Chapter 9 - Journey To The Castle...
The figure of Nightmare Moon swiftly shifted upon her high balcony, an evil grin splitting her lips as her loyal minions attacked.
The unicorns of the guards gathered together, maneuvering into formation prepared to fire. The Pegasus flexed their wings, shifting their weight and preparing to cast into the fray. And the Earth pony's drew weapons, many drawing up shields with half of them preparing to attack and the other half protecting the gathered crowds back that Nightmare Moon's forcing were preparing to attack.
The battle began with blasts of magic shot forth from the assembled guard's pony's horns. Several shots hits while others merely skimmed the body of the attackers. The griffins took to the air, their claws raised as they shot forward only to be met with resistance from Pegasi guard's member. The claws from the griffins proved infective against the armor of the guards not to mention the guard members had training on their sides with several Unicorns firing magical blasts sending several of the attackers flying across the room.
The Satyr's however were proving more effective as their though hides while not immune against the magic gave them some measure of resistance. The strength of the Bipedial creatures gave them just the edge they needed to close the distance, using physical attacks to cause either blunt force trauma or disrupt the formation enough to allow the others to attack.
In those mere brief seconds he had seen everything he needed to see. He had seen their movements. He had seen how fast they were. How strong they were. In that moment he acted.
He leaped, landing one of the broken tables using the momentum that carried him forward from tipping over and leaped forward. Balding up his fist he punched one of the griffins in the beak sending him flying into another one. The punch thrown with his right arm spun him just enough to where he was turned. He landed on both his hooves and left hand. He charged forward, kicking up the weapon of a Satyr and launched it with enough force to impale on the leg of a Satyr, immobilizing it long enough for one of the Unicorn guards to home in and fired a blast of magic with enough concussive force to crack the creature's sternum and taking it out of the fight.
The makeshift army that had gathered in Ponyville was proving far from effective as the tides quickly turned in favor of the ponies.
Nightmare Moon's eyes slit narrowed as her body shimmered with great rage at this defiance. Her hands alit with magic and with a mighty roar her power exploded outwards in a violet lash of magical energy sending out concussive blasts sending all the fighters across the room in a powerful telekinetic display. "You Fools! You cannot stand before my might!" by the dozens more figures began to pour in from the door all of them burying the same demonic slits, showcasing the taint of the Nightmare. Nightmare Moon gave the order to take prisoner all those who dared to oppose her.
Naruto managed to recover from the blast, having only been temporarily stunned. Taking advantage of their focus on rounding up and securing prisoners Naruto quickly performed a substitution on one of Nightmare Moon's soldiers. Before they could comprehend what was happening he leaped and took to the roof top, already making impressive distance before the hastily tagged spells could tag him. With even ponies selling themselves to Nightmare Moon's service this was going to prove more difficult than originally thought. Ducking into the shadows Naruto hid himself as Pegasi and Griffon took to the air searching for the escapee.
As he traveled from roof to roof he caught site of ponies being laid at either horn or weapon point and forced out of their homes. As much as he wanted to help them, it would prove far more dangerous for them to get involved with the mission that was happening than for them to spend a few hours locked up.
He knew where he needed to go thankfully.
Sweet Apple Acres.
Not so subtly Naruto had steered a conversation with the mare about a safe place for the residents to go in case of an emergency.
Sweet Apple Acres proved ideal.
Vast wide farm land to seeing anypony coming with few potential places for anypony to hide without them being seen a mile away. The farm houses were also large enough to house at least a hundred ponies working as a temporary shelter for a crisis.
What helped made this place safe was the shielding spell cast by one Lyra Heartstrings. What few ponies in Ponyville knew about Lyra was the fact she originally lived in Canterlot and graduated from Celestia's school of Gifted Unicorns with honors. As one of the most gifted members of her year she majored in spell theory and minored in runes with a Doctorate in Spellcasting.
Nothing sort of a Veteran spellcaster or a somepony born with unnatural magical talent would be breaking down the barrier she cast anytime soon.
Those who made it out of the town were gathered in the farmhouse which included the apples, several of the families from Ponyville, several filies, a couple of injured guard ponies and several Summer Sun Festival volunteers.
