My Adventure And Reincarnated to a Aristocracy: and become Apostle!!

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Chapter 1 - (Prologue)

[Even though My friend has invited me, why am I refuse her invitation? I am a failure.] (Yaiba)

Yaiba was lying down at his bed.

On his smartphone screen, 3 girls with favorite clothes were displayed.

[My suit figure is cute, isn't it? It is a shame you can't see it!](friend of Yaiba)

A message was sent with the picture.

In the center of the photo, there is friend of Yaiba, who is a high school Boy and his classmate since elementary school.

He refuses her invitation to watch the fireworks because he embarrassed to be in a group with a girls.

Yaiba (2nd grade in Highschool) was rolling in his bed while listening to the fireworks from afar.

From the window which has become a screen, the end for the fireworks festival has begun loudly repeatedly.

[That makes this year fireworks festival is ended, huh. Well, can't help it, time to eat some ice cream.](Yaiba)

From his room, he goes to the kitchen.

[What should I eat then, my stomach thinking for shaved ice].(Yaiba)

After opening the refrigerator, looking inside it. there's no sign of ice cream left.

[Is it real? there's nothing at all. It can't be helped then, Let's take a stroll and buy ice cream.](Yaiba)

He hurriedly go back to his room to take his wallet and smartphone and then go to the convenience store.

When he look up at the sky, there's a beautiful night sky without a single cloud.

Only the smoke left by the fireworks blocking the stars from being view.

As the fireworks festival has ended, you can see a family with the beautiful suit and a group of people walking back from the site.

Some of them was smiling and some of them talking about the fireworks while walking back.

[Is there any new ice cream being released?.]

Yaiba didn't even flinch to the people surrounding, just wondering what ice cream to buy.

When he can already see the store, suddenly someone scream can be heard from in front of the store while walking out of the store.


[RUN AWAY!!!] {people}

There's a sight of couple and family running away from the store.

After that, a man holding a knife walk out of the store.



While holding the knife, his eyes are bloodshot, watching the people while shaking his head together.

[OMG is this real? I should run away.] (Yaiba)

When I was going to turn my back from the store, I saw my brother and mother

2 wearing normal clothes sitting still not moving.


"Yaiba shout to his mom and his brother"

both of you quickly get away from there !] (Yaiba)

He shouts at his mother and brother sitting on the floor shaking, but in this emergency situation, his family can't move from fear.

[I should prepare my guts..](Yaiba)

Fuu, breathing out, He faces the man who holds the knife.

He held his upper body, lowering while holding his power, and find the timing to attack.


(A Man holding a knife)

He tackle the man who held the knife with full power.

Both of them rolling down on the floor.

Kazuya then holds the man on the floor upside down.

[Someone please take this man's knife!](Yaiba)

As soon as he said that,

he feel something hot from his stomach to his whole body.


( A Man holding a knife)

Yaiba he hit the man.

The man who suddenly got attacked, throw the knife from his hand.

The kitchen is rolling vigorously, so no one gets a hold of it.

Then the man got hold by the people nearby.

Because of adrenaline, He didn't realize about the pain from his stomach at all.

But then he realize the blood flowing from the wound make his T-Shirt red from blood.

He can't collect the power to stand up, only to rolling on his back.

Just watching the sky in that stat.

When he sees his surrounding, he can see people calling the ambulance.

A lot of passersby try to hold the blood by bringing a lot of towel from the convenience store.

And then his family who have been saved by him sitting still came near him.

[brother and his mother shout to him] B-big brother are you okay??!

Son are you okay??

[his brother and mom was crying and shaking from accident]

He save his brother and his mom the from the man with a knife

[Oh hey, mom are you two okay?] (Yaiba)

[Yes, It is me, we're okay. Thank you so much for helping Son. If you didn't help me, I don't know what will happen to me and to your brother.]

his mom and brother is shedding tears while saying thanks.

The blood is still flowing even though his abdomen already held. His consciousness gradually fading and his body suddenly felt so cold.

[–I am so glad the two of you are okay. But it seems my consciousness is fading.] (Yaiba)

[B-big brother, You can't do that!]

(his little brother was crying)

his MOM is shaking Fukiba's shoulder.

[…It seems impossible.](Yaiba)

[Yaibaaaaaaaa brotherrrrrr!!!]

(his mom and little brother was full of tears and Yaiba was stab by knife.)

After that last word, His consciousness is gone.