Anxiously rolling across my bed. One side to the other, waiting for him to say something. Curiously looking around, I let out a deep sigh. Why am I waiting to hear the voice of someone I couldn't see? Something I was so afraid of two nights ago, I keep waiting for him to say something, I keep looking around as if he'll suddenly appear. If he suddenly became visible, I most probably will bolt out of here within a heartbeat.
Deep in thought, I remember him saying something about being a spirit, not dead or alive? Or are they dead. Why am I even thinking about this, maybe if I stop overthinking this whole thing then he'll just disappear. Well, he kind of is since I can't see him but you know what I mean.
" Why me ? Millions of girls you can choose to haunt... Why me ? " I question and throw my head backwards onto the bed
" You're the chosen one" he sarcastically chuckled
I sit up with my legs crossed on my bed.
" Ghost!! " - I call out
" spirit "- he replied annoyed
" What's the difference " - tilted my head back and rolled my eyes
We both remained silent for a long 30 seconds,as if we were both trying to figure out the answer to that
" Can I ask you a question " - I say
" You already asked two"- he states
Damn his annoying, reminds me of those really immature jerks in high school. Always stating the obvious just to get a reaction.
" Go ahead, ask me whatever you'd like " - he said, this time in a sweet British accent
" How did you die?" - I hesitantly ask
" Oh, straight to the point then? " - he said
" I figured that's the most appropriate question " - I admit
" I don't remember "- he said, sounding as if he had just rehearsed saying that in his head.
I certainly do not know much about him but I can definitely tell that he is lying
" That was very convincing, wow" - I snapped
After a few awkward moments of silence, i decided to speak again
" Fine, then. Tell me about yourself. What's your name, age , where are you from? "
" I assume you want my gender and pronouns as well. Tell me... " He paused
" Where's the little box you'd like me to insert my profile picture in ? "- he continued
" What? " - I say without thinking
" These questions... What are they? Are you trying to create me a Facebook profile ? " - he scoffs
" You literally said ask me whatever " - I try to defend
What am I supposed to ask him? I first went to the deep end and he refused to answer and now he mocks a normal question. What's your name and age, yea people ask that. People do still ask that right?
" Well I assumed that giving you the freedom to ask whatever, would allow me to place you in a category of personalities" - he admits
" And what might be your conclusion? "- I asked annoying
He may be a jerk but I have to admit that his English is very good.
" That you have the mentality of an 80 year old woman" - he chuckled
Okay!! His a jerk, I don't care about his language skills. His a jerk
" Goodnight"- I respond irritated and move myself to the top of the bed and grab my pillow
" Sleeps before 10pm, works on the weekends, asks where you're from " - he paused
Asking where you're from is a normal damn question!!
" Such a nerd"- he adds
After getting ready this morning, I butter a slice of toast and eat it while I walk to campus. I know this mysterious ghost guy is around, I can feel his presence around me. I didn't want to start a conversation with him though, he would just find any reason to insult me. Besides, it's not like he has been great company. He has not even answered one of my questions and he called me a nerd.
" Matteo " - he announces, causing me to choke on my last bite of toast
I cough out my toast so it finally goes down the correct pipe and come to a standstill before crossing the road
" What the hell, are you trying to kill me too? "- I shout, not realising that I'm outside and there are other people around
" Maybe then I'll hang around with someone else. Hmm, someone hotter, funnier or I'll settle for another nerd that at least has a social life "- he admitted
" I do have social life" - I mutter
" Serving croissants and latte's at a café is not a social life" - he explains
I admit that the walk to class was not as lonely as it usually is. I might have came across as a complete weirdo talking to myself. I often to myself, mostly conversations in my head but seldom out loud and never around strangers.
Matteo, so that's his name. I try calling him Matt but he shot that one down immediately.
I eventually got to class and sat in place ready for my exam. Looking around, I couldn't see Astrid in class. She's never late for anything, especially not an exam. I wonder what is was that her mum wanted to say to me when I visited. Astrid and I have been friends from primary school, she was all about rainbow's, magical fairy dust and all she wanted was to be good and make a difference in the world, to help people and spread kindness. Within the space of high school ending and the beginning of college, Astrid had three visible tattoos with very strange symbols, dyed her hair black and became very intrigued with the dark so side. She still wanted to do magic, but this time it didn't seem bright. It was always beneficial to her and lacked any sort of kindness and love. After visiting her room last week, i was certain that she was trying to do some sort of dark magic again
Snapped out of my thoughts, my teacher placed the exam paper on my desk and I look up as Astrid enters the exam hall. Walking in with her head down, she finds a seat near the corner of the room without turning around to find me.
" She's been acting rather strange " - I whispered to myself, forgetting that Matteo was there too
" Says the girl who talks to herself" he said
She looks up and turns in my direction, her eyes bloodred
" Are you okay" I tried to mouth to her in worry hoping that she'll be able to read my lips from the distance
" Miss Peters, would you like me to give you an F " - Mrs Khoosial suggested
Without responding Astrid turned around and we both began writing. I couldn't help but worry about her. Is her eyes sunken in because of the over studying last night? Or was it because she was crying? I notice a new mark on her upper back, she tried covering it with her hair but her grip must have fell off. It looked like a new tattoo from the distance but it could have been a scar.
After the exam, I rush out of the hall to find Astrid
" What's that on your back " I blurt
Quickly pulling her hair back covering the mark
" Sex injury "- she cheekily replied
" Oh I like her" - Matteo laughs
I choose to ignore them both and make my way towards the benches on the grounds.
" So how's your invisible boyfriend" she asked, curious to know if I learned anything new about him
Gossip with my best friend has always been something I could do without having to overthink the topic. But how do you knowingly talk about someone who's listening to your every word. How can I tell her anything without him giving me his side comments and unwanted opinions.
" His everything but that, his a jerk"- I say
" Ouch" - he exaggerates.
If I'm correct that his personality matches the stereotypical jackass, bad boy that every desperate girl is into. Then I'm convinced that his walking backwards with his hands dramatically on his chest, holding his heart from the sudden hurt that he feels because I called him a jerk.
Yes, I just placed him in a stereotypical category of different personalities. Two can play this game!!
" I did some research, I found a reasonable explanation why his stuck with you after his death" - Astrid reveals
" What is it ? " - Matteo and I ask in unison