Twilight Sparkle separated from the rest of the group and entered another room of the farm as she tried to gather her thoughts. There wasn't a single hint of the sun rising or a hint of Princess Celestia in the Horizon. What had happened to the Princess? Was she developing some means of attack? Was she organizing the safety of the citizens of Canterlot? Worrying would do her no good. She needed to find out more about the Elements of Harmony. That was going to be the only way to fight back against Nightmare Moon. "I asked you a question!" Twilight let out a yelp as she was suddenly jolted from her thoughts. She found herself pinned against the wall of the building. "How did you know about Nightmare Moon? Are you and the lizard spies or something?"
"Simmer down, Sally. Twa'light ain't no spy. At least ah don't think Naruto would have brought 'er around if that was the case." Applejack defended the unicorn and affixed Rainbow Dash with a look challenging the Pegasi. Hearing the scuffle Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy had also entered. Being the only other ones that really talked and interacted with Twilight they of course noticed when she had left the room.
"She knows something," Rainbow Dash argued. "How else do you expect we find out?"
"You can try asking her Rain." Naruto lightly suggested as he entered the room with a book nestled under his arm.
"Naruto!" a cry from multiple voices echoed. He nearly found himself bowled over by Pinkie, Rarity, and a few other ponies.
"What happened?"
"We thought you were captured!"
"How'd you escape?"
"I got lucky that those Nightmare Moon have recruited in this part of the land are rather untrained and sloppily. Unfortunately she's managed to capture and round up most of the town and the royal guard." He explained. "Where is everyone else who escaped?"
"Everypony is gathered in the dining room. Why?"
"I needed to know if they were safe. The number one priority is to form a plan, a counterattack against Nightmare Moon's actions."
"There's only one thing that can stop Nightmare Moon." After her tight lipped silence Twilight spoke, surprising everypony, ever herself. "The Elements of Harmony... it might be our only hope."
"You mean the ones mentioned in this book?" Naruto asked as he removed the book from under his arm and handed it to Twilight.
Twilight's eyes widened in surprise as she looked up at the blond confused as to how he managed to get this copy and surprise he had the presence of mind to get it, considering everything that was going on. "Yes this is it, how did you get your hands on this?"
"Nearly a year ago I spent a good deal of time learning about some of the strongest forms of magic. I was interested in learning about many kinds of magical lore and I happened to remember the Elements being mentioned once as a myth. Considering that Nightmare Moon was also considered a myth, but turned out to be real is fair to say the Elements exist as well.
Twilight began carefully scanning the pages. She gently brushed away the dust that cluttered the age old tome. The condition of the book consisted of brittle pages to the worn out cover signifying that this book was indeed quite old and some of its writing faded. "There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now known as the Everfree Forest." Looks were exchanged between the Ponyville ponies. "What?" Twilight wondered aloud as she noticed the apprehensive looks shared between them.
"The Everfree Forest is simply a most dreadful place." Rarity admitted with a shiver as she hugged herself. Rarity had initially tried to find gems in the forest once only to have a down right frightening encounter with some of the local wild life. Ever since then she hadn't stepped a single hoof into there.
"And it ain't natural." Applejack added. "Folks say it don't work the same as Equestria. We do our best to avoid goin' in there whenever we can." The apple farmer finished.
"I know the Everfree better than anypony here." Naruto remarked as he pulled out a map he had stashed in his back pocket. "I've regularly encountered a lot of the wild life around the area whenever I took up requests to gather herbs and such. The Everfree is ripe with plenty of exotic plants that would be expensive exporting them from outside areas so I've taken plenty of trips into the area to make some bits. I even saw some strange structures during some of my trips into the area. If the Elements of Harmony are located in the structure I can lead you to it."
"Not so fast. Look, I appreciate the offer, but I'd really rather do this on my own." Twilight insisted on going alone, feeling that it was her responsibility seeing as she discovered Nightmare Moon was coming and it was her lack of trying of convincing Princess Celestia of the gravity of the threat that allowed things to escalate this far.
"No can do, sugarcube." Applejack rebuffed her comment. "We sure ain't lettin' any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone. We're stickin' to you like caramel on a candy apple." As she finished the rest of the mares "hmph" in agreement but some were still shaking such as Rarity and Fluttershy.
