Chereads / Rat King / Chapter 9 - Gathering

Chapter 9 - Gathering

Dem scratched at the base of his neck; despite a few days passing since the shaman applied the tattoo, it still itched. He sat easily in the saddle, no longer clinging to the saddle's pommel for fear of falling off. He patted the neck of the small mare he was riding while his sharp eyes scanned the horizon.

Dozens of clans were within view as their semi-annual migration neared its conclusion. Billowing fields of waist-high grass spread outward in all directions while the tribal nomads of the Four Kingdoms slowly started to converge. Ai and Tam had gone ahead to help construct makeshift 'rope corrals' for the Swiftwind Clan's horses and cattle. Every attempt would be made to stop livestock from wandering, but some loss and gain were expected.

"Where's your bladed spear?" Huntmaster Dern asked.

Dem pointed at the long line of wagons that belonged to the Swiftwind Clan. "Packed away. I fall out of the saddle whenever I carry it."

Dern noted that his new charge was wearing a black dagger. "I want you to carry it whenever you ride, until it feels like an extension of yourself. Is that clear?"

Dem nodded. "Yes, Huntmaster."

"Perhaps we will shorten yours a bit." Dern was aware of Dem's ability with a knife. The clans favored a modified spear capable of inflicting stabbing and slashing wounds. Generally, you should be able to reach up and touch the tip when the butt of the weapon is placed on the ground.

Dem nodded without commenting further.

"During the Gathering, a few hunters will be tasked with security. Nothing too important, breaking up serious fights and ensuring all liaisons are voluntary and sober." Dern snorted suddenly. Mostly the younger generation would get ahold of some alcohol and pair off.

Dem had already been informed that he'd be off during the Gathering. He was looking forward to seeing Telo again. "I'll try to make sure no one takes advantage of me."

"HAHAHAHA..." Unexpectedly the normally stoic Huntmaster found his words amusing. "I guess things are a bit different in Thaigmaal."

"Very," Dem agreed.

The Switftwind Clan settled down a few hours later, near the outside edge of the mass that saw the tribal numbers climb into the tens of thousands.

After leaving his horse with the Clan's remuda, Dem walked through the Swiftwind compound alone. Cookfires were already burning in preparation for the festivities that would start the next day.

"Hey, Dem!" A tall teen named Yanz waved at him. He had been one of the camp guards the night Dem and Telo finally caught up with the Swiftwind Clan.

"New faces?" Dem knew that the Swiftwind numbered less than a few thousand, but he already knew nearly everyone's face.

Yanz flashed him a white smile. "Your kill will be served to the Clan chiefs tonight. They are helping prepare."

"Dem?" Ai's familiar voice called him from a nearby tent. She smiled at her adopted younger brother. Although he was only three years younger, the age difference seemed much more because of his size. "Can we speak for a moment?"

Dem nodded and followed her inside their family lodge. "Gram, Yada," he smiled a greeting at Ai's mother and grandma.

Yada held out a carefully wrapped bundle. "Tonight, you will join Huntmaster Dern and the Clan Chief at the Chieftain table."

Dem frowned slightly; he had been planning on finding Telo and eating with him. "I see... Because of the sand snake?"

Yada nodded and gestured for him to open the package. "Gram and I made you some suitable clothes. Of course, you must look your best when representing the Swiftwind Clan."

Dem glanced at Ai, who was nodding proudly; forcing a smile, he opened the package to reveal a soft leather shirt and leggings. He held the shirt up and examined it. "I like the beadwork."

Ai's smile widened considerably. "I did that part." After her elders had finished the outfit, she had asked to add some decorative beads. The image showed a giant snake hiding in tall grass.

Gram stepped forward and opened her arms, waiting patiently until Dem stepped forward. She hugged the smaller teen before ruffling his hair. "The shaman really did some damage."

Yada nodded in agreement. He had come back from her tent with his hair cut unevenly. She had to remove quite a bit to make him look presentable again. The result made Dem look even younger. "Still handsome."

"Very handsome," Ai agreed. "Go find your friend but make sure you are back before the feast starts."

"Thank you for the presents," he sat them down on his gear before favoring Ai with a grin.

A short while later, Dem paused at the entrance to the Redfox area, where two guards held watch.

"Greetings." A guard with reddish hair offered Dem a polite nod. Although a good portion of the tribal nomads had similar dark hair and tanned skin, there were exceptions within some of the families. One of those was the Redfox Clan.

"Dem from the Swiftwind Clan here to visit Telomere."

The red-haired guard waved him through. "Third fire on the right."

