| - | Headmaster's office | - |
Lucien sat on the windowsill looking on as Landon tried to convince Alaric to let him stay.
Landon: I could wash the dishes or even be the janitor, making sure everything run smooth---
Alaric: Landon, you cannot stay here, this school is for the supernatural and you're just a human you wouldn't fit in.
Landon looked towards Hope for help but she turned away from him, Lucien chuckled standing and started walking towards the boy.
Lucien: It's for the best if you forget everything that you saw here, Kirby...
Landon sighed looking up to Lucien before standing up.
Landon: I can't go back, Lucien. I can't leave Rafael, he's my brother.
Lucien grabbed him by the shoulders and looked into his eyes, the compulsion starting immediately.
Lucien: You're going to forget everything that you saw yesterday. You're going to go back home knowing that Rafael found a home here and that he's safe here.
Lucien took a step back from Landon and looked to Alaric and nodded.
Lucien: It's done.
Alaric nodded and stood up, escorting Landon to the gate where he got to say goodbye to Rafael.
| - | Twins room | - |
| - | Lucien | - |
I hummed to myself, looking down to Jo sleeping on my chest, the only thing that she had on was my shirt and it looked to big for her to be wearing, she let out a sigh and spoke without opening her eyes.
Josie: You're staring, it's creepy...
I just chuckled and sat up a bit forcing her to sit up as well.
Lucien: I'm just looking at my little snack...
She giggled looking at me, a smirk on her face.
Josie: That was cheesy and at the same time creepy...
I chuckled and pulled her towards me and kissed her before rolling up over so I was on top of her.
Lucien: Yeah but you liked it and that's all that matters...
I started kissing down her neck and she let out a sigh.
Josie: stop I need to get ready for the game
I groaned and rolled off her and laid beside her but to my surprise she jumped onto me and started kissing me , hey I'm not one to complain and just as I reached up to grasp her neck, she pulled away giggling.
Lucien: Jo, c'mon you can't be serious right now
she just giggled at my whining and said
" after the game , so what're you gonna be doing for the day " and I thought I didn't have anything to do at all
" huh nothing but I'll think of something to do " Josie started getting ready for the game and I just watched.
| - | Library | - |
Alaric and Dorian stood in front of a broken case which contained the knife, that Landon stole.
Alaric: Did the silent alarm go off?
Dorian just looked at him and shook his head and pointed at the wires explained to him.
Dorian: No, it didn't right before it could go off whoever stole the knife cut the wires right before the alarm could go off.
Alaric started thinking about who could've done it.
Alaric: D o we know what it can do?
Dorian: No, it just dates back to a hundred years back.
Lucien walked into the library eating some cookies and drinking a smoothie and looked at the two and then at the broken case.
Lucien: What are we looking for here?
this caused both of them to jump a bit and look behind them and sighed just seeing the Tri-brid boy Alaric was the first to speak.
Alaric: Shouldn't you be in class right now?
Dorian who was quiet this whole time exclaimed.
Dorian: You're alive?! h-how are you alive I thought Klaus ripped your heart out?
at this point Lucien was tired of having that reaction from people
Lucien: good to see you too, Dorian. Guess nobody has manners nowadays...
Alaric looked at the boy and remembered he never let him out of the cell.
Alaric: Nevermind that, who let you out of the werewolf cellars?
Lucien chuckled a bit and looked at Alaric.
Lucien: If I remember correctly, I let myself out, so don't worry about it.
Alaric chuckled having had enough of the tribrid and walked out to search for Hope.
Lucien: What's his problem?
Lucien asked Dorian who just shrugged his shoulders and shook his head
Dorian: Don't know guess his having a bad day or something. How about you stop by Emma's office and talk to her just make sure you're really of.
He walked out of the library and Lucien gave it a thought
Lucien: Maybe I should go see Ms Tig, haven't seen her for a long time...
He walked out of the library and made his way to the school counsellor's office.
| - | Counsellor's Office | - |
| - | Lucien | - |
I stood in front of the office and reached out to knock before stopping when my ear twitched a bit enhancing my hearing and I heard Hope in there with Emma, letting out her frustration.
Hope: Landon stole the knife because I took him to the library so of course I have to clean up my mess.
And right when I was about to back away from the door, she opened the door and was surprised to see me standing there.
