Cinema was one of my favorite places in the whole world — not that I knew much about the world or anything — but when I was there it felt like anything was possible, like the world was full of possibilities and everything I wanted was within my reach. Cinema was full of magic and beauty—unlike the real world, which could be intimidating and frightening at times. When I was there, it felt like I could live a thousand lifetimes before returning to my home. When I was there, it felt like I was someone else, someone different from me, someone who could accomplish great things. I loved this feeling because for a few hours I could experience something out of my reality.
And as far back as I can remember, I have watched movies in a movie theater near my house — which had been running since my dad was a teenager. It's small, and most of the regulars are people who used to live near it. And to be perfectly honest, in the afternoon sessions, most of the attendees were seniors and children. I think that's why this cinema was like a home for me.
As I grew up I spent countless hours of my school break in that movie theater, thus even though I want to have a memorable moment in this break I can not stop going to the movies because it is like meeting a friend after years away, and somehow knowing you still have a safe place to be in dark times.
As I grew up, I spent countless hours in that cinema, so even though I wanted to have a memorable time in that break, I could not miss going to the movies because it was like meeting a friend after years away, and somehow knowing that you still had a safe place to be in the dark times.