There was an awkward silence in the air
Both of us twiddling with our fingers and looking
Down on the floor. Talking to a person you barely
Knowing is much harder than it seems huh. After some time
She left the bench and went who knows where she went
,it might Be time to take my leave too as well. I finished
My sandwich and explored the mall, I forgot to get
My family members presents too might as well while
I'm here. Although i'm on a tight budget so that's gotta
Get resolved sometime in the future, i'll leave todays
Problems to Future me .
It's a cold winter morning in my household
Cuddling up in blankets with netflix on and
Hot chocolate,snacks like chips lying open across
The bed and some brownies to top it off
A small old heater on the corner of my room
Giving me even more warmth and closure.
I feel like a sloth feeling like i could die with no
Regrets even at my age of 16.
I got my hand out of the covers of the blanket
And scrolled through all the netflix shows
So many but the covers look boring and
I'm too lazy to read the descriptions. "DING!"
My doorbell rang,Ding again and again and again
And again,to bad for the person i refuse to get it
I'm having a lazy day and i refuse to get off my bed
Unless necessary plus i have my older sister and my
Mom so one of them would most likely answer. However that
Didn't seem to happen since the door was still ringing and no
One was answering i realized i couldn't let this continue
It would annoy me to death along with the doorbell potentially
breaking. I got up slouching on the way opening the door with misty cold breathes in my mouth, who was it I wondered.