Chereads / Feral Eclipse / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9.

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9.

The day hadn't gone exactly as planned like Vera had hoped.

Instead of getting actual time to bond with Alexander — subtly in suit, he followed out with his enforced promise. For her to spend the rest of the evening in her room, alone.

She didn't know whether it was his sultrious tone, or the mate bond, but either way it left her to obey.

She hadn't gotten to see Mavis like she had previously begged or checked up on the impregnated Eve, who Vera couldn't fight back to be fond of.

Any moment now Alexander said someone would come to collect her and yet as time fleeted she hadn't saw a single person. Not a even soul. Rubbing the aching gap between her forehead, it was time to take matters into her own hands.

Groaning aloud she releases a growl out of pure aggravation not before climbing on the edge of the bed and kicking herself off.

If anyone asked, she was her own self destruction and she couldn't keep living in solitude.

She thought about what her adoptive family was doing at a time like this. Was school going on around this hour. Her mind couldn't help but drift towards her twin sister Andy... because half admittedly, Vera missed her endless torment right about now and senseless bickering.

Did Andy miss her?

She missed her afternoon English lectures and learning about mates— werewolf biology. Hell, there was still a lot she didn't know about them, about herself. Like for example she's on the verge of turning seventeen and yet she still hadn't shifted.

Yeah her wolf did make short lived appearances now and then but not as often on the regular. Along with the thought of adulthood and maturing did Alexander abruptly drift into her head, and just as easily as his physique infiltrated her head did she straightforwardly get pissed off again.

That's it! I refuse to get treated like an adolescent! As if a light bulb had popped out above her head she marches down stairs determined and quietly without making a sound.

The floors creaked beneath her feet as she started to slow down. Where exactly was the exit? Where around these torture chambers were her friends? She facepalms herself at the plan she created to act like an adult but lacked any real detail.

She sighs turning sharply down a hallway to come to a silver door, the one she had once saw blood— no! smeared strawberry juice on during the day of her tour here and pressed her ear against it to detect any voices.

She didn't.

She pushes the door once or twice before it finally came open after her consistent pounding and she takes a look, she jumps high with a smile breaking out on her face into the comforting familiarity of a victory.

"Yes!" She shouts taking another daring look around the door to see no one in sight. She's found her own way leading outside. She could finally escape.

Vera thought quick closing the door behind her when instantly she breaks out into a sprint. She's panting like hell pushing her chubby legs forward. Adrenaline coursed threw her body like electricity giving her the jolt of confidence to accelerate forward. The blood pounded in her ears. Just as she thought she was free,

She fumbles forward falling flat on her face. Then she hears something. So many differentiating laughters coming from the opposite direction of her, it made her tummy compress at the embarrassment.

Whining lazily while somehow being able o rub her forehead. "Ouch.. that really really hurt." She admits to no one in particular. More laughter erupted causing her to hurriedly turn in the direction of the voices. She pans her neck at the audience, letting the frown overtake her lips with her furrowed eyebrows.

Suddenly her eyes squinted into sleets, eyes like snakes pointing daggers into all the males she saw scattered in the front of the castle. All giggling like teenage girls while pointing accusing fingers at her.

"Hey! Don't you guys dare laugh at me!" She finds herself saying while balling her hand into a fist raising it and shaking it around as if in a threatening manner, and in their eyes she was far from a threat.

Vera knew all too well  at least one out of the sixty guys could simply take her down for good with one mean tackle to the grass and yet she bargained for it. "Seriously that's so rude. Im in the middle of an escape plan here and you ass hats are cackling like the ass hats you are!" Like a grumpy old lady she sticks out her tongue.

"Luna what are you doing out here! Get back in the manor." This causes her to snap her head back as it dawned on her who was spewing such demands,. "And you! My good sir." She points her finger accusingly. "You are a terrible bastard!" Running out of insults she stomps towards the guy she's been dreading to see.

Here stood Hector, shirtless with sweat beading down his face only gazing blankly at her as she marches up towards him.

Hector sported black gym shorts that hung loosely around his hip with his v line on full display but he didn't mind it. The only thought on his mind was why and how exactly had his Luna gotten outside of the castle while his Alpha was in the middle of a pack meeting.

"What are you doing out here without Bane, if he finds out your here he'll be furious." Hector scolds but Vera only shrugs. In this moment she couldn't give a flipping flying pig feet what Alexander felt or thinks.

