Title: Those Painpul Secrets
Genre: Thriller/Drama
Title: Those Painpul Secrets
Genre: Thriller/Drama
chs / week
There was a Twin Sisters named Jenny and Jennifer, they adored one another. Ten years ago, their mother became pregnant, and when their father knew about it, he abandoned them. The Mother's due date approached, however she died unexpectedly shortly after giving birth to the twins.
Their uncle and aunt were responsible for them. Soon after, their Uncle and Aunt began abusing them; they were beaten and denied food regularly. After their Uncle expelled them from their home a year later, they were chosen to go to Manila, where Jennifer chose to work to provide Jenny with a secure future. Jenny enrolled in Empire Falls International High School, or EFI, a well-known school in Manila.This school is full of painful secret's when she started entered here. Did Jenny do better here or this is just the beginning of her calvary?.
Illustration by Vane Lope
Edited by @hakzxx
Before you read this story, please be aware of my typo and grammatical errors