Chereads / Death's Diary / Chapter 1 - The beginning of the Creation

Death's Diary

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Chapter 1 - The beginning of the Creation

Falling. Falling. Falling.

Tears welled in his eyes as his pale flesh disintegrate before them. Hand out reached as they turned to bone as his fall continued into the hellish blaze below the heavens. His once grand wings now broken as his void-like feathers fluttered and danced around him, obscuring his vision as he watched another fall from above.

Her smile was joyful as her rose-golden eyes spilled with terror. Her Ivory wings out streched as her white dress fluttered behind her. Hands of flesh grabbed that of bone and both devine children braced themselves for the hellish blaze that licked his back. She wrapped her arms around her twin folding her wings around his.

"We came into devinity together- Its only right that we leave it together" She'd whisper to him with tear stained eyes. He closed his eyes as the flames engulfed them both. The ever growing heat singed his feathers and bone as the feeling of flesh left him entirely.

Then a cool wind belew through the blaze qunching its hunger into simple embers and warm rock. He opened his eyes and seen his twin crouched beside him, holding him in her arms as tears freely flowed from her eyes and droplets poured onto his bone.

Then came a spark.

The ground rumbled as green vines began to sprout before them swiftly growing out of control in mere seconds- the once firey waste land that earth once was became a sight of disbelief. As her tears poured onto the ground he witness her magic awaken for the first time since their creations- witnessing as she brought floods and plantlife to an earth that no devinity had never thought plausible.

But deep within himself he felt it.

A spark.

That spark.

He grabbed her shaking shoulders and hugged her tight with broken wings and bare bone. The little goddess wept into her twins shoulder hugging him tighter as her magic wrecked beautiful havoc across the baren world.

As the two embraced with tear stained shoulders- His too began to awaken. Like a dam breaking from within his magic spiralled to life and calmed the waking world back to an ease full slumber. Outrageous vines and trees that once spread across the landscape were haulted- Some went into a vast slumber well others shrivled from the new outburst of magic.

When all seemed well and quite the ground began to rumbled and chunks of rock split from the surface creating towering peaks of stone that reached as high as the heavens- yet the beast that created them burrowed out from below with huge bulky heads that held horns which graced them like a crown. Huge monstrous beings clawed themselves from the earth with outstreched wings and swirling crowns of bone. Frightened the two twins gaze upon these creatures- no more did tears stain their cheeks- only amazement and surprise.

The creatures gathered around them with eyes of wisdom- it was the largest beast who bowed first as all the others fallowed. "We are beasts. You Devine. We give thanks to her that gives life and gratitude for him who brings death." Said the largest. The little goddess steped forward wryly, her wings out streched. "Who are you?" She'd ask the beast as she placed her hand upon its snout. With eyes that reflected hellish flames the beast answered "I do not know, but you should. You brought us all here"

"Then I shall give call you all dragons. Give yourselves, your own name and I shall call you such but let it be known that the body you breathe from is that of a dragon." The dragons bowed with open wings. Upon raising their heads high the frist to make a sound was a large female dragon, her crown of bone raised upwards as a bellowing roar erupted from her jaws " Let be it known that a dragons spirit is that of Life. When her name is spoken, mine shall only be as mere as its shadow. For the darkest night cannot exist without the brightest sun. My name is Sandrungo" The dragons gaze met her godess's sight before laying her head on the lush green vines.

Another dragon stood tall beside the frist, his horns angled downward but his gaze as dark as the tattered wings upon the fallen gods back. His scales as white as bone with a crown as silver as a devines blood. "Shall it be forever known that a dragons spirit is that of Death. When his name is spoken mine shall only be its mere shadow. Fore the brightest star cannot be seen without the darkest night to brighten it so. My name is Monadrogno" He bowed his scaled head resting his chin upon the lush vines beneath their claws.

Beside the white scaled dragon stood a wingless one with a crown that curled upwards, his gaze was similer to the dark green vines he stood on before echoing his own thoughts "Let it be known that a dragons heart belongs to the earth- fore the earth belongs in her realm. When one speaks of the stone beneath us, may my name be only a shadow of it. My name is Arthadregon." Locking gaze with the little goddess he to bowed his head.

Next to roar was a another wingless dragon that held a long slender body with feathers that graced her neck and forelegs. Instead of scales she held fur and feathers that were as white as the goddess wings and golden eyes that sparkled with wisdom. Her roar was more airy and sweet then the three before her "Shall it be known that a dragons breath belongs to Death- For he alone can take it. Life breathes air into our lungs but when we fall into slumber it is he who takes a sacred gift given by Life herself. When one speaks of air and wind let it be known that my name is the mere shadow of the two. My name is Ariagron" With that she bowed her head.

Next to roar was a serpentine dragon with a fearsome hood and a crown that spiralled outwards as his gaze match the depths of the water circles that the goddess had made. "Let it be known that a dragons love is that of water- our love comes from our goddess for she alone can create water and she alone can ease pain. When one speaks of water, my name will only be hidden in its darkest depths. My name is Watradrone" He rested his chin upon the twisting vines, allowing the next dragon to step forth.

She stood tall with those same eyes that reflect hellish flame, her crown of bones were unique and sprouted out like chaos. Her tone wasnt like the others before her- It was smooth, calm. "Shall it be known that flames of wrath belong only to Death- for once a spark is fed the blaze will only devor and destory. When such a spark erupts my name will only become its embers after it's hunger is quenched. My name is Fraiegronda." She too bowed to both the god and goddess.

