Chereads / Penny for your heart?[on temporary hiatus] / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 : You owe me

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 : You owe me

Ayaka's brain finally started working and she pulled her hand away from El abruptly, she then ran off the stage with the man chasing her closely behind, "hey wait a minute!" El called out to her.

Aya didn't want to look back, nope, there was no way in hell she was going to allow herself to spend another minute with that gorgeous specimen of a man, she knew what would happen if she did and she was not going to allow it.

"Ayaka wait!"

Upon hearing her name Aya froze in place, the man caught up with her and stood in front of her with a stupid grin on his face. "Wow you're pretty fast for a female," he spoke sheepishly, "do you work out?"

"How did you know that name?!" The brunette demanded, "who told you who I am?! Have you been stalking me?!"

"Wow wow calm down," El responded, he waved his hands in from of him defensively urging the woman to calm down, "A little birdie told me."

Aya rolled her eyes and pushed the blue eyed man to the side. El grabbed her hand and chuckled uncontrollably, she looked so adorable when she angry like that. "I'm joking come on, I came to your work place the other day and that's where I got your name from."

Ayaka turned to look at the ridiculously handsome man with a dreadful expression, "y-you came to my work?"

"Yeah, I came to Broo-"

Aya hurriedly covered the man's mouth and glared at him, "don't talk about my work here, and don't you ever, EVER, call me by that name again, got that?!"

El nodded his head in agreement, the brunette removed her hand from his mouth and looked away, gosh how could this have happened, no one was ever supposed to know her identity, especially none of her one night stands.


"Oh for fuck's sake." Just when Ayaka thought her night couldn't get any worse, she turned around to see who was calling her, and there stood yet another one of her one night stands who just couldn't leave her the fuck alone, Rayan.

"H-hey Rayan what's up?"

The man walked towards the brunette and embraced her in a tight hug, "Star baby am I glad to see you, I've been trying to call and text but I could never get through."

For some reason, seeing Rayan hug Aya like that made El a bit uncomfortable, it almost seemed like that had an intimate connection. Rayan released the girl and turned to look at the man standing next to her with a furrowed brow, "El?"

"Wait! You too know each other?!" All of them spoke in unison

"Yes," Rayan responded to the brunette, "El is a long time friend, we've worked many projects together. But how do you two know each other?"

"Well actually Star here is-"

"I'm his girlfriend!" Ayaka blurted out

Both the men looked at her in shock, she inched closer to El and intertwined his fingers with hers, "now you understand why I can't be with you Rayan, I'm in a committed relationship."

"So our weekend together.. it all meant nothing to you?" Rayan's voice cracked as he spoke, he actually seemed hurt, "you were just playing me the entire time?"

"So the weekend you said you were visiting your grandparents you were actually with Rayan?!" El yelled at the brunette, he yanked his arm away from her and clenched his chest as if heart broken.

"El I can explain," Aya mattered in the best sorrowful voice she could conjure, "it was just a one time thing, I was lonely and-"

"No!" El responded, "so this is why you declined my proposal? Because of Rayan?!" The blue eyed man shook his head in disappointment, "you know what, Rayan you can have her." He then turned and walked away.

Rayan watched El storm away angrily and then turned his gaze back to Aya, "Star why didn't you tell me you were in a relationship? Was I just some experiment to you?"

"Look Rayan I'm really sorry about what happened but I really need to go after El," she pat him on the shoulder and started walking towards the direction El had taken.


"I'm sorry!"

The brunette pursed her lips to hold back a smile, 'well that was one way of getting rid of an admirer' she thought to herself, suddenly a hand grabbed her and pulled her behind some large speakers back stage.

When her face rammed into a hard chest, a familiar cologne filled her nostrils, and the memories of the night they had spent together came flooding back in like hit of morphine. She looked up at El and found his blue eyes gazing down at her.

"Is he gone?" The man asked. Gosh his voice was like a powerful wave hitting against the rocky shore, any woman would fold at just the sound of this man's vocals.

Ayaka cleared her throat and took a step back, "yes he is," she responded, "thanks for the help or whatever."

El chuckled at the woman's curt attitude towards him, could she get any more adorable? "I should applaud myself for my acting skills, I was pretty good don't you think?"

"I guess so, but was the 'is that why you denied my proposal' necessary?"

"I was going for excellence," the man responded with a bow, making Ayaka chuckle. "Since I did you a favor, I guess that means you owe me one right?"

"Can't you just do something out of the goodness of your heart?"

El laughed heartily as if Ayaka had just told him a hilarious joke, he then inched closer to her and smiled slyly at her, "No."

"Argh.." Aya rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest, "fine, what do you want?"

"I just want someone to enjoy the festival with me," the man responded, "I'm not going to be doing anything for the whole weekend and I really don't want to be stuck in my tent drinking alone."

"Oh please, you're El, just snap your fingers and pick any of the females who will be worshiping you at your feet."

El rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "well I do have a lot of worshipers..." the man then snapped his fingers and glanced around him, his gaze then settled on the brunette in front of him and smiled, "guess you're the only one here."

Ayaka rolled her eyes again, "you're the worst you know that."

"I know," responded with a chuckle, "but I'm also great company, come on Star, you owe me."

"Okay fine, what do you want to do first?"

El grinned from ear to ear, this was a woman he'd been losing his mind over for the past couple weeks, he was going to make sure to make every moment with her counted. "First let's get something to eat, I'm starving."

He took Ayaka's hand and led her towards the stage exit. Meanwhile on the other end of the stage, Alicia was grinning happily as she admired her work, finally her friend could get herself a boyfriend and settle down, she was so excited.