Chereads / DxD new power / Chapter 3 - Demons?

Chapter 3 - Demons?



Today something shocked Rihan beyond belief, not even in his wildest dream's would he imagine this scene before him, he would probably believe in flying pigs more than this!

he was currently near a bridge that goes over a road, on the bridge he saw Issei getting asked out by an attractive young woman with violet eyes a slender body, She had long silky black hair reaching down to her hips, wearing a dark red jacket, white undershirt, a red bow, and a green skirt with thin white strips around the lower end of it.

"w-w will you go out with me!" she shouted and looked at the ground with closed eyes.

Isseis mind went blank, he got blue screened! "Y-Yuuma did I hear you right!!.... d- ddid you ask me out!!" he shouted with shock still lingering.

Yuuma said shyly "y-yes! I would like for you to be my boyfriend!!"

you could practically see Issei at this point shutting down, first he gets beaten up by a bunch of girls for peeking through a hole he didn't even get to use! then he gets asked out by a hot chick! on the same day!

Yuuma added sheepishly "I-I've b-been watching you for a while now, and I really! really! like you!" she gave the biggest smile humanly possibly, looking at Issei with a bit of worry still waiting for his response.

whilst all this was happening Rihan was planted to the ground, he slapped himself and pinched his cheeks to make sure this wasn't a dream, his 'friend' who has been a massive pervert since childhood! got asked out!?

obviously!, he was happy for Issei, but something didn't feel right, this 'girl' either had to be a pervert just like Issei are had ulterior motives, but what are they?

he hid behind a nearby wall and listened to their conversation 'sorry Issei!, I'm doing this for your own good!'

Issei asked again to make sure he wasn't hearing things "y-you want me to be your boyfriend?"

Yuuma nodded her head and asked with hope using puppy dog eyes, playing with her hands "Yes! w-would you!"

Issei nodded frantically whilst shouting "I would love to be your boyfriend!!!"

Yuuma giggled and ran to the other end of the bridge, stopped in her tracks, turned around and said with closed eyes smile "okay! to celebrate our new relationship we'll go on a date this Sunday afternoon!"

Issei just nodded, he was in a daze, all of this felt so surreal! as if he would be in a dream, a dream he didn't want to wake up from.

Yuuma ran away leaving Issei on the bridge alone, he stayed there for around 5 minutes digesting all that happened, and after processing it all in his head.

he laughed crazily before jumping up and down, running down the stairs near the bridge shouting "finally! I will see lady parts!! goodbye Virgen Issei and hello me!!" Rihan facepalmed himself behind the wall! hearing this!!

with Issei and Yuuma having gone their separate ways, Rihan come out of his hiding spot "should I be happy are concerned?"

just like Issei, Rihan was also shocked! maybe he should follow them? just in case something happens!!

Rihan gave an internal sigh and went home, he will leave this problem for tomorrow Rihan! it not today's Rihans concern all he cares about now is sleep!

+++the following day at school+++

Rihan was in his last lesson before school ends, and he was debating whether to follow Issei and intrude on his privacy, he wasn't like others! he knew it would not be right of him to just follow them because of a feeling!

but!, and this is just a BUT, what if he was right and Issei was in some sort of danger? he would blame himself for not helping his friend when he would need it the most!

he gave an internal sigh 'sorry Issei, better me intruding on your privacy then-unknown danger!' with his mind made up he just had to follow them on their date!

he checked the time '3:00 pm' and gave another sigh 'still have 15 minutes left!'

+++after 15 minutes+++

with school finally being over, Rihan made his way towards the front exit where he saw both Matsuda and Motohama with tears practically flowing like a river out of their eyes.

"what are you two idiot's doing?" he asked with a hint of disdain, causing both Matsuda and Motohama to cry even more.

they both clamoured at the same time "Issei betrayed us!! he got a girlfriend!!"

he just sighed and left them be, honestly what was he expecting from 2 perverts and idiots? all they thought about was how to get laid! why would they be happy for their friend?

both Matsuda and Motohama looked at Rihans back disappearing never to show up in this world!! they say he went to the hello kitty world where he made a lot of new friends!... just kidding!

sigh... with Rihan gone both Matsuda and Motohama went to Matsuda's house to watch adult movies.... together?..... (ok guys is it just me are was this whole scene weird in the anime? I mean who watches porn with their friend?)

+++Sunday afternoon+++

Issei was waiting for Yuuma in Kouho town centre market, wearing a grey shirt with thin white strips on the collar, black skinny jeans and black shoes.

'what's taking her so long? is she even coming? maybe this was all too good to be real after all?' with doubt and insecurity creeping into Issei's mind Yuuma finally came running whilst gasping for air, just seeing her caused all his insecurity which lasted for less than 5 seconds to vanish.

"Sorry!, Issei! did you wait long?!" for some unknown reason Issei didn't answer her back, he just stared at her, for what seemed like an eternity.

Yuuma kept talking and after a while seemed to realise Issei was not responding, she shouted, distressed, running to grasp his hand "Issei! are you okay! why aren't you answering my question?!" causing Issei to blush from the sudden touch.

he answered sheepishly whilst scratching the back of his head "s-sorry Yuuma! you just looked so beautiful I was in a daze"

Yuuma played with her hands and said shyly with a visible blush creeping on her face "t-thank you"

she was wearing a short black dress with a small, light purple jacket on top of her white shirt with a silver heart-shaped necles, her hair was tied in a ponytail reaching all the way down her waist.

