The leader Zigir walks in have yall found him yet no sir he is our strongest we must find him I know how what happened to is hannah ok.A house I run there help please I scream monster they run to hide he sees hannah I run to her hey baby monster monster daddy YOU!!ILL KILL YOU I grow claws wtf something tells me to run how did I do that ok I need to figure this out three weeks go by momma was that thing daddy it tried to attack you no he knew my name stop hannah he's dead then boom who are u screams hannah where is he.Quan he escaped I told u he was daddy grab the girl daddy hannah she screams help Daddy the ground begins to crumble what's happening the guy holding hanna his head gets ripped off it's you ah its him I slaughter them all but one I know it's you Quan Lillisj replies Quan how did you escape my anger he's right you are the strongest he tried to run come here here again I'll kill you tell your boss that I jump to the roof Quan lillian calls what what happened to you its yall fault ours you let hanna call him daddy you dont let me see her or call her its said if man is pushed far enough he will evolve I was pushed hard af thats why I turned into a demon this is your fault and some what my fault and yours but at least I knew I can protect hannah this way