"Between the seven of us we should be able to handle it." before Twilight could speak Naruto quickly began to make a series of logical reasons why they should go to shut down Twilight's Argument. "Think about it logically Twilight. I should go because I know the area best and you have a better chance of getting around safely if I were to lead you. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash are both talented in Strength, Agility, and Speed meaning they'll be useful in fighting off the creatures of the forest as well as scouting ability. Rarity's Gem finding ability might prove useful in finding the Elements of Harmony if the hints of them being in the shape of gems I found proved to be right and Fluttershy is talented with animals which will be useful where we are going. If we all stay together, keep our heads low, and keep quiet we should be okay."
Twilight silently agreed that there was little to no flaw in his reasoning. If she was going to find the Elements and stop Nightmare Moon every second mattered.
"Is it really safe to go with just the seven of us?" Rarity nervously voiced her opinion as she tried to mentally prepare herself for this journey. "Should we not also get Big Mac, Lyra, and some of the others? Surely their talents will also come in handy?"
"They need to be here when Nightmare Moon forces attack Rare to help keep everypony safe. The only other option would be bring everypony with us and I'm sure I don't have to explain how terrible of an idea that would be." Naruto pointed out as realization coursed through Rarity's features to which the mare silently nodded. After all neither of them would want to subject anypony, especially the young fillies and foals who managed to get away with their parents or guardian to the Everfree forest. "We should all get some rest and prepare to leave early in the morning than. If we try to leave now without a doubt the others are going to try and stop us."
Twilight had to fight back her desire to suggest to the blond they needed to leave now. Her more rational and contemplative side winning out in favor of doing things right instead of letting her emotions rule her actions.
A few more words were silently exchanged and everyone agreed they would sneak out early to begin their hunt for the Elements. The mood had been rather somber with most of the young foals asking the adults what happened. Questions of what happened to everypony else and Princess Celestia was the most rampant. The adults of course consoled the children and assured them that everything was going to be fine.
It was difficult to tell how much time had passed as eternal night continued to plague the world. Waking up at what he assumed was between four or five A.M. Naruto quietly awoke the six one by one.
The wild forest known as the Everfree was known throughout Equis as one the ten lost zones areas often devoid of civilized life either thanks to the weather or the local wild life that inhabited the areas. The atmosphere of the forest seemed to come to life with the addition of this fog.
Suddenly the piercing sound of howls echoed throughout the area. Everypony tensed as their heads snapped back to the direction of where the sounds came from. "Even Diamond Dogs have been recruited." While Rarity had yet to encounter Diamond Dogs personally she knew her Gem hunting grounds bordered near the areas they mined.
"We don't have time to waste," Twilight announced as she turned to face Naruto who was looking over his map. "How far are from these ruins you mentioned?"
"It'll take us about an hour by hoof. I hadn't explored the ruins myself because I only recently happened upon them." He responded as he folded up the map.
"Why don't I just fly there?" Rainbow Dash suggested. "I could get there and back in no time just tell me where I need to go."
"We can't risk you being spotted by any of Nightmare Moon Forces," Naruto countered as he looked ahead until he settled his eyes on a path. "If we take this path and keep at a steady pace we should be able to make good time." For all intents of purposes this place reminded him of the Forest of Death with some mysticism thrown in.
The careful group wandered further into the depths of the woods with Naruto leading them with Pinkie right by his side. Pinkie shifted back a little and turned to speak to the others over her shoulder, voice warmly calling back. "There's a river up ahead!" The energetic woman grinned wide as she spun back around to catch up with Naruto whom came to a stop at the edge of a cliff side.
"We're going to need to find a way down. " Naruto began speaking with a cold terror coursed through him. Next thing he knew the ground exploded underneath them. They all let out a cry as the ground and trees on the cliff side began to tumble over into a crumbling heap of debris.
Those who had the ability to act reacted with their natural instincts. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash being Pegasi took to the air while everpony else grabbed onto whatever stable bit of ground they could. The landslide continued with the edge Pinkie Pie and Rarity holding onto gave out.
Twilight could only stare on in horror as the two mares tumbled downwards with horrified.
"Fluttershy! Quick!" Rainbow Dash cried out.
"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness." Fluttershy panicked for a brief moment before shooting after Pinkie Pie, but thanks to the Mare's unusually low wing strength the two were now being sent plummeting as well. For a brief moment Rainbow panicked before she saw Naruto shooting down like a speeding projectile and in an instant she made up her mind. Dash soared at Fluttershy and Pinkie, catching them before they could plummet into the ground.