Hope: hi...
Lucien: Hi...
We looked at each other for a moment standing in awkward silence before I walked into the room and closed the door behind me.
Lucien: Emma so glad to see you and I hope you don't have another appointment cause I need to talk about what's on my mind
She sat there shocked before clearing her throat and composed herself before looking towards me and gestured for me to take a seat.
Emma: W-Well, come on sit and tell me what's on your mind
Lucien: Alright where do I begin, oh it all started when I was born a thousand years ago my parents thought it was a good idea to turn me into a baby...
We're going to be here for a little bit.
| - | - | - |
And so, after talking to Emma I felt a little better and so I continued to walk around the place until I heard Josie's and Lizzie' s voices, so I snuck up on Jo and wrapped my arms around her waist.
Lucien: Hey gorgeous~
I saw Lizzie's face scrunch up in disgust looking me up and down.
Lizzie: Ugh when did this happen?
she asked Josie and I just answered for her, causing her to roll her eyes.
Lucien: Last night while you were busy trying to get into Rafael's pants and it was hilarious to see you fail at that
I started laughing at her before I winced in pain when I felt a sharp pain at my side and looked down to Josie pinching me.
Josie: Be nice.
I nodded my head and leaned down, pecking her on the lips.
Lucien: I'll try but no promises... since your sister is kind of a spoiled little bitch.
She giggled shaking her head wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her, at least she took that lie, I looked up to see Alaric speed walking towards us.
Alaric: Girls I'm ---
Josie cut him off and shook her head looking at his face.
Josie: no, don't do that face
Alaric looked confused, furrowing his brows.
Alaric: What face?
Lizzie: the disappointing dad face it always come.
Lizzie/Josie: When you can't be there for us
I chuckled watching as Alaric realized this wasn't the first time he disappointed them.
Alaric: Look, I'm sorry I won't be at the game today something came up and it's really important
I chuckled enjoying a bit too much and he looked at me wiping the smile on my face immediately.
Alaric: And you're coming with me.
Me and Josie tried to protest against this, but he wasn't having it.
Alaric: No buts you're coming.
Lucien: 'Well fuck me'
| - | Parking lot | - |
We were walking towards the car and Alaric groaned seeing Hope and Rafael arguing next to the car before he cut into their little stare down.
Alaric: He can come.
Hope turned towards us and looked at Ric.
Hope: What?
Alaric: He knows Landon best; He'll be an asset.
Rafael just looked at her with victorious grin on his face before I looked at him and threw the duffe bag at him, hitting him in the gut causing him to slouch over.
Lucien: And put on a shirt for god's sake, man.
| - | Woods | - |
Hope and Rafael walked ahead of me and Ric, and I looked at him.
Lucien: So, you wanna tell me why I'm really here?
I asked him and he sighed turning to look at me.
Alaric: To keep you away from my daughter
I chuckled and understood he was just trying to be a protective dad.
Lucien: You do know she's dated before, right? she was with Penelope before me
He stopped walking and looked at me
Alaric: I never knew that those two dated. No wonder they don't like each other...
Well now its awkward, I shook my head and turned to him.
Lucien: Never mind that why am I really here?
Alaric: We're looking for Landon, he stole a knife and he might be supernatural, since the compulsion didn't work.
At the mention of landon hope seemed to tense up , huh guess he broke her heart
Lucien: And what does this have to do with me exactly?
Alaric stopped and shushed us listening to our surroundings.
Alaric: Do you hear that? it's up ahead.
He took off running and we started running to catch up to him and right when we caught up to him, I was hit with the smell of burning tar and something else was mixed in it
Lucien: Ugh what is that smell?I looked towards the girl, who rolled up in a ball, afraid looking at me.
