A memory continually repeats in my head, the memory of the day on the hill. "Susie!" I had whispered in excitement. We were sitting on a hill next to a tree, it had white flowers but they were blurry. Tiny yellow flowers were naturally grown on the hill, they were everywhere. I pointed out in front of us, "look at that sunset! It's super yellow!"
She had whispered back, "it's red, orange, yellow, pink, and a bit grey, not yellow Hailey."
Madly, I had whispered back, getting a bit loud, "it's the same thing." She had quickly replied with a long shh with her finger against her thick lips. I don't remember why we were being so quiet.
I remember the sound of a scream booming throughout the sky, but it wasn't Susie or me, and it wasn't a scream of pain or fear. Then the bells started to ring.
Like my life was someone else's and I was just a dream. I awoke to the sight of, "Susie?"