All she knew was he had another thing coming if he thought she'd sit in their room all day away from everyone else. Boredom was one's true enemy. And it just happened to have been hers.

"I don't give a shit."

"Now what I will do is engage in whatever it is you guys are doing." Vera doesn't stop herself to wink at one of the guys in the crowd standing behind Hector. He shies away from his Luna while a low growl rips from the throat of Hector at this action. Disgust wavered onto his face.

He gives into defeat. "You a fighter?" He asks a little in question at her attire.

One of Alexander's shorts she wore when she had gotten out of the shower reached the top of her stubby knees but she didn't particularly care, she wore this daily. Her hair pulled back into a loose ponytail getting frizzier by the second. The new style Vera recalled herself saying as she brushed it while gazing in the mirror.

"Not really... it was usually Mavis who did all the fighting back at home. But I could learn." She raises her shoulders this time suggestively. Hector purrs at the sound of his mate before clearing his throat. By this time all these guys were back sparing and fighting like they usually did.

A guy shorter than Hector stands at his side waitingly giving Vera the eye. Muscles bulging under his white tank top slowly his lips morphed into a chipped tooth smile, " Alright well I usually assist in training with Bane but as you can see he's not here so, you'll just have to pair with Juliard." The guy beside Hector began to smirk.

"Okay go with him. I'll be walking around over there spectating so if you need me, yell." Jogging rather hastily, Hector leaves Vera alone with the guy she notes is Juliard.

His course brown hair went up into curls and he had eyes of a golden brown. They were anointed and sharp and cut into slits as if they belonged to a serpent. He was rather tall and kind of lean, his charisma was very noticeable along with his rare features, and the smile tugging on his lips supported that.

Juliard stepped closer towards a shied Vera with this particular boyish grin, it would have been a challenge not to be infected by his naturally outgoing gestures and habits, "So what do you wanna do first? You take me as a mean right hook kind of girl." Soon Vera is swarmed with giggles as he chuckles whole heartedly.

"Listen I gotta be honest. I haven't partook in any real combat a day in my life." Vera admits. "Wait.. does fighting with my sister count?" Juliars looked to be thinking for a second until he shook his head in affirmation, with Vera looking all too serious. The sun shined in his eyes momentarily making his brown orbs flicker brighter than any murky lake.

They reminded her of absolute warmth on a summer's eve.

"No. Not exactly." Juliard reaches for her hand fisting them up. "Yeah you look like you've done some damage in the past." Catching her off guard he parts her legs kicking them apart from underneath her.

She gasps in surprise a little at this. Regaining her foot steps and composure, until she hesitantly began to lift her fists to be more readier than before. "Wow you're Scary. Be sure to go easy on me." At this point Vera is hunched over in fits of laughter loosing her poker face.

She's laughing harder than before as Juliard only stares at her. " I should be telling you that, Mr tattoo monster husky  guy." Unaware, she just retorted she had been checking him out. But it was true. Juliard's beefy skin was tainted with tattoos running up and down on his back and chest. Symbols Vera wasn't familiar with, some she couldn't entirely decipher.

If she hadn't known any better she would've thought he was one of those business mafia type guys she's heard about.

"Hey! These monsters as you've called them. Are customary. Okay? I've gone threw literal hell in order to claim them." He stands offended however the smirk on his face only grew.

He couldn't stop Vera from laughing no matter what he said so he only assaults her by punching her in her stomach. She whines gripping her stomach before eyeing him from her position as she were kneeling, "Customary? What do you mean by customary?" She barks out in between laughs.

The smile returned on his face. "In my pack-"

Vera raises her eyebrow. "Wait- from your pack? Your not from Beckon Stone?" She says going in for a punch at his chest.

He misses it at her lazy tactic. "No. I'm visting with with my alpha." He goes in to swipe her again from under her feet. "He's also in the meeting with your Alpha right about now." Vera giggles again at her fail attempt to punch him square in his jaw, he catches her throw, tossing her arm to the side.

"Interesting... I didn't know there were any neighboring packs around here. Just us...Well them." Vera says this and suddenly her mind became clouded with images of her mate again. Alexander had a way of capturing her mind sometimes that it was almost like a switch that flickered on and off.

