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Tower of Protagonists

chs / week
Just your regular world, just with giant stone penises fucking everywhere.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Welcome to The Tower

"Hello everyone Tower Guardian here with your weekly guides and information about The Tower, please don't forget to like and subscri…"

The video is skipped.

"Today I am making the ultimate beginner's guide to The Tower, Skills, Stats, Floors, and the basics of what you should know before entering the tower. Without further ado, let's start."

"The Tower is without a doubt one of the most important locations in the entire world, with history showing that it has swayed entire wars due to a single tower player."

"It is also suspected that most rpg games are somewhat based on The Tower due to similar effects, mechanics, and names."

"But that's enough about the actual tower, we're here to learn about how to challenge and thrive in the tower."

The figure watching nods instinctively, before realizing its stupidity and face palming, it just nodded to a video as if it was a person.

"So, floors. So far we have only reached floor 140, before being wiped out. From floor 1-20 Every floor has either 1 strong enemy or multiple less powerful enemies, however afterwards it changes rapidly which I will explain later, the type of enemies are completely random, and there are a few cases of weak dragons appearing in low floors. This tells us that the effect the creature has over mythology has absolutely no influence on the tower."

"Every 10 floors there's a sort of boss stage if you understand, and an exceptionally powerful monster is usually there, I say usually because sometimes people can get extremely lucky, like getting a weak boss monster, or getting one that is extremely countered by your skill"

"After every boss floor there's a rest stage that is the same place no matter what floor you were just on, you could've just beat floor 120 and you would still see some players who just beat floor 10."

"At each rest stage you can do a lot of things, sell monster materials, buy gear and other items, team up with other people, etc."

"At floor 1-20 the environment is just a small arena, however afterward each floor becomes an actual landscape with different environments, weak monsters, and main monsters. To pass these floors you need to kill all of the monsters, both the weak ones and the main monster."

"Next, we have your status. It basically lists out all of your general information, age, physical features like height and weight, etc. but it also shows you level, stats, and skills.

I'll explain skills later. Your level corresponds to the highest floor you have beaten, for example, if you were on floor 80 you would be level 80."

"Your stats are your basic abilities, there are 5 stats normally but there are some 'special' stats that you can unlock by getting some special skills."

"The 5 main stats are: Strength, Stamina, Mana, Survival, Defense."

"Strength increases your physical abilities"

"Stamina increases your ability to do physical activities for a long period of time."

"Mana increases your mana pool, which is basically an energy pool that you use up when you use some skills, some skills take stamina and some take nothing but the majority use mana."

"Survival determines your HP and how much pain you can tolerate, your hp is basically a number that represents how close you are to death, if it reaches 0 you die. 1 survival point=10 hp, unless you have a skill that increases or decreases that."

"Defense is how much damage you can negate from an attack. For example, if you have 3 people, one of them has 1000 strength, one of them has 1000 Survivability, and the last one has 1000 defense, the one with strength would one shot the guy with 1000 survivability, but only do 1 damage to the guy with defense."

"To upgrade these stats you must have stat points, to get stat points you must level up, for every one level you get 5 stat points."

"However you can also get or lose stats by doing a specific action."

"Next up we have skills, everyone who enters the tower gets a skill immediately, it's random though, with the only guaranteed thing about it being that it has a 100% chance of being a 'Unique' Skill."

"There are 5 types of skills. Common, Rare, Unique, Legendary, and Ultimate.

Common skills are usually useless with some exceptions.

Rare skills are decent and can usually be used in a number of ways.

Unique skills are great but rare, they are the strongest type of skill you can get without doing anything special.

Legendary skills are unique skills that have been awakened into their true form, these can only be obtained after floor 50.

Ultimate skills...well, I'll tell you how to get them later on in the video."

"Common, Rare, and Unique skills can be obtained by killing monsters with skills as a rare drop, 40% chance for common skills, 10% chance for rare skills, and 3% chance for unique skills."

"Every floor can only give out one skill to each person, and only to one person at a time, if you do a rerun of the tower(information on how to do that will be given later in the video) then you can get skills from floors you have previously got one. And if you get a skill on a floor that you already obtained a skill from you have to choose between the two."

"Before I talk about the other 2 types of skills I need to explain skill levels. Basically, every skill has a level and a level cap, Common skills cap out at 20, Rare skills cap at 50, and Unique skills cap out at 80. To level up a skill you need to use it a lot."

"After you cap out a skill you can sacrifice stat points to evolve it to its true form, common->rare->unique->legendary.

common skills take an average of 6 stat points to evolve, rare skills take an average of 12, but all unique skills take 30 stat points to evolve to legendary."

