I told God to vacate the premises
so that I could make room for you
He refused
I dug a trench around Him
He extended His roots
I told Him that I hated Him
He takes everything from me.
I've broken my heart to so many pieces
and gave Him the majority.
I just wanted one for me
To give to you
He can still have the rest
I just wanted you for me
Someone to myself. I've given up
so much
I just want someone that's mine
I thought that you wanted to be
that someone
but I guess you want to share
And I can't break my heart anymore
So God stays.
I told Him that I hate Him for this
He told me that He'll love me
That He's not going anywhere
He knows about the piece of me I
smuggled away for you
He says it's always been mine to give
that I could have my whole heart back
But be careful who I give it to
He says there are many men who
will ask me to break my heart for them
And the ones who won't are few.
End script.