The last the step forth was a dragon with a slender muzzle and eyes that shimmered like the universe that once sparkled above the heavens- that still sparkle above the heavens. She held no crown of bone nor did she seem to care for when she bowed her head her voice came out as a gentle tune "Let it and Shall it be known that a dragons song belongs to Life and to Death. Their voice is our voice. Their songs are our songs. When any creature uses its voice to sing may my name become nothing more then a whisper in it's melody. My name is Sangdrogon"

The little goddess looked around to each of the seven dragons before unwrapping a silk pounch from her side, dropping its contents into her pale hands. it was a large crystal orb with a swirling storm of colors raging inside. Taking it carefully in both her hands she raised it high before throwing it down onto the bare rock beneath her and her twins feet, and with a loud smash the orb broke into six pieces- the colors draining and collecting themselves into individual pieces.

The young god was the frist to pick up three, embuking his own magic within the shards causing them to glow with a silvery tint. Standing to his feet he walked towards the white scaled dragon offering to him a single shard that raged with colors of black and silver "I give you this shard Monadrogno so that you and your descendants can see through my eyes when the time is right to pass." Gently he placed the shard upon the white dragons head between his dark serpentine eyes. The fragments feuled to life spiralling around the beast with silver magic as his eyes began to glow with a blinding light before finally subsiding. His twin had done the same- embuking her magic within the remaining three shards in her palms before giving the frist to Sandrungo "I give this shard to you Sandrungo so that you and your decedent's can see through my eyes- the future and its possibilities aren't to be seen alone my friend" She placed a golden shard between the dragons eyes as her shard becaming nothing more then a blinding light around the dragons head before also subsiding.

The goddess spun and stopped in front of the wingless beast offering her shard to him that swirled with browns and greens and specks of colors in between. "Arthadregon, I give you this shard so that you and your descendants will always remember that this realm will never last. An end is always near but forever far. Were love grows so can many creatures grow with- so I ask that you protect the ground as if it were your body." She told the dragon- placing its shard into his back and sheilding her eyes from it's blinding shine as it dissipated. "I shall protect your gift until the day I rest" He told his goddess. The twin god stepped to the next dragon offering to her a white and gray fragment "Arieagron, I offer to you this shard so the you and your descendents will not forget the bounties my sister has to offer to her realm- and to remember that all creatures of her realm- no matter their lifespans from this point on will eventually become apart of mine. Remember to never fear what you can not see." His boney hand caressed the fragment before placing it upon the dragons chest where it glowed its blinding hue for the moments now passed.

With a cheery smile the sister twin danced to the serpentine dragon, offering to him a shard of swirling blue. "Watradrone, I offer this shard to you so that you and your descendents can share the love that I give this realm. To protect the love I give to the realm." With that she placed her shard fragment upon the serpints chest as it too glowed in magic hue so blindingly bright before subsiding. "Your heart will be proteced my goddess" Watradrone told her returning to his bowing pose as his tail caressed his heart. Lastly the young god stepped in front of the hellish eyes that stared back at him. He offered her the finale shard- one that swirled with crimson and gold hues, "Fraiegronda, I give you this shard so that you and your descendents may know of my heart and its wrath contained within. Where loves roams, wrath must roam beside. So I ask that you guard its blaze protectively against yourself so that it wont consume all of my sisters creations. Quinch it's hunger when its gluttonous and sooth its fire back to sleeping embers when you see fit." Gently he placed the fragment upon her chest watching as its blinding magic dissipated. "Worry not my god, fore your wrath will be guarded closely by my heart" She said bowing her head as she placed her sharp claws upon the fragment embedded in her scales.

Lastly both twins stood infront of the final crownless dragon. "Sangdrogon-" They began, kneeling to one knee and unfolding their tattered wings. "We give to you, our voice so that the world doesnt forget its beginning or its ending. With Life brings birth and with Death brings rebirth." They stood up and offered to her empty palms of gold and silver. "Its my honor to keep the worlds memories alive." Bowing, she rested her head into the deities hands as their combined magic merge together- swirlling around the dragons body until its magic hue dissipated.

With that the dragons fled to all cornors of this new world bringing with them the magic that the twins had bestowed unto them. Sandrungo flew east until she came across of mass of floating Isles that cascade all beneath it into darkness- she landed with grace as she brought the rising sun higher with her curled crown of twisting ivory. In the days that soon passed- the rocks claimed life as Arthadregon tended and cared for the soil and its plants. Watradrone brought floods to once baren wastelands- transfroming them into oceans that spread across into streams and rushing rivers. Arieagron brought to the skies clouds and storms that flashes with streaks of crackling fire- Huge gusts of wind traveled far and wide bringing rain for the first time. Fraiegronda took to the worlds highest peaks- carving vast tunnels into the earths core as lavanic magma flooded the underground labryth with her as its watchful eye. Monadrogno flew west as the sun began to set watching carefully at his godess's first beutifully crafted sunset that held splashs of orange, red, purples, pinks and blues- alone he found a large twisting land mass with a mountain peak that was the tallest of all the others, upon landing he bowed and roared as his crownless forehead rose the shining moon from its slumber. Sangdrogon waited peacefully as her companions went separate ways, she instead stuck close beside the God and Goddess as she brought life to thousands more unique creations- well Sangdrogon was the frist creature to introduce them to this new and bountiful world.

- The forgotton one...