Chereads / This American Life (Returning to 2001) / Chapter 70 - Chapter 69: Chicken dance

Chapter 70 - Chapter 69: Chicken dance

Seeing three boys headed in his direction, he noticed them immediately as they looked like they had something to say.

"Hello there", a boy with brown curled hair greeted him.

"Hi", the man was unsure why they had approached him.

"We're working on a science project for the science fair on non-newtonian liquids", a taller asian kid mentioned.

a smaller kid pulled out two jars, a brightly colored rainbow one and a fluffy blue and white one.

"This is the result of our science experiment", the kid holding the jars introduced.

"We also have some light themed ones, Tanoshi slimes and art slimes", the first kid mentioned.

Jeffrey handed over a paper catalogue he printed and a flyer Samantha had made on a word document.

(Glow-in-the-dark Oobleck, Scented slime - 1st products)

(Tanoshi - foam slime & art slime gold leaf and flashlight)

"We thought it was really cool and our friends thought so as well", Preston said.

"So we decided to make some more to share and we sell them for $20 to cover the cost", Jeffrey finished.

"Would you be interested in getting a jar for a Christmas gift? They're a bunch of fun and it's the result of our hard work and science project. We had a lot of fun making it", Dresden finished.

the stranger looked at the three boys thoughtfully for a moment.

For whatever reason, unknown to them. He pulled out his wallet and handed them $20.

"I'll take a rainbow slime", the father told them.

"I think my daughter would enjoy such a toy as a present for Christmas. Good luck on your science project", the man said.

Preston collected the money, while Jeffrey handed over the jar.

"Thanks sir", Dresden said.

The three of them scampered off into and behind the stands talking about their success.

"AWESOME", Jeffrey said excitedly.

"No matter how many times we do it, I always get excited when we succeed", Preston affirmed.

"Let's keep going", Dresden encouraged.

After meeting up with a few more parents. They got rejected a few times, but they were able to sell 2 more jars before the competition started.

The first skater's music began to play as they preformed their routine. A few skating techniques, some jumps, some stops, and then a finish before the judges spent some time deliberating scores and pointing out mistakes, corrections and good technique.

Preston, Jeffrey and Dresden hung out in the warm lounge watching tv and pressing the buttons on the various ice hockey table games inside. There were a few burrito and hot chocolate machines, but they were too busy watching pokemon on the tv screen.

Seeing it was Emily's turn. Preston lead them back out to the stands.

"I'm going to watch my sister, you guys are welcome to come along", Preston explained to them.

Jeffrey and Dresden both went to watch. Emily's music started out with a trumpet and she glided across the ice gracefully. Her turns were crisp and the sound on the ice was nice and smooth.

Leaning forward, she skated on one leg with her arms stretched out. As the music got more intense, she started skating backwards across the center ring, stepping one foot over the other.

as she entered the final part of her music, she gave a cheeky sequence of flapping her elbows and a bright smile at the judges before skating off the ice.

"Wow, your sister's pretty good", Dresden complimented Emily.

Preston took a little pride in his sister, "Not as good as me."

Preston puffed up his chest as if he was the one who had competed and won first place. The air of superiority made Dresden and Jeffrey have the urge to slap him.

"吹牛", Preston's father said to him.

"yeah, what he said", Jeffrey chimed in.

"Guys guys, we all know you'll never be as good as me", Preston bragged.

Preston's mom hit him on the head.

"Ow... what was that for mom?", Preston was taken off guard by the sudden sneak attack.

"You needed it, now go play with your friends and start arguing. Samantha should be here any minute now."

Preston lead his friends back into the stands promoting the science project. After talking to some of the parents, Samantha arrived.

Preston and Samantha gestured to each other.

waving his hand, pointing a finger gun and giving her a wink, Preston silently said.

"Nice to see you, how've you been"

Samantha crossed her hands and pretending to lay her head on her hands she said

"doing fine, just got out of bed"

Dresden and Jeffrey turned toward each other and nodded.

Jeffrey went behind Samantha and Dresden went behind Preston and at the same time flipped their winter coat hoodies on. Since they were at an ice rink they all brought extra layers and fortunately everyone was wearing hooded coats and rain jackets.

It then devolved into a game of cops and robbers as Samantha and Preston tried to chase down Jeffrey and Dresden.

The strategist and the nerd of the group vs the athlete and the trouble maker.

Eventually they all ran out of breath, as Dresden and Jeffrey evaded capture and Samantha and Preston were too tired to retaliate. At this time, Emily finished winning first place and they all headed to the podium to take pictures and for Emily to receive her award.

Spotting Preston's group of friends, she smiled at him. Preston gave her a thumbs up.

Samantha asked how Emily performed and Jeffrey replied with two words, "Chicken Dance."

Spotting an angry Preston, Jeffrey moved to run, but Samantha blocked the way. Looking toward his comrade in arms, Dresden wisely stepped aside sensing the conflict brewing. Preston menacingly took a few steps toward Jeffrey as Samantha kept him from running away.

Before being caught Jeffrey faked a sense of betrayal pointing his finger toward Dresden.

Samantha and Dresden watched as Preston gently rubbed his fist on Jeffrey's head.

"Let me go", Jeffrey shouted feebly.

Preston's fist of justice landed on its intended target. Emily, now with her parents, laughed at the scene.