Rarity found her screams cut short when she was suddenly grabbed. Her head snapped up to realizing her savior was Naruto. He quickly maneuvered her into a bridal style carry before descending onto the ground hooves first causing a sizable imprint into the ground from the force of the impact. For a moment she was stunned, expecting a great deal of force to have followed from the impact but nothing beyond her being jostled a bit. It was that moment Rarity realized that the depths of Naruto training were of a far greater level than she had ever realized. "Uum Rare? Is there something wrong?"
His voice snapped Rarity out of her daydream. "No!" she snapped a little louder than she attended to and looked away as a faint blush colored her cheeks. "No," she insisted again, this time in a much softer tone. "Thank you darling, you saved my life. I'll be okay now." She said as Naruto placed her down only to find she nearly lost her balance. Naruto reached out and caught her, to help steady her.
Naruto turned to see the others land. "Where's Twilight and Applejack?"
During the whole incident Applejack had also managed to react, leaping forward and catching Twilight by one of her wrists as she dug her own form against to anchor them.
"Applejack! What do I do?" A panicked Twilight cried out as she could feel herself slipping. The chocked sob did not escape Applejacks notice did notice as she tried her best to pull Twilight up, but it felt like something was slowly draining her of her strength. What should have been Child splay for someone like Applejack to easily hoist Twilight up was proving a considerable challenge and if something wasn't done soon they were both going to tumble over. She glanced over the side and then realized what needed to be done.
As calmly as she could Applejack told the unicorn two simple words. "Let go."
Panicked spread in Twilight's eyes as she gave the other mare an incredulous look as she wondered if she misheard her. The determined look in Applejack's eyes assured Twilight that her hearing was functioning correctly. "Are you crazy?" Twilight cried out as she lost any semblance of her usual composure.
"No ah ain't. Ah promise you'll be safe." Applejack told her earnestly. She could see the Unicorn was filled with doubts and was scared.
"That's not true!" she didn't want to die. She had so much to live for. She couldn't let go. She was too scared. How could this Applejack ask her to let go?
"Now listen here. What ah'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe." Applejack insured her again as warmly as she could. "This ledge won't hold for long. Just trust me ah wouldn't steer you wrong."
Twilight closed her eyes and prayed to Celestia the farm pony was right. She let go and she could feel herself plummeting down. Suddenly her descent was stopped and she found herself floating. Was she dead? She opened her eyes and found herself being carried by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.
It didn't take long for Dash to ferry down Applejack as well reuniting the group. "Thank you…all three of you." Twilight thanked them. She shuttered, thinking of what would had happen if she went on her own like she wanted too. "We have to keep moving. If we don't find the elements soon there won't be stopping Nightmare Moon."
"Then we'll have to continue heading South-East until we find the river. We'll know we're close to the river when we find a large clearing devoid of forest by the river." He informed them as they continued their trek deeper into the forest. They traveled for a good mile and a half before they came across a gorge of sorts. Suddenly he felt that familiar cold chill again. "Get Back!" Naruto shouted as the group brace themselves as a large shape dropped down from the sky.
This was a creature Naruto had only read about, but had yet to encounter in the Everfree. Its large and powerful body had a thick layer gamboge colored fur with a red mane of a proud feline, but this creature was more of a feline. The creature had a body of a lion, a rust colored scorpion's tail with a large pair of leathery looking dragon-like wings with rough scales. The creature let out a ferocious roar that nearly sent the group flying from the intensity of it. "A manticore!"
The manticore raised its paw and swiped at the group whom easily dodged the attack. This time Rarity was not going to be a helpless damsel. What good was asking Naruto to help her train and grow stronger if she was never going to put it to good use? Rarity being the closest was the first to react, kicking the creature in the face, going as far as jabbing the creature with the edge of her heel. "Take that, you ruffian!" she remarked, but the assault only seemed to infuriate the creature as it let out a growl and immediately reacted with a ferocious slice at the Fashionista. Rarity was able to move and preventing a swipe from the creatures sharp claws nicking any major arteries, but not enough to where she was completely untouched.
Unable to help herself Rarity let out a cry of 'my hair' before ducking away from another attack of the creature.
"Wait." Quietly called out Fluttershy but it was in vain. Naruto jumped forward and head butted the creature, causing it to roar out in pain and disorientated it. Seeing the opportunity Applejack leaped on top it.
"YEE-HAW! Get along, little doggie." Applejack gave out a cheer as she started to ride the monster cat. Drawing its attention to her as the others circled it.
