In a not so small Country lived two Kingdoms;The Angels and Demons.
The Angels and Demons were rivals. The Demons where known for their chaos and dreadfulness.
"Are you ready"Queen Madison said tears runner down her eyes.
Moon nodded even though she was clearly scared.
The Demons had killed and attacked half of the Angels , and had threatened to wipe out the entire Angel Kingdom but would stop their ruthless attacks if the Royal Family gave their only daughter and heir to the throne as treaty.
Princess Moon knowing it was the right thing to do for the sake of her kingdom, she took a deep breath, she had to it; It wasn't a choice.
"Are you sure, you want to do this, we can figure something out My dear
" Queen Madison pleaded, she didn't want to let her go, the Demons were heartless people, who knew what torture her beloved child would go through.
"Mama, we've talked about this, if I don't do this the demons would wipe out the entire kingdom, I have to do this, " she paused when her mother cleaned the tears from her eyes, she hadn't realized she was crying"I promise I'll come back home, they won't kill me and I'll make sure that they get what they deserve"she gave her mother a light smile, she herself wasn't sure if she would keep that promise.
Interrupted by the sudden knock on the wooden door her eyes converted from her mother to the door to see a maid.
"Your highnesses, the king said I should inform that they have arrived" the maid said with her heard looking below her to show respect.
" I'll be there" Princess Moon said, giving her mother a reassuring nod.
Princess Moon stepped into the carriage, spearing her last glance at her parents, she didn't know when she would see them again or if she would see them again. She cleaned her tears and waved goodbye to her kingdom.
Princess Moon was still very young, she was just one hundred and seventeen she was a naive young girl but love her family so much, she could do anything for her family and kingdom.
She had now left her kingdom far behind and the tall bushes appeared in site, she wanted to burst out in tears but she had too be strong for her kingdom, she knew that her parents would figure something out or at least she hope.
Moon suddenly noticed the carriage had stopped, she looked outside the carriage carriage and a big blast gat gate came into view above it wrote;