in a small town named Kouton a kid that goes by the name of katuwa Asaauka was born. he had beautiful light blue eyes with white and black hair. at the age of 6 his parents moved to a city named Duko and gave him the nick name Kat, his parents adored him and tried their best tho keep him happy....that was... until he made it into school. Kat was very shy and didn't have no one to talk to, everyone but him had friends and people to play with. a teacher yelled "alright get into groups every one"
Kat didn't have anyone to pair up with and was left alone in the back of the room. he could hear kids talking about him saying "what a loner he is". Kat wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, the teacher came up to him and asked "where's your partner?" Kat replied saying "I.. don't have one" the teacher started to ask questions "what is your name kid?" Kat replied "katuwa Asaauka" the teacher smiled and said "what an interesting name you have, you must be from tekon... can you speak it?" Kat replied "what's tekon?" the teacher replied and said "it's one the areas in the country with it's own language. and I was just wondering if you could speak in it." Kat replied "kakien zenkienis enkuhenmu ku haengkuja keinta koikuknimukan? (do you have a glass of water?)" the whole class was impressed by the language and asked if they could know more about it. The teacher replied with "wow that's a long sentence just for a couple of words in our language" Kat replied "ken haismuja jakien"
the teacher says "ok that's enough tekon for the day." a little boy ask "why does it sound so different from most areas that speak a different language?" the teacher replied "for private reasons, however it isn't hard to learn at all."
the kid looked at Kat amazed and said "you are so cool!" Kat replied "th- thanks"