"Wait." Fluttershy called out again, but was cut off when Applejack was thrown off the Manticore when it bucked with enough force to send her flying backwards.
"Whoa! All yours, partners." Applejack offered to Rainbow to have a turn.
"On it." Rainbow Dash accepted as she charged right for the Manticore.
"Wait!" Fluttershy once more pleaded, louder than the other times but still rather inaudible as she couldn't stop her childhood friend from attacking. The manticore swatted Rainbow Dash away.
"Rainbow!" Twilight shouted in terror as the sickening meaty thud of the hit echoed.
"You made your last mistake Manticore." Naruto snarled as he leaped over the creature. Landing on its head the blond was about to strike when the creature tried to shake him off, but Naruto reacted by leaping into the air. With this next attack he would knock the creature out with a single decisive blow.
Finally Fluttershy dug from deep within herself and shouted, "STOP!" The rather uncharasteric shout from the soft spoken Pegasus drew everyone's attention. Flutterhsy flew over to the Manticore that took to charging her. Fluttershy stopped halfway as everypony shouted at her to get out of there, but she stood her ground, looking the creature right in the eyes. To their shock right before the creature could land a fatal blow it came to a stop. In that brief moment Fluttershy's eyes had changed into a colorful pattern.
"The stare!" Rainbow Dash softly commented to herself with a shiver.
As soon as it had begun it was over. The Manticore began acting like a tamed kitten licking Fluttershy's face.
"Shhh... It's okay. Oh, you poor, poor little baby." Fluttershy cooed to the creature in a motherly tone as she affectionately pet its mane and rubbed her face against its cheek.
"Little?" Rainbow Dash dryly remarked in response to Fluttershy's declaration.
"What just happened?" Naruto wondered out loud.
"Somepony…" Fluttershy began, using a tone the blond did not recognize as getting the mare angry seemed to be an impossible feet. "…use a horrible spell to brainwash this poor innocent animal."
"How did you know about the spell?" Twilight asked, in awe of whatever it was Fluttershy had done.
"I didn't at first, not until he got closer and I saw his eyes. Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness." Fluttershy responded. After hearing this, Twilight smiled.
"So if the Manticore had a spell placed on him that chances are we're not alone." Naruto commented and sure enough a dozen menacing looking Timberwolves had begun to exit the tree line. No matter how hungry the creatures were they made it a habit to avoid such creatures like Manticores. There was a big possibility they were brainwashed as well.
"We don't have time for this!" Twilight remarked as she began to charge magic in her hands, but Applejack stopped her.
"Shy and ah handle this. The rest of ya'll go ahead and get on ahead." Applejack ordered as she broke away from the group and tip her head down. Flutterhsy's eyes widened as if to say 'wait what?'
"Applejack you can't be serious." Rainbow Dash incredulously responded.
"Ain't no time to argue missy," Applejack responded, "between mahself and Fluttershy's new critter friend these beats gonna get a real good lickin'. Now go on and get, we'll join ya in no time."
"We're not leaving you guys behind!" Rainbow Dash stubbornly argued. One did not simply leave their friends behind; such a thing was unthinkable to the mare. "Fluttershy you can't be agreeing to this. If you're staying than so am I!" there was no way she was going to leave Fluttershy behind to face something like this.
"Rainbow, we need to find the Elements to stop Nightmare Moon or everypony is going to…" Fluttershy's voice had cracked; even the thought of what could happen was horrible to her. "Twilight and the others need you…please, you have to help them."
Rainbow Dash inwardly fumed and cursed at this. She was put between choosing her best friend or choosing the fate of Equestria. It wasn't fair, it simply wasn't and she knew what she was going to choose. She was going to choose what she knew what Fluttershy was silently pleading her to do. Despite not verbalizing Rainbow Dash had reluctantly made her decision.
"We don't have time to argue, if Nightmare Moon is aware of our current goal the most likely response is to deploy her forces as a reactionary measure to impede our progress. We have to go and now," Twilight argued before sending a grateful look to Applejack. "Thank you and please stay safe." Twilight gave one last look back before the rest of the group took off ahead. Silence permeated the group for a while.
