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Re:Life Satyr

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This will be updated sporadically. A man killed by his own father and betrayed by his love is reborn in a new world against his wishes. To make things worst the body he manages to grab is a Satyr and a Female one of all things. Now on top of trying to survive and flourish in an unfamiliar world he must rise up against the racial and social roadblocks keeping him held down. (This novel falls under both male and female respectively, I judged male as that is what he is under the surface)

Chapter 1 - Careless Gods

As I stared out the class room window, I barley listened to the slow draw of the teachers lecture. His endless speech and monotone voice have already lulled many of my class mates into a deep sleep. I myself struggled to remain awake as I watched the birds building nests in the nearby trees.

Looking at my watch I sighed, there was still another half an hour before class ended. A nudge to my shoulder let me know my friend finally woke up and probably wanted to chat.

Giving another sigh I turned towards him only to find him still asleep. Confused I started to turn back to the window when I was nudged again.

Looking back for the second time I came face to face with my crush, she was inches away from my face and I could feel her breath on my cheeks. My face immediately started to warm and I let out an involuntary squawk of alarm that I immediately regretted. She didn't seem to notice and just gave a small smile before she started to speak.

"So Jack, are you coming over to my party this weekend?"

I took a moment to collect my thoughts as I almost got lost in those blue eyes of hers.

"Um mm, Y-yeah sure. I would love to but I"

"Don't tell me you have other plans?" She interrupted before I could continue.

"Well I"

"Good, then I expect you to be there at 6:30 sharp" she announced, I frowned.

"But your party doesn't start until 9" I said

"True, but I thought we could spend some time together before that" She leaned closer "Just you and me" she whispered almost to softly to hear but her breath caused shivers to run down my spine and my pulse to quicken.

I gulped and nodded, my head in a bit of a daze. I watched as she walked back to her seat, a few paces from my own. The sway of her hips were mesmerizing to behold, I saw her glance back smirking at me and I knew I was caught staring.

Flustered I looked away and fidgeted with my pen trying to keep my focus on the lecture as I attempted to get my emotions under control.

I was conflicted. On one hand I had the opportunity of a lifetime with Avayeli herself and on the other I had to attend a business meeting with my family in regards to the legalities of the company my grandfather created in his younger days.

A large technological marvel of the modern age, his will stated that the business was to be passed down to me directly skipping my father. He was of course infuriated by this but I could at least understand why.

My father was someone who grew up on the money the company made and had everything handed to him from the moment he was born and would surly run the company to the ground in pursuit of various pleasures and exotic goods.

I on the other hand was sent off to boarding school and forced to work for the money I had. I was even forced to pay for a portion of my tuition myself even though my father had more money then he knew what to do with.

One day I was mysteriously transferred to the greatest school in the country with a letter that said very little but meant the world to me.

"Dear Jackson, it has been many years since I last saw you. I feared my son might have done something to you and I feared for the worst. But let me tell you how surprised I was to find you in some back water school prison forced to feed off the scraps of the family business like some rabid animal. I have taken the liberty to transfer you to a new school where you can grow and prosper. My only condition is that you maintain a passing grades and aim for the top of the class, in exchange you will not want for anything again. Sincerely, Your Grandfather CEO of Crysteel Tech."

Distracted by my thoughts I almost missed the sound of the school bell ringing. My friend who was asleep beside me was already packed up and was impatiently waiting.

"Sorry man, I was lost in thought"

"Clearly, I'm sure it has nothing to do with Arayeli" He teased.

I punched him in the shoulder and shoved him out the classroom door. His laughter only making me more embarrassed. Everyone knows that I have a crush on the Arayeli the most popular girl in school. Rumors of how we were 'meant to be' have been circulating the school grounds ever since I made my debut.

The week of the my transfer just happened to be the end of the trimester. Without any time to study or review I was asked to take a the test. It came to everyone surprise that I scored the highest in my class and second in the school.

Even I was surprised, the test was dreadfully easy. Nothing compared to the work camp I learned at before. The only one who scored higher then me was Arayeli. The most popular girl in school, said to have the greatest mind and an otherworldly beauty and after seeing her I confirmed those rumors with my own two eyes.

I was immediately smitten with her and it didn't take long for her approach me herself. Rumor is that we are dating but in reality she is being a tease and constantly keeping me off my guard. I never have the chance to ask her out and seems she wants to keep it that way.

That night I fled under the cover of the moon and made it off the school grounds. I looked at my watch as I hailed a taxi. 5:54pm I winced I was cutting this very close. The drive was thirty minutes at best if there was no traffic, to get there at 6:30 would require lady luck to be on my side. After giving the address to the driver I leaned back into my seat, and opened my phone screen and checked my hair for the twentieth time.