Dem nodded and stepped between the guards. The Redfox compound was neat and well maintained. Small groups huddled around the fires, holding their hands outward toward the flames. He glanced down at the simple hand-me-down clothes he was wearing. After his first day with the Clan, Gram had given him more clothes, and he was forced to put his Thumal garments away.

Telo's laugh was as loud and carefree as he remembered. Dem immediately spotted him standing with an older man and young girl.

"Telo!" Dem raised his voice so that his friend would look up.

"Dem!" Telo swept him up in a good-natured hug before setting him down. "Just in time. Dem, this is my father, Uhric and my dasai, Iyena."

"Nice to meet you both," Dem greeted.

"Well met, Dem." Uhric shook Dem's hand with an iron grip before frowning at his daughter, who seemed content to stare. "Yena!"

"Well met," she mumbled.

Telo seemed to want to say something to her, but he settled for a scowl. "Did you find out your age?" He knew Dem would have gone through the blood rite; at the very least, the clan shaman should have told him that.

Dem nodded. "Fourteen."

"Not likely," Yena replied. "You look twelve at the most."

"Sorry, Dem..." Telo apologized for his dasai. It was considered very impolite to call someone a liar.

Dem waved him off. "It's fine. Sometimes people who are nice looking lack basic manners."

Uhric snorted loudly and clapped Dem's back hard enough to make him take a step forward. "You got that right!"

"Too bad about your age." Telo laughed at his sister, who was slowly turning red. "Guess I can't rely on you to capture her circut."

"As if he could!" Yena stomped her foot and would have said more, but Telo was already pulling Dem away.

"What's a circut?" Dem asked once they were out of hearing range.

Telo shook his head in mock disgust. "Who is educating you on tribal life?"

"Ai mostly," Dem admitted.

Telo tossed an arm around his shoulders while they walked. "Leave it to your brother Telo to teach you the important things."

Dem found his smile infectious and returned it. "I'll rely on you, dosu."

"Simply put, it's a keepsake that the tribal maidens make." He held up his hands about eight inches apart. "Usually, they weave grass, flowers, and whatever they find pretty into a small wreath. Any male aged 15 to 17 may participate in the circut hunt."

"Hunt? Do they hide them?"

Telo stopped near the back of an empty wagon and took a seat on the tailgate. "No, but they aren't easy to find."

Dem listened while Telo explained the circut hunt in detail. The circuts would be attached to arrows and then shot into the night sky. Given the number of participants, coming back with a specific one was unlikely. "Did you get one last year?"

Telo shook his head and held up three fingers. "I should feel bad about the poor tribals who come back empty-handed... But I don't!" He ended his statement with a maniacal laugh.

"I wonder if Ai participates."

Telo nodded. "Both her and the one she walks with did last year."

Dem raised an eyebrow at his friend. "How would you know that? Aren't there hundreds of participants?"

"Dem..." Telo gave him a blank stare. "Surely you don't think all the tribal women look like Ai and her friend?"

"I suppose not," Dem agreed.

"Would be nice if they did, though." Telo frowned suddenly as if remembering he could no longer participate. "What's Ai's friend called?"

"Tamra," Dem shot a glance at his friend. "What happens when you come back with someone's circut?"

"The losers who come back empty-handed shuffle off to cry in the dark." Telo paused for effect. "Those with a prize are seated with their circut owners for the First Day feast."

Dem's face showed his complete lack of understanding. "Why do I care who I eat with?"

Telo shook his head sadly. "You're too young to fully grasp the importance of this matter. So many courtships have started after a captured circut."

Dem laughed at his friend's expression. "Did your hunt result in a courtship?"

Telo shook his head. "Sadly, brother Telo remains unattached."

After wandering together for a few hours, the pair returned to Telo's tent. His father had left, but his sister was still present. Unexpectedly she greeted them both with a polite smile.

"Expect trouble," Telo mumbled when he noticed his sister's expression.

"You're from the Swiftwind Clan, Dem?" Yena played with the end of her single braid. Unlike Telo, she had bright red hair.

Dem nodded. "Yes."

"So... You know Huntmaster Dern?"

"Yena..." Telo frowned at his sister. "Dem is a fosterling. He's only been with the Swiftwind clan for a few days."

"I know him," Dem replied.

Yena smiled sweetly, her lightly freckled face blushing slightly. "I hear he's a great warrior. Did you see the snake he killed? Its skin is curing near the chieftain area."

Telo nodded in agreement. "I saw it this morning. I've never seen a sand snake that big."

"It's pretty big," Dem admitted. "I need to get back."

"You can't eat with us, dasai?" Telo looked disappointed.

Dem shook his head. "Not this time."

Yena frowned at the fleeing figure. "Why are you calling him dasai?"

Telo glanced over his shoulder before flicking her ear. "Why am I cursed with a sister?"