"Them?" Juliard asks with an eye brow raised. Yeah this girl had no idea how to fight, he thought but decided not to tell her that.

Vera staggers back taking a blow to her back as he kicked her from behind. She thought she was doing pretty well in keeping up with him but that's cause he was going lightly on her.

Remembering his question in between movements, Vera stuttered on her forming statement, "Erm- Yeah. I'm not really from Alexander's direct pack. I'm from the town. I haven't even shifted yet." Juliard pauses as he's listening.

He takes a deep breath, shoving past Vera who tried to attack him while he was down hunched over. "That explains the human scent." Juliard teases. "That doesn't explain why you're here though. Hold on, does your Alpha let you call him by his first name?" He squints his eyes at this in disbelief.

Vera shrugs. Of course to any other pack member calling the alpha anything other than his title would be considerably disrespect, but Vera didn't see it like that. Maybe it was because the alpha was her mate, and that's why she got away with calling him something other than his political status.

"Well I'm the Beta of my pack and sometimes Adonis nearly bites off my head if I call him that." Juliard responded with a furrow eyebrow cocked.

Vera soon jabs at Juliard which he dodges taking the perfect opportunity to kick her abdomen.

To him it was done lightly and painless considering he's done this move plenty of times on males but to Vera he knocked all of the air out of her lungs. She retaliates. If she weren't before, she was surely paying attention now.

"Oh bring it on mr. tough guy." She lurches forward successfully landing a power kick to his stomach like he had did to her. "Now your really gonna get it!" Juliard growls playfully jumping onto Vera.

Her back hits the grass as he's committing the worst assault of all.


He leaned down mumbling words of control as he dared for Vera to attempt at dominating him.

Suddenly during their childish banter everything halts to a stop when a rippling growl begins to ring, invading Vera's ears. She couldn't help but whimper and stop what she was doing.

The once warm presence of a body on top of her is being lifted and she turns her head to see Juliard being thrown — discarded away like paper weights.

Picking her up by the throat any probable guess she could've came up with other than the obvious was provoked.

Vera could feel her heart beat threw her ears pounding louder than any bass or drum. She recognizes the wine coloured eyes instantly. Something pools between her legs which forces her to clench on instinct.

"What is this. What is it that you think you are doing." A rumbling sound comes from her mate's chest. Failing to respond this only seems to make him squeeze her source of life in his hand rather harshly again. "Alexander it's not what it looks like. I promise."

The lycan clutches his chest while a smirk was painted upon his lips as he chuckles darkly. "You always have enough oxygen to say that...right. Until you won't, What will you say then." He yells rupturing her ear drum. He pulls her closer by the neck into his chest. Breathing heavily into her hair.

Vera was struggling to breathe until finally a savior stepped in for her defense. "Bane put her down! This is not the place and the time to act out this way." Hector stands beside his alpha pulling at his iron grip he had around the nap of Vera's neck.

"Let her go!"

After moments had passed with Vera struggling to breathe Alexander finally releases her with a grumble. Gasping for air if he heard any debate against it —he ignores it picking Vera up bridal style flush into his chest.

"Yes. There's more important matters to attend to." He remembers taking heated steps toward the castle's gated doors.

Before he fully disappeared along side Hector he snaps his head at the disheveled Juliard who looks defeated. "After today if I catch you on my territory near my mate again. I won't. Will not hesitate to end you." He literally barks out.

"Alpha Bane. The visiting Alpha requests for you in your study now. He's about to leave. He says he's done here." Taking a lingering gaze at Vera — Alexander sighs dragging his hand threw his hair. Too many problem are colliding in his hands with more things to deal with.

He nods at the Delta pushing him forward farther into the door way, He gives her another look before placing her in the arms of Hector.

"There's gotta be something I can do. All this time wasted. What is the cost for peace." He questions to no one in particular slamming the door shut. "Hector take my mate to my room. And keep her there until I say other wise."

"Alpha we need to talk about this. About Vera." Hector proclaims, daringly aware at Alexander's fully dilated wine coloured eyes and elongated fangs poking from underneath his frustrated lips.

"Go! I don't have time for this. Lock her up like I said!" In finality, this was the lycan's last order and he left no room for debate.

There was a blood thirsty Alpha in his study. Ready to rage a war around the corner and Alexander couldn't risk it.

He couldn't risk her.
