Later that night.
Kyra walked out of the cab and stood in front of the Sinclair mansion. It was her aunt's house which she rarely visited since it was far from the city. It would almost take a day to drive here and it was tiring to come alone.
The frog gasped looking at the mini-mansion as Kyra scanned her face at the entrance gate. He did hear that Majestrial workers had private houses and this one looked pretty good in his eyes.
Kyra dragged herself to the steps and opened the main door.
Nothing but silence welcomed them and she teared up immediately. This house had people always buzzing around from here and there. Workers would still clean up the floors, wipe off the dust and keep it busy.
What hurt her the most were the memories she shared with Anna and Daniel. They would be running around the house, chasing after each other, teasing each other and the Sinclair couple would sit on the couch and laugh looking at them.