired boy agreed to stay together until the end of time. The owl became his familiar and helped him cope with his grief.

That owl was the only person he could call a friend.

And as the years went on…

The guilt inside Caldwell grew.

It grew until he was so consumed, he no longer had the opportunity to explain to Cyrus just who and what he was.

He couldn't bear to see Cyrus loathe him for his inability to save his father.

He wasn't strong enough to be called a beast by Cyrus for what he was.

Caldwell convinced himself that he had to hide it at all costs…

Maybe then he would be free from the guilt that ate him up.

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