I ground my body against his, biting his lips, begging for entrance. He hesitated, for whatever reason, but he opened his mouth, and I invaded it with my tongue, trying not to get sloppy or drool over him. He tightened his arms around my waist, and I brung on of me hands around to the back of his head and brought it closer to
me. I rolled on my side, half laying have not, Kol stretche over me as I tugged and pulled at his hair. He moaned in the back of his throat, and my arm underneath me
gave out and was crash onto the bed again, him on top of me this time, not moving his hands from my waist, rubbing circles around them and his lips moved smoothly
against mine. He was being too soft! I needed more than this. I was getting fustrated, so I flipped up over again, pressed into him and hard as I could and