"Legendary skills, although will weaken the user by not allowing them to spend it on their stats, will make the user stronger than if they were to stay with the stats and unique skills.

a person with an average stat total of 200 with 5 unique skills will lose to a person with an average stat total of 170 with 1 legendary skill."

"Now, ultimate skills. As I said before, only three people are known to have them: The Platinum Witch, The Crimson Bloodsucker, and the Queen of England. However there is a 4th being known to have an ultimate skill, but it isn't a person."

"Before I get into that, I'll tell you about the other 3 first."

"The Platinum Witch has the ultimate skill platinum star, which allowed her to conjure bright white and blue colored energy, which turned anything they touched into solid platinum, including living things. Luckily she mostly abstains from battles, however, there have been multiple incidents where her presence alone nearly ended a country."

"The Crimson Bloodsucker has the ultimate skill crimson carnage, which allows him to absorb, store, eject, and manipulate over 300 gallons of blood, he absorbs blood either from direct skin contact or through his teeth. He is a mass murderer and one of the strongest players in existence, with a total body count well in the tens of thousands, it is also speculated that his skill might let him live for longer, if not outright make him stop aging, as he has been terrorizing the tower for over 200 years now, but it is known that he isn't invincible, once taking a nearly fatal wound from a certain monster before it ran off in fear."

"The Queen of England has recently been exposed as an ultimate skill user when an assassination attempt left her headless, before her head grew back like it was nothing, her skill has been unofficially named "Immortality" and has been confirmed by the queen to be an ultimate skill."

"That would be it for the ultimate skills however there is one more being that has this fabled type of skill, a monster called The Devourer. It has a wolf-like head with razor-sharp fangs, a creature of pure gluttony. It has long front legs but short hind legs, it's covered in black fur that has some sort of detection ability that feeds information to its Legendary skill, Adaptability. Which allows it to shift its body in response to outside influences. It's 8 feet tall while sitting down and can reach up to 11 feet while standing on its hind legs. It has extremely sharp claws that can pierce and cut through steel with ease, it use it to mostly climb on walls or slash enemies to pieces, it has 4 eyes on its head which are usually empty but will glow bright red if its angry or terrified, it's immune to most hallucinatory effects due to its almost robot-like ability to completely empty it's mind and focus on only one thing, and it can also rely on its fur to detect enemies and attacks if it's blinded. And, oops- I got distracted, the important thing is that this creature has an ultimate skill that allows it to eat anything. Including the fabric between dimensions, it is often seen in the middle floors looking for weak players to pick off due to its trauma of fighting The Crimson Bloodsucker, turns out being covered in acidic blood then being pummeled to the ground by several earthquake inducing punches isn't that fun, however, it will sometimes venture on the upper floors for some unknown reason, and eventually fight a strong player."

"Now you might be asking, how do you get an ultimate skill? And here's the simple answer, we don't know. The only people who have them don't want to tell the public and the only clue we have is that they lost or stopped using a lot of their legendary skills after getting it. So basically, we have absolutely no idea"

"Alright, now we're onto the quick notes section. Where I list a lot of useful information that doesn't really fit in the other categories. Let's go."

"To exit the tower, you must either shout surrender, or die. In the tower, even if you die you will just respawn at the entrance of the tower, but if you die three times in the tower, you die permanently, so be careful."

"The health regeneration in the tower is 5% HP per second outside of battle, 1% per second in battle"

"The strongest player we know of is the six sword sage, which, although he doesn't have any ultimate skills, has over-"

The figure sighs, there he goes again, fanboying over the sage.

The figure skips a bit of the video

"-nd that's why he's the strongest player."

"How do you enter the tower? there is a tower in every major city in every continent in the world, nobody knows how they got there but they're there."

"How do you climb the tower? After every full completion of a floor a sort of bright light appears in the 'doorway' of a floor, which is just a fancy way of saying a door appears behind where the main monster is supposed to be."

"If you enter the tower with multiple people you get grouped together as a team"

"If you exit the tower, you still keep all of your skills and your level and stats, when you enter the tower again, you have two options, if you have beaten floor 10 and went to the rest stage then you would be able to enter the rest stage directly, then you would be able to enter the 1st stage to the one you were at. For example, if you were on floor 58, you would go to floor 51. If you so choose, you could just enter from the first floor again, keeping all of your abilities and being able to challenge the floors again with minimal difficulty."

"Anddd that's the end of the video! I hope you enjoyed, and if you did, please like an-"

The figure closes the video, before scrolling to another one, they look at the clock, 3am, fuck.

They shut off their phone, and drift off to sleep.