Days passed.,its time to Test The Alpha physically. So the doctors Decided to take Alpha in a Testing room , Where they have a Wilde Bull which is strong. It is still locked . All the Doctors gather in a Room from where they watch Alpha React to the Tests the team is going give him.
Doctor 1 : All ready ? Doctor Stephen can i release the bull ?
Dr.Stephen : wait a minute , hay Alpha can you hear me ?
ALPHA : Yeah . From that speaker 🔊
Dr.S : Yes , good . We are actually testing your strength. Are you good to go ?
ALPHA : Always
Dr.Stephen : good than , proceed doctor Mike
Than the Doctor presses the button & the Bull's door gets unlocked 🔓. As soon as the bull steps out it bends its horns and keeps running towards Alpha to kill him .
Alpha being stronger smashes the bull all at once, & it dies .
All the Doctors were happy seeing this big guy.
. Now its time for Test no2 , now this time its a Tiger 🐅 which looked too strong & heavy with its Biceps. The button was pressed & the gate was opened.
Alpha was looking at the tiger with loded anger in his eyes 👀
His hands were so prepared that he is eager to kill it .
The Tiger started running towards Alpha. He fought against it . He killed it than tears it into two halfs , it was blood everywhere, He looked relaxed after killing the tiger 🐅. All the Doctors were Scared 😱 & amazed 😲 for his strength & his attitude.
Dr.Stephen : Relaxe Alpha. You have done a great job.
Alpha looks at the speaker 🔊
Dr. S : Go Alpha , go to your room get yourself cleaned up. I will meet you later.
2 hours Later , .. , .. , ..
Dr Stephen : Hi Alpha
Alpha : ( looks towards Doctor )
Dr.S : your fight was amazing. We all are proud of you. Tell me what you happy ? Lets celebrate.
Alpha : ( serious look ) Alice .
Dr.Stephen : what ??
ALPHA : Alice. She makes me happy . Give me her ( tells in a serious way )
Dr.Stephen & other doctors gets shocked 😲 .
Dr.s : She is not a doll Alpha. Do you understand ?
ALPHA : But she is mine . I want her .
Dr. Stephen : Are you , Are you crazy ? Why ? Tell me why you are obsessed with her ?
ALPHA : because i love her 💕
Dr.Stephen : Love her ? She is a doctor Alpha. And she can't come here & she wont . You should let this though go out of your mind.
ALPHA : ( shouting ) Dont tell me Noo , She is mineeee. Call her . Call her...
Dr. Stephen : You are designed to work for us Alpha.
You , are ment to kill . Not love. ( with a serious look )
Now follow my order.
ALPHA : ( Soughts ) ( looks seriously all around ) Want Alice, i follow her commands not yours . I love her .
Dr.Stephen leaves the place and goes inside.
Dr.Stephen : whats wrong with him ? If he stays like this than we cannot handover him to the government.
Dr. 1 : hmm . Let us wait for few more days Stephen. Lets keep him in observation.
All the scientists have an important meeting. So everyone were out of the laboratory premises. As doctor Robert asks Alice to bring a file from the Laboratory side , alice goes there .
Meanwhile the Alpha started sensing her . And looks around to find where she might probably be.
Alice was searching the file.
Meanwhile Doctor Jackob , who followed up Alice to lab , knowing no one were alone makes a rape attempt .
He overpowers her and tears her Shirt 😭 . Alice was screaming 😱 for help and begging him to stop.
He was on her telling
' you are mine ' . Meanwhile Alpha who was sensing all this jumps from a glasswall , grabs Doctor Jackob & tears him into 2 pieces.
His spinalcord is visible ..
Watching this Extremely scary 😨 and mind blowing 🤯 thing , Alice starts to yelling " stop " , "stop" .
And starts to escape. But she couldn't walk due to her leg weakness which attacked all of a suddenly due to her panic.
She was crawling down trying to get up and walk.
Alpha holds her leg 🦵 from behind. She gets more scared 😱 & was crying 😢 😭.
Alice : Please let me go 😫😢
Alpha : Stay Alice
Alice : Jest leave me
Alpha : I won't hurt you.
Alice : 😫😭😭 ( crying )
Alpha was Trying to get closer to her . She was getting backwards, but he holds her legs tight & pulls towards him..
As soon as he pulled her close enough he started sniffing . He had a smile, because he loved how she smells .... He said " I love you ".
She was still crying in fear 😱.
All this was being watched 👀 in CCTV . So the doctors called up Army.
ALPHA : I love you. I won't let anyone hurt you.
ALICE : 😟 ( Tension )
The Army people Try to help Alice, but Alpha starts holding her hand & dont want to let her go .
ALICE : let me go , jest leave me alone. 😢 😭
Alpha : NO ( looking at her )
Somehow one of the soldier grabs alice's hand & starts to pull her , at the time Alpha was fighting other soldiers. She was about to escape but he holds her tightly.
One of the Army guys shoots Alpha. But nothing happens because he is Bullet proof.
Alpha was holds one of the alice's ankle , all the soldiers blocked alpha with iron chains ⛓ tied up to walls . But his hand was still holding her ankle. ..Alice was still begging him to let her go .
Alice : Please let me go
Alpha : Noo
Alice : ( crying ) 😢 😭 pleasesss its hurting . You are hurting my leg .
When soon Alpha realises her leg was red & hurd he lets her go .
As soon as he left her she was dragged back by a soldier. & she couldn't walk because her legs were hurt. Alpha felt bad for that.
One of the doctors shot a sleep injection. its quick and was made only for him.
As soon as he was shot the Alpha fells down.. Than they put him back in the Lab tied up.
Dr.S goes to check on Alpha , He ordered people there to get him food and leaves . He goes to check on Alice.
DR.S : How are you dear ? ( looks at her leg )
ALICE : Yeah am ok. ( tried face )
" Dr. Stephen tells everything Alpha said that afternoon to Alice " she gets scared and confused at the same time.