“I will marry Angela because I have to. But I don’t love her. I never have, I never planned to, and I never will,” Lucien replied earnestly. I guess I was relieved that he didn’t love her.
“I see. I thought you’re marrying her out of love like how you married my mother. I didn’t think you would marry without love,” I replied honestly.
“Natalia. Listen carefully…” Lucien said in a low voice as he stepped closer to me to place both his hands on my shoulders.
“Yes?” I replied.
“I’ve never married anyone for love,” Lucien stated blandly.
“What do you mean…by that?” I asked, confused. What about my mother?
“I won’t be marrying Angela for love, and I didn’t marry your mother because I loved her either,” Lucien stated, clearer this time in order to make sure that I understood.
“It can’t be…you never loved my mother?!” I gasped with shock. Did he trick her? Why?