"Meeting a young lady I take it?" the man gave me a knowing look "Don't worry your not the first or the last. It's more common then you think"

I was about to reply when I saw a black minivan drive out of an ally way and stop in the center of the street. Panicked the cab driver slammed on his breaks and laid into his horn, at the same time the side door of the van opened to reveal four people.

Two men held old school Tommy gun in their hands and the other two were currently wrapped in each others arms. Arayeli had her shirt wide open with her hands casually draped over my fathers neck. My father was still dressed but his hair was a mess and he hand a hold of Arayelis breast as he held her tight.

Shocked and confused I looked on as I heard Arayeli speak to the two men in front.

"That's him, open fire leave nothing intact" A sadistic grin covered her face as the men opened fire, after a few seconds of watching the gun fire she pulled my old man into a passionate kiss. I sat there in the back seat of the cab heart broken with my mind falling to pieces.

The shock of death and emotional trauma destroying my sense of self. I barley registered the bullets tearing me apart. My eyes were glued to the two in front of me, pain and sorrow filled my heart but deep in the depths of my soul I felt something swell.

Rage burned in my eyes as glared at the two, they seemed to sense something was a miss and stopped stripping each other. They both glanced my way in shock and fear but I could only see them as walking corpses at this point.

I vaguely notes that I some how managed to get out of the cab and begin walking towards the van as bullets peppered my body.

I could feel them tear through my flesh but my rage dulled all my senses, the edges of my vision were tinted in red and black. I felt like was a just an on looker as I took another step forward and then another as the bullets rained down hell fire.

The two backstabbing murderers were now panicking, urging the driver to pull away. But the man was unconscious. That baffled both the gunners and the co-conspirators. When the bullets stopped to reload I glanced briefly at the two men holding guns and watched as their eyes rolled into the back of their heads.

They collapsed face first into the vans floor, their guns sliding across the ground. I took another step towards the van and raised my hand towards Arayeli and another towards my Father. My arms were immediately consumed with fire, I watched as the flesh on my arms fell away as a torrent of black fire filled the inside of the black van.

The fire stopped abruptly as my hands fell from their sockets and my knees buckled under my weight. Just before I closed my eyes I heard two voices echo around me in mid conversation.

"Lucifer, You know full well the consequences of meddling in the affairs of man kind"

"Yeah yeah yeah. The church of god will send his minions of worshipers to decimate the heavens and cleanse the depths of hell. As stated by the treaty of man and signed by god himself." Lucifer sighed

"We all know how it goes and besides the order that once threatened the great creator is now a shell of the past and I could just say a stray demon got loose caused some mayhem and it will all blow over like nothing happened" Lucifer finished.

The other man just rubbed his temples, clearly stressed by the other mans clear lack of moral code and rebellious attitude.

"Look whats done is done and now we need to clean this up. We can't keep their souls on earth either. If one of the order comes to investigate they can drag the souls back for questioning and then no matter what we say they will enact the third clause and raze heaven and hell to the ground."

"So we should just extinguish their light?" Lucifer asked questioningly.

"No that would leave evidence that can be traced back to us." The other man said

"Then what in the hell should we do Gabriel"

"Now listen here Lucifer, Don't yell at me. You made this mess and dragged me into it. I have every right to be pissed at you." Gabriel said before taking a deep breath "No we need to send their souls into the slipstream and let them find a new world and new bodies to inhabit"

Lucifer opened and closed his mouth several times before any words came out.

"How in the hell are we going to sneak three, no five souls into the slipstream unseen?"

Gabriel smiled. "Easy, they are still partially alive. Dead yes, but their souls are still attached to the body. We have a little over an hour to take their hearts and throw them into the slipstream, as long as the souls still have a vessel they won't show up on the inspection"

At this Lucifer smiled and pulled out a wicked dagger made of black obsidian with a handle made from a human jaw. "With this we would gain another ten minutes, not a lot but the more time we have the better."

Gabriel nodded and he bent down to me "I know you think your still alive but understand that your are dead and beyond our power to save. However before we send you off I'll let you in on a piece of information for you and you alone child of pure karma." He paused

"When you arrive at your new world look for the brightest light and do everything in your power to consume it. This will grant you new life in a new world, the longer you take the greater the chance that you will cease to exist"

With that he stood up and Lucifer with his black wings blotting out the moons soft glow drove his dagger into my heart and the world faded to black.