Chapter 2 - Karma

R.O.B used its omniscience again to find out what happened. Now R.O.B usually has a pretty chill character but after finding out what happened it just lost it.





All they had to do was to select a soul which died untimely, give it a powerful gift of its choice and send it to that stupid low level world to defeat the demon king. But those guys can't even do one simple JOOBBBBB!!!


After sometime I calmed down and thought what to do about this situation. Then i remembered about the soul waiting for the answer and realized that the solution to the minor inconvenience i am facing at the moment is already in my presence.

ok so how do i go about this? lets see...

i can't just send it to that world to fight the demon king because of its ridiculously huge amount of positive karma unless... unless i make it seem like it wants to go there itself to defeat the demon lord. Ok lets do this.

General POV

R.O.B : Child after checking your life and karma i have a choice for you.

Soul : Choice ?

R.O.B : Yes, a choice.

Soul : Why ?

R.O.B : Its because of your karma. You have a little bit of negative karma and a very high amount of positive karma. Due to this...

Soul : So i have an overall positive karma which means i go to heaven. Yesss, i knew my life decisions were correct. All of you people who kept trash talking on my face and behind my back about my lifestyle, you can go s*** a **** (last line in singing voice at a high pitch).

R.O.B : Let me finish child.

Soul : Sorry about that. I was excited by the idea of going to heaven.

R.O.B : Its okay. I understand your enthusiasm. Unfortunately karma does not work like that. As i told you, you have both positive and negative karma. This means you will not only go to heaven to have a joyful peace for your positive karma but also go to hell to suffer the consequences for your negative karma.

Soul : whyyy??? What did i even do to get my negative karma? I never did anything bad to anyone nor even talked bad behind anyone's back. I only spent my time at my home pursuing my hobbies. Surely, that could'nt have hurt anyone right? Besides i even donated most of my money to charities and orphanages to support homeless kids. Then why do i have to still go to hell? I don't understand.

R.O B : Child, as i told you before, i checked your entire life from beging to end. That includes all your actions and the intent behind those said actions. Do you understand?(with a hint of smile in its voice)

Soul : Intent?(gulping sound) bbb...but ?

R.O B : Yes, intent. You chose that lifestyle of yours not because you did not want to trouble anyone but simply bacause you were being lazy.

That was the first reason behind your negative karma.

Soul : .....

R.O.B : As for the intent behind your charities? Firstly to show off to others to shut their mouths about your lifestyle, secondly because you were afraid that you will go to hell if you continued your current lifestyle without doing any good work in your lifestyle.

Soul : Wait a minute, this does not make any sense. As far as i know, everyone gives charities because of the same reason. Are you saying, i should not have donated to the charities?

R.O.B : I am saying that when you donated to the charities, you were just finishing your formalities. You never cared what actually happened to that money you donated or whether your money even helped the children.

Soul : But...

R.O.B : The reason people give charities is because they genuinely want to help other less fortunate people but don't know how to or simply do not have the time to because of their work life. That's perfectly understandable. But you, when you donated your money, you had all the time in the world to find out whether it is helping others or is just going to fill other greedy people's pockets. Now, you are lucky that your donated money was not used in any criminal activities. Hence your vey little negative karma.

Soul : Thank you God for your blessing me and saving me from any more negative karma.

R.O.B : (wow it just reduced its negative karma by a little bit) it's ok child. As i told you before, i will give you a choice. You can either choose to spend time in both heaven and hell in any order before you reincarnate without any memories from your previous life or you can do a small work for me before i send you to reincarnate to any world of your choice including fictional world after granting a wish.

The power of the wish will depend on your performance on the work. Now choose.

Soul : What do you mean choose? You have not told me anything about the work. Also, how can i do any work in my present state? Surely any work from you can't be any simple work.

R.O.B : How forgetful of me. Pardon my mistake.

Soul : I am surprised that someone like you said sorry for something so little. I am also sorry for asking so late but are you GOD or R.O.B ?

R.O.B : It's okay. I am R.O.B. Also you should not be surprised about me saying sorry for making a mistake. I am not a douche. As for the information on the work, sorry, but i can only tell you about it when you choose to do it. But i can tell you that you will be provided sufficient abilities to be able to finish it successfully. Also after you successfully finish your work you will reincarnate with all the knowledge of the important characters of the world you choose. Now decide whether you want to try it or not ?

Soul : hmmm....

R.O.B : .....(please say yes, otherwise it will be a real headache to deal with those idiots.)

Soul : Alright i have decided to do the work for you. Now please tell me about it.

R.O.B :(Finally, i thought it would choose heaven.)