"l-lets go Yuuma" said Issei shyly grasping her hand causing her to gasp.

she looked at him and said, "u-um let's go!"

they went to the arcade for a while, then to the shopping mall where Issei bought Yuuma a pink fluffy bracelet, when they got hungry they went to a small cafe.

when it started to get dark both Issei and Yuuma went to a park near a small fountain.

Yuuma let go of Isseis hand and ran near the fountain, she stopped and turned around with a smile. causing Issei to smile unconsciously.

"Today was really! really! fun Issei!" she exclaimed, she tip-toed towards Issei still talking.

"I have a little request! can you grant it Issei!" now she was near Isseis face causing him to blush profoundly.

Issei said still with a blush "y-yeh! anything you want!" he scratched the back of his head.

"can you die for me?" Yuuma said quietly, replacing her sweet and innocent voice with something more hideous and evil sounding, causing Issei to back up a little.

he scratched his head and said confusingly "s-sorry Yuuma can you say that again I think my mind is playing games with me?"

Yuuma went near his ear and said again with a cold and ruthless voice "can you die for me?"

Issei now fell on the floor butt first, fear, shock, uncertainty and many more emotions building up inside of him.

Yuuma backed up and jumped in the air... hovering and transforming!

she now looked like a more mature Yumma, with what seemed to be black raven wings protruding from her back! her clothes changed to something much more reviling, she looked like some striper. (sorry I don't know how to describe this shit lol I'll just pin the picture)

with her transformation done, the world around both of them changed, it felt like they were in a different dimension! The sky was a murky purple with a hint of pink, the air became chilling and still! it almost felt like this wasn't earth anymore but an empty void.

Issei was shocked to the core! not knowing what to say, he tried to get up and run away to safety, without him realising, Yuuma clasped her hands and a red spear formed in between them.

"blame him for giving you that thing!" she said slowly and coldly, Issei who at this point was turned around didn't notice the spear in Yummas hand.

she landed on the ground, with the spear still in her hands she charged at Issei at incredible speeds, almost too fast for the human eye to see.

she was about to reach Issei before a blur came in front of her and kicked her in the side of the abdomen. she fell on the ground gasping for air staring daggers at the one who hit her.

"I knew you had to be a pervert! and to top it off you also had ulterior motives with my friend! seems like my feeling was right haha" the unknown figure said with a hint of mockery and sarcasm.

Yuuma still gasping for air said, "w-who a-re you!" she tensed her body up and was going to attack any moment, the hit she received may have been underhanded but it still had power behind it! unmistakably the person before her had experience fighting!

he said as he glanced at Issei who looked shocked and surprised to see him here "Rihan! and what are you? some kind of stripper demon?" his voice had a hint of concern and disdain all aimed at the creature before him!

Issei looked shocked and concerned at the same time towards Rihan, not knowing what he was doing here, he felt like asking him a bunch of questions like 'what are you doing here?' and 'how long have you been here?' but ultimately decided it wasn't the place nor time to ask.

Yuuma on the other hand was pissed! she was called a stripper twice! and to top it off now she was called a demon! without thinking she stood up and charged at Rihan, no technique are plan just pure fury!

"Doge!!" screamed Issei at Rihan

Rihan smiled at Yuuma causing her to be even angrier than she already was increasing her speed further, he sidestepped to the left before the spear was about to reach him, and hit her in the gut from the side sending her to the ground once again.

he went closer, the smile now replaced with a cold look and said "what are you! answer me before things get uglier than they already are!"

Yuuma gritted her teeth and clenched her hands, she was frustrated at this 'human' who seemingly could keep up with her, not just keep up but surpass her in speed and strength! like it was nothing! he likely already broken some of her ribs whilst he himself was unharmed!

she knew even if she used her magic spear are any other long-range attack he would just doge them with his inhuman speed, and with her low mana she would be left defenceless 'I have to retreat! from a human!? what would 'he' think of me running away?!'

she hit the ground with her fist in frustration, imprinting her fist on the floor, an green and white design of a circle with what seemed to be lefes surrounding it appeared out of nowhere. Rihan backed up from Yuuma concerned with this new development.

"my name is Raynare! remember this name human! it will be the last one before you die!" she declared with anger and hatred lased in her voice before dispersing in a blinding white light.

Rihan and Issei were confused beyond belief! Rihan may have acted collected and calm but in his mind he was terrified! who wouldn't if some 'demon' tried to kill not only his friend but himself too?

Issei ran towards Rihan and asked concerned "are you alright man?!" Rihan nodded his head and said quietly "yeh.... just confused about this whole situation" Issei also nodded, agreeing with Rihan

Rihan looked at Issei and asked with a bit of worry "what about you? I mean she was your girlfriend?"

hearing this Issei clenched his fist and gritted his teeth before sighing and saying quietly but loud enough for Rihan to hear "yeh... I'm fine.... thanks"


sorry guys this chapter was short! it was mostly the 3rd person perspective of issei! you could probably tell I changed the chapter halfway through! honestly, I was going to make Raynear join Issei but you guys voted to kill her so in the next chapter she goes bye-bye,

if you think I should change are add anything please tell me!

and with the fight scene.... well I don't really know how to write them properly yet so yeh that's that, hopefully, I will improve and be able to express what I want in words!

and one last thing!! for those who will say 'shit' like "how can he beat Raynear and break her ribs as a human? and Rayner has more powers!?" well it's simple first, Rihan practices 'Body Supremacy' and can easily lift more than 6,270 lbs (2844kg) with his speed reaching supernatural levels. and lastly, I don't know all of Raynears abilities and powers! I will simply use her to advance the story then kill her off.... she will get no more character development than she already received till this point.

a new chapter will probably come next week, I will make it longer and more focused on Rihan.