"They'll be okay. It'll take more than some Timberwolves to take down someone like Applejack and considering Fluttershy just tamed a Manticore I would be more scared of her than them anyway." Naruto assured the unicorn, his humor bring some semblance of a smile to her face. Twilight shook her head, trying to clear away the thoughts and reassuring herself that the abilities the two mares possess would result in them getting out of the situation alive. For now she needed to push away the concern and focus on the mission.
Suddenly Rarity let out a whine of disgust as the hard dirt and earth slowly started to resemble something more like mush and mud. An indication that either it had rained earlier or they were pretty close to the river. "My eyes need a rest from all this icky muck." Rarity complained as the way started to go dark as everyone entered an area filled with tall trees that blocked the moonlight. "Well, I didn't mean that literally."
"That ancient ruin could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it." Twilight gave a dissatisfied remarked as she tried to make out some semblance of shapes.
That same cold chill coursed through his spine. "Does anyone else fill that?"
"Feel what?" he asked as someone suddenly bumped into him. "Oopmh!"
"Sorry Narry."
"Feel what?"
"That surge of coldness. I've been feeling it all night each time something was about to happen when…" Naruto was cut off when Rarity let out a yelp which the others quickly followed as the area was suddenly lit up. They were faced with a series of twisted and grosteque faces from the various trees that surrounded them. Despite the panic there was one distinct sound of laughter among them. "Bleh. Ooo!" Pinkie Pie taunted the trees as she was making funny faces in front of a tree.
"Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?! Get away from that thing." Twilight shouted at her.
"There's nothing to be afraid of." Pinkie cheerfully remarked. "When I was a little filly and scared of darkness and shadows my Granny, Granny Pie told me that being afraid and hiding wasn't the way to deal with your fears. You gotta stand up tall and learn to face your fears. You'll see that they can't hurt you and just laugh to make them disappear." She remarked as she continued making faces and laughing.
"Well at least a better alternative to singing." Naruto remarked.
"Hey…" Pinkie said drawn out. "…what's wrong with singing?" Pinkie Pie asked with something that could have been considered a glare if it wasn't Pinkie Pie.
"Nothing, you have lovely and energetic singing voice. Just that right now isn't the time right for singing." Thankfully the pink pony didn't press the issue further. The group continued their trek until they reached a huge river. Rainbow probably could ferry all of them over, but there was no telling what sort of dangerous creature could be in the water.
"How are we gonna cross this?" Pinkie Pie asked the group. Before anyone could think any further, they all hear crying in the distance. "Huh?"
A flamboyant looking sea serpent was crying about something. "What a world, what a world." the sea serpent loudly sobbed to himself, the tears causing the river's rough waters thanks to his size in comparison to the river's narrow size. Everypony approached him.
"Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?" asked Twilight timidly asked the serpent, having never encountered another species this large before.
"Well, I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when suddenly I was attacked by a flock of Griffins demanding I tell them where the followers of the Sun were. I managed to escape, but not before they tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid." The serpent finished recalling the event that led to distress.
"Oh, give me a break. " Rainbow dryly remarked as she folded her arms. "That's what all the fuss is about?"
"Why, of course it is. How can you be so insensitive?" Rarity immediately rounded on Rainbow Dash while sending a Pegasus a look indicating that the latter should feel guilty for how insensitive she was being to the serpent's plight. "Oh, just look at him and such lovely luminescent scales." The upscale Unicorn appraised as she looked them over.
"I know." The sea serpent responded as keeping himself fit and fabulous had always been one of his life goals.
"And your expertly coiffed mane." Rarity continued her appraisal.
"Oh, I know, I know." The serpent replied, being taken in by the comments.
"Your fabulous manicure."
"It's so true!"
"All ruined without your beautiful mustache."
"It's true, I'm hideous!" he responded with a wail.
"I can fix this," She said. "By my word as a fashionista, I shall not allow this crime against fabulosity to go uncorrected! What is your name?"
"I am known as Stepphyin Aavgolz, but you may refer to me as Steven, I believe in your language it means Crown. May I have the name of the lady who is helping me in my greatest hour of need?"
"Rarity," she said as her horn lit ablaze with magic. "Now you sit tight." She said as she pulled out a dagger she was keeping in her purse. She had felt the weapon would have been needed in self-defense, but she suppose this situation would be just as good.
Rarity lifted up her tail up in one hand the dagger in the other. Biting her lip and clenching her eyes without giving herself time to hesitate, she made one clean cut. The others gasped as they realized what Rarity had just done. There was just enough tail hair left to cover the dock.
