Lance watches the boys pour over the map while talking to themselves noticeably and strangely Lance thinks both aloud and in sign language. From the bits and pieces he could gather the boys were planning on doing a hunt of sorts like a brotherly competition if he had heard correctly but he couldn't quite make out. Finally the curiosity got to an unbearable point. "What are you bos so eagerly talking about?" Lance asks watching the boys. "A friendly competition between our 2 clans but of course this aint gonna be for a while depending on you pansy fucks." Riley answers in his usual aggressive fashion. "Good to know I guess." Lance says. "How is reclaiming the prison going?" Riley asks. "We have cleared the entrance further and part of the east wing." Lance says proudly. Riley continues looking at the map pointing in places that Tank circles with a red marker. "I need 10 clansmen to go clear the west wing in the prison before dark volunteers will be given extra points for securing the armory going solo." Riley says into his radio. "Was that not good enough?" Lance asks mildly insulted. "Not everything i do is an insult Lancey boy that was just a jumpstart of sorts." Riley says dismissively as almost all the present 13 clan members burst into the tent. "Who is our least capable fighter here?" Riley asks Tank. "sorry man." Tank says pointing at a lanky boy with a buzz cut. "Go show them how its done and dont come back without that fucking armory cleared." Riley says looking the boy heavy in the eye. Turning slowly to Lance Riley grins. "Now that was an insult." Riley laughs as the boy darts off to prove himself. " alright Lance we need you guys getting your smithy and farms started up so get that going while i get more people to get on your wall." Riley raises a finger before anyone can speak. "Before you fuckheads try bitching my reasons are simple Camelot really isnt a fighting clan and our 13 is a fighting clan we arent really a farmer clan they are i want us getting to what we do best fast and get us into our roles plus face it im a fucking impatiant asshole." Riley explains. "We will help make a fighting force for Camelot to be here but in my opinion we will be a fighting force on call for hordes and raiders." Riley further explained. "Okay sounds good to me." Lance says shrugging. He had to admit just from his observations these kids were much meaner and efficient zombie killers than his people they not only had no problem killing any type of zombies let alone the fact they seemed to be utterly eager for the hunting of bigger meaner zombie hordes or varients. "Alrighty i'm going to take a group with me to clear more prison while tank slave drives the building of the wall." Riley says standing up popping his neck. "So who wants to play with daddy Riley and who wants to go with tank?" Riley asks. Nearly all the clan members move to Riley. "you , you, you, you, and you go with Tank the rest of you lets go get to work." Riley says leaving the tent followed by the pleased Clan members. Tank and Lance share a grinning look and laugh. "What is so funny?" a disappointed clan member asks. "You guys got the easy and better job going with Riley is going to be such hell." Tank says happily. "It is true that is some nerve racking shit that guy makes me wanna shit a brick." Lance says. The kids stare at Lance the adult saying this and become plagued with questions of what it is that makes these 2 feel this way. "What is it like being with Riley?" a young girl asks. "Kind of like being in a cage with a rabid demon panther that wants to kill all moving things and you are wrapped in fresh meat." Lance says. "While also feeling like your the safest person on the planet." Tank adds "oh those guys are screwed aren't they?" the girl asks. "Pretty much." Tank chuckles
Riley glances over his shoulder at the kids behind him nervously following. Riley racks the first round into his horde buster and listens for a moment to the shuffling in the dark hallway ahead. "Play time." Riley says to himself happily setting off quickly lighting the hall with his flashlight mounted on the rifle. The kids are startled by this burst of movement almost as much as the sight of zombies crowded in the hallway before them. Riley begins picking zombies off quickly as he continues forward rapidly firing. Not knowing what to do and not wanting to hit Riley the kids stand side by side watching as Riley closes in on the horde before dropping the gun letting it dangle from its strap and drawing his knives. The children are bewildered by what they see the strange almost dance like rotations of Riley as he slays zombies quickly one after another. "We heard gunshots are you guys okay?" a few members of Camelot also clearing the prison ask approaching the kids standing around. The stunned kids just turn and gape at the newcomers. "Never seen the crazy man work have you?" the taller of the men asks. They shake their heads slowly before returning their gazes to the massacre before them. "Yeah well we have seen it a few times now and honestly we still aren't used to seeing it." a man in overalls says scratching his chin. "Is he smiling?" the kids ask glimpsing Riley's teeth as he tackles a zombie to stab it before drawing his handgun and firing rapidly into the zombies that remain. One zombie injured at some point unable to stand crawls towards the kids. "Oh where are you going buddy playtime is just getting started?" Riley says breathlessly as he staggers over bodies to the corpse dragging itself away. Stepping on its leg Riley stops its advance and with three vicious bashes with the butt of his rifle splits its head wide open. "And where the fuck pray tell were you sad little bitch canoes?" Riley asks, blowing gore out of his nose. "We didn't want to hit you." one of the kids says nervously. "Then hit me i don't think you get it kid killing them is your fucking job so do it if i'm in the way that's my fucking problem now you get to loot and move the bodies oh and all the loot from them is mine ill cut your hands off if i catch you with any of it." Riley rants angrily turning and heading back down the hall. "Keep up or fuck off!" Riley yells over his shoulder to the kids that scramble after him struggling in the dark. "Stop." Riley says once the kids round the corner. "That there is the generator room that should in theory light this fucker up like christmas you ass munchers are going to go in there clear it and then get the light back on any questions?" Riley asks drumming his fingers on his gun. "How are we supposed to get the lights back on?" the twitchiest of the kids asks fidgeting with their knife. "Flip the switches on and wait if nothing happens try another." Riley says raising his eyebrow. "And what do we do if that doesn't work?" The kid asks. Riley groans. "Then and only then you call me while you keep the room secured any more fucking questions or can i start my killgasm now?" Riley complains. The kids shake their heads turning around and slowly open the door marred by a lack of maintenance that Riley assumed was not a result of the apocalypse but the general fuckery of the previous employees. Riley moves down the dark corridor looking at the walls and floor spattered with blood. "Why do they not have any fucking windows here I've been to jails and they have fucking windows." Riley grumbles to himself. Compared to the nerves of the tunnel beneath the police station this wasn't so bad. Riley can hear shuffling ahead and teeth clamping together at random intervals. "Playtime." Riley says grinning as his flashlight finds the first of what is bound to be many victims.