Alaric: You guys go ahead and look for Landon I'm gonna take her back to the car
He looked at me
Alaric: don't engage especially you " I was surprised" why especially me I don't have a grudge with the Hobbit " and with that I started walking up ahead leaving the two arguing children behind
~ Timeskip to the entrance of the cabin ~
I was standing in front of the abandoned cabin I was whistling to myself I see fire by Ed Sheeran ' 🎵I see fire burning the trees , I see fire hollowing souls and I see fire blood in the breeze and I hope that you remember me 🎵' and right when I thought about going inside here the two brats " just let me get the stupid knife for you " hope cut him off before he could continue " nothing in the school is stupid" I was getting tired of this " ok that's it shut up both of you " they both shut their mouths up and looked at me " thank you now then I'm going to give about a minute to go the knife " I said looking at Raf he looked surprised " but he said not to - " I just looked at him " 59,58,57 " and then he ran into the cellar after that Hope came up to me " are you serious you're letting him go inside " I tried to ignore her and walk further away from her " you know ignoring me isn't gonna work , we're going to talk or another " after she said this I turned towards her " what the hell do you want me to say huh , you to tell you I forgive you because that ain't gonna work for me I'm gonna do everything I can to punish you untill I feel satisfied, so c'mon his minutes "
I walked into the cellar and right before I could say anything Hope comes in and flings Landon to the wall " where's the knife " Landon looked scared of Hope and then he looked at me I just shined my eyes at him and he looked straight back to hope " i-i don't know I lost it in the woods when I was running for my life from a fire-breathing lady " I saw his face and I knew he was lying raf was next to speak " I believe him " hope stood there dumbfounded " what you believe that there's a fire-breathing lady runni- " right on cue Alaric came running into the cellar " there's a fire-breathing lady running around the woods " he looked at each of us then at me
" did I or did I not say do not engage " I shrugged my shoulders
" hey don't look at me I'm not the one holding him against the wall with magic " hope hearing me say this dropped him to the floor I just winced at the impact Alaric then looked at Landon and asked " where's the knife" I just looked at him and said
" the Hobbit apparently lost it in the woods"
" Well let's go and look for it before the pyromancer finds us " when we walked out we saw the lady standing right there getting ready to spit fire at us ric and the others ran back inside while I took the hit and it hurt bad this wasn't like normal fire
" ugh fuck lady that hurt like hell now it's my turn " with that said I started to her and she just looked at me confused while I towards her my chest started burning causing my shirt to burn off and my pants to burn as well leaving only pieces covering my legs when I stood in front of her I roared right on her face and punched her sending flying into the trees snapping about three or four trees in half while she was down I started making a fireball in my hand and threw it at her when she got up when it connected with her she started burning her when it dispersed there was just a burnt corpse where she once stood and right behind me I heard movement when I looked behind I saw Hope and Alaric walk out of the cellar ' ugh worst timing ever ' when she saw me standing there she started walking backwards I couldn't hear what Alaric was saying but then I looked Infront of me and saw a dragon
" oh yep it's a dragon alright "
I just stood there speechless
" holy shit that's a dragon " after I said that it roared right into my face and swatted me away sending me crashing into some trees a few feet away from the others
" you guys should better run "
" alright go to the car " Alaric told Raf and the hobbit to run
" you should go too "
" what I'm not leaving you here with a dragon "
" oh yeah than tell me how I'm going to explain to the twins that their dad was killed by a dragon "
" *groaning* you seriously using the dad card okay meet me at the car " after Alaric said he made his way to the car right when the came back down I ran Infront of Hope and I heard her chanting a spell one that I knew perfectly ' death spell ' and right when the dragon was about to hit us the dark magic that was supposed to hit it was absorbed into my body causing black veins to disperse across my body and my eyes to go pitch black causing me to send a shockwave of blueish fire out taking the dragon out and knockig me and hope
when I came to I heard Alaric scolding hope my ears were ringing and I had a huge headache with my body hurting everywhere
" what the hell happened "
they both looked at me Alaric was the first to talk
" good you're up we're going home now get the hell up " I saw hope crying and it broke my heart seeing her even though I hate right now I still love her
~ Timeskip to the car ~
" where are they " I asked Alaric
" I don't know they must've ran "
I saw something sticking out on the windshield and pick it up and saw it was a letter to Hope ' this guy must be an expert at apologizing ' I heard walking from behind us and turned to see Hope I handed her the letter
" this is for you "
she just read it and got angry and crumbled it up ' yeesh I'm lucky I ain't Kirby right now ' and so we drove back to the school
when we got back I went to my old room to freshen up after I was done freshening up I heard a knock at the door opened it to see Josie standing there she rushed at me and hugged me I hugged her back and let her in
that night we slept peacefully
..... To be continued ....