Using her magic Rarity combined her severed tail fur with the serpent's moustache. Rarity's career allowed her to exercise her magic in precise and in rather uniquely flexible ways that tended to be uncommon with unicorns, one such way was the mending she used to combine her tail with crown's moustache.
Steven let out a squeal of joy when his reflection of the water showed off his moustache mended. "How wonderful."
"You look smashing." Rarity complimented as she admired her handiwork.
"Oh, Rarity, your beautiful tail..." Twilight softly remark in awe of her fellow Unicorn's sacrifice in the form of her tail. Of everything Twilight had witnessed of the mare she seemed practically obsessed with cleanliness, being proper, and faction. The fact she was willing to sacrifice her tail like that was one of the most generous things Twilight had ever seen.
"Oh its fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back." Despite the brave face the unicorn was putting, it was obvious it took a lot from her to do something like that.
"To give up your own fabulous tail to fix my moustache, I am in your debt my fair lady!
If there's any way I can possibly repay you for this…"
"Tut tut tut! No need to repay me, darling. I simply saw a fellow lover of fashion in distress and I had to help."
"I insist on reward you for your kind act Miss Rarity! Perhaps I could… say…" Steven looked over at the opposite side of the river. "…Help you cross the river?"
"Would you do that?" Rarity asked. Steven nodded, stretching out his serpentine body to make a clear bridge from one side of the river to the other.
"It would be my pleasure!" He said, bowing his head to Rarity. "Come, the other shore beckons you!"
"You are too kind," Rarity said, stepping onto Steven's back and walking across it. Rainbow Dash would have threaded along with Steven's glare at her made her rethink this so she chose to fly over the river instead, Pinkie Pie followed next bouncing along the length of the serpent's body with Naruto and Twilight brought up the rear.
"Again, thank you ever so much for your help, and I apologize for my horrid behavior earlier," Steven said to Rarity when everyone crossed the river.
"Think nothing of it Monsieur Steven had fate inflicted such circumstances upon me I would have reacted in the same matter."
Before any other pleasantries could be exchanged a loud battle cry of a force echoed throughout the skies. Everyone looked up to see a flock of winged bipedal creatures up above. As the creatures drew closer the shapes revealed to be none other than Griffins. Like all others who pledged themselves to Nightmare Moon the fur of her followers were darkened by her influence giving them appearance as if they were creatures made from the night itself.
"Oh those horrid beasts are back!" Steven cried for a moment, clasping his face.
"This I will not stand for." Rarity bellowed as her eyes lit a blaze with determination and anger. "I will not forgive those ruffians and show them what happens when they attack innocent bystanders going on about their life." She turned to the others as she finished this declaration. "Go on without me. I'm needed here."
"Rare you're crazy if you think I'm leaving you behind." Naruto argued as he broke away from the group. "If you're staying behind I am as well."
"Twilight needs you more than I do. Finding the Elements of Harmony take top priority and Nightmare Moons forces are doing everything they can to stop us. We cannot let them win, besides I am no longer the ill-equipped mare I once was. I have a great teacher to think for that." She finished as she turned away from the blond who was struggling between what he had to do and what he wanted to do. "I can be strong now, I just need the chance."
"Be safe and be careful." Naruto said as Pinkie Pie suddenly bounced by him and slung an arm over Rarity's shoulder.
"Don't worry Narry I'll keep her safe." Pinkie Pie assured him with a bright and happy smile. "Its up to you guys to go find the Elements so we can stop Miss Mean Snooty Booty kay." Pinkie said as she waved them off.
"You two better come back safe," Rainbow Dash told them, whether or not they were close didn't matter. They were her fellow Ponyville citizens and neighbors after all.
Rarity's show of bravery invoked a reaction from the serpent. He could not simply just flee and allow his new friend to risk her neck fighting these creatures alone.
"Madame, I would consider if an honor if you allow me to fight by your side," Steven said, bowing his head. "But… that said, I must ask for a small favor."
"Of course. What is it?" Rarity asked. Steven's eyes narrowed.
"That butch looking Griffin up ahead watching us as they plan their charge she is the one that committed the atrocious act of maiming my moustache. She's mine." He pointed out.
"Crystal clear Monsieur Steven," she replied, her voice as hard as stone.
The remaining members of the group continued their trek as the fog began to thicken. They could see the faint makings of ruins in the distant.
"I see some ruins. The Elements of Harmony must be there. We made it." Twilight proclaimed with a rush of excitement.
"Twilight, wait!" Naruto cried out as the Unicorn rushed ahead.
"We're almost there." Twilight called back to them when the ground suddenly gave away beneath her. Naruto threw his arms around Twilight and pulled her back, the two of them dropping back just before the Unicorn would have met her untimely end.
"What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" Rainbow Dash dryly remarked as a grin broke out on her face. "If you two are done cuddling we need to find a way across."
Naruto and Twilight's eyes met briefly before they looked down realizing that Naruto was holding Twilight quiet close resulting in the latter quickly breaking away from the blond as a blush colored her cheeks. While Twilight couldn't say she was never held by a male before, this was the first time it was done by A. not a member of her family and B. that it didn't feel uncomfortable.
"Dash focus, think you can fly to the other side and maybe see if there is some rope or anything to fix this bridge?" Naruto asked her as the Pegasus did a salute. With a flap of her wings Rainbow went higher up into the air and softly floated to the other side.
"Whoa…freaky." Rainbow commented as the fog seemed to grow thicker.
"Rainbow..." a faint voice called out from the mist.
"Whose out there? Show yourself now!" Rainbow Dash hollored out into the mist.
"Aah yes, the spirit you're famed for. Spunk like that is what we need Rainbow Dash. After all we've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria." This time the voice was louder not to mention the tone was definitely feminine.
"Who?" Rainbow Dash asked as she continued peering out.
"Why, you, of course." The voice responded, continuing to massage Rainbow Dash's ego.
"Really?!" asked, genuinely surprise someone thought this before quickly switching into her usual bravado. "I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever." Rainbow continued on the tanget as her fan like devotion to the Wonderbolts was currently distracting her from her mission.
"No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts." Suddenly, the mist clears to reveal three ponies that look like darker versions of the Wonderbolts down to the Hair styles and body proportions and even the signature Wonderbolts flight suits with the only difference being they were dark purple and black in color. The lead mare a dark doppelganger of Spitfire with jet black hair began speaking. "Our generous benefactor would love to ensure you gain all the praise and publicity someone of your talent deserves Rainbow Dash. Join us, become our most magnificent-"
"Bravest flyer in all the land."
"Yes, it's all true." Rainbow Dash 's ego continued to eat up the compliments as a chuckle escapes her lips.
"We need... you." The leader among them continued to boost her ego.
"WOOHOO! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal." said Rainbow Dash as she went to finish the job.
"No!" shouted the Shadowbolts. "It's them or us."
"What's taking her so long?" Twilight asked as she continued to pace back and forth. She was growing nervous and wondered if the Pegasus had ran into trouble. That was when the mist cleared slightly to see Rainbow Dash talking with the Shadowbolts. "Oh no. Rainbow! Don't listen to them." The mist then intensifies.
Naruto placed a comforting hand on Twilight's shoulder. "Rainbow is loyalty ponyfied. She won't abandon us."
"Well?" The Shadowbolt continued to pressure the Pegasi.
"I appreciate the offer and all, but I had to make the choice of leaving my childhood friend behind to continue this quest. I could never forgive myself if I turned my back on her and made that sacrifice meaningless. So I'm going to have to say no." The Shadowbolts then disappeared. Indeed finding additional rope Rainbow fixed the path allowing Naruto and Rainbow to walk over the gorge as they approached the ruins.
"I told her the illusion was worthless." Up above, slowly descending down was a pony that looked like the Shadowbolt Rainbow Dash encountered earlier. While this pony indeed shared feature similar to Spitfire this one could pass off as more of a sister with her distinct features than a Carbon Copy. "Defeating trash like you won't take long."
"Trash!" Rainbow Dash bellowed indignantly as her wings flared up in an aggressive display. "And who are you supposed to be you Spitfire ripoff!"
That appeared to be the wrong thing to say as the other mare let loose a hissed as she pulled out a dagger from the sheath affixed to her side. "I was going to rough you up a bit, but now I'm going to enjoy breaking you."
"Twilight, Naruto, I got this. You two go on ahead." Rainbow Dash suggested as she affixed her eyes on the weapon.
The two of them nodded, realizing that it was pointless to argue with the Pegasus. The two of them continued into the ruins hoping they would find the only objects capable of